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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Patrick Your imagination do you justice mate.but don't forget the LED displays monitors on the wall. And the large box of red sidchrome spanners. Havagooday mate Greg
  2. G'day Dave Just a quick question? What is the name of the product that you use to make the molds? Again great work on your carvings! Greg
  3. It's amazing how simple tbis is and what an incredible result. This will go in my memory vault. havagooday Greg
  4. As ive said before Denis, your admiral is worth her weight in gold. We in sunny Australia don't have your problem, so we don't know how much if a pain in the backside it is. Keep on trying mate. havagooday if you can Greg
  5. Thanks Danny for your polite and informative answer. It helps a lot mate. Havagooday Greg
  6. G'day Danny I've got a question, maybe to you it's a dumb one. You mentioned that the mask step isn't bolted to the keel, but wedges are use to move the mast fore and aft. Is it only on the main mask or all of them? Also is this practice used on all English ships, no matter what type etc? As I've said before, your pictorial log teachers us, or me a hell of a lot! Your workmanship is outstanding. Havagooday mate and happyozzieday Greg
  7. G'day Mark I was told by a friend of mine years ago, when he was building his ultralight aircraft. "90% of the job took 10% of the time, while 10% of the build took 90% of the time. Well if you are like me,10% of time was used to build the model, while 90% of the time is being spent on the rebuild! I'm looking very seriously, in at the idea of buying a small laser cutter my self. So there might be more rebuild on the way if I get one. Havagooday mate and stay safe in the weather. Greg
  8. G'day Denis Looking very interesting. To answer John's question: why don't you put lots and lots of candy on the outside with a big oven inside. You then can call the boat "the Hancel and Cretel". Just an idea mate Havagooday Greg
  9. G'day Dave There's one thing that I can say "very impressive"! Love your attention to details. On a different matter, how's the sawdust piling up. Can we call you SawdustDave again? Lol If you are like me, even with a dust extractor, the sawdust can still pile up. My admiral always telling me that I'm a messy bugger! Well Havagooday Greg
  10. Happy belated birthday Keith and happy Australia Day. Hope that you are having a great time in Malaysia! Havagooday Greg,
  11. G'day Toni I'm feel sick looking at your marvelous skills! Not only you are great at the wood side, you are great at the metal side. Havagooday Greg
  12. G'day Patrick George "hit the nail on the head" when he mentioned about the scale of the model compare to your hand! I thought the same thing and the previous photos are more amazzzzzzzzing when you think how small it really is. Btw, did I see a shower head in one of the bathrooms, it was too out of focus to see exactly. Again my mate, WELL DONE. Havagoodweekend Greg
  13. G'day Keith Great job on t he transom! If you ask me it was 10 days well spent. Are you going to Thailand again? Anyhow Havagoodone Greg
  14. MASTER CRAFTMAN. That's says ot all Marsalv. Havagooday Greg
  15. George took the word or my thoughts from my mouth and brain. Take your pick! Well Danny, amazing work AGAIN mate. Happymodelling Greg
  16. Ditto from me also. Its looks superb before but now it's marvellous. Congratulations on completion of this milestone. Havagooday Greg
  17. G'day Dave She's going on "great guns mate! " There's always things that can be done and it normally doesn't matter which order that you do it. It's up to you and a toss of a coin, I guess. Havagooday Greg
  18. Not beautiful but they are partially correct. It's bloody beautiful and I love the horses. Havagooday Greg
  19. G'day Denis I think that you are on the right track about the stain glass windows. Regarding flat or peak! Flat would be easier, but peak would look better and it will help to hide the flickering lights. Besides when do you ever take the easy path? NEVER! Havagooday mate and I'm so sorry to hear about Augie's passing. Your post in SHORE LEAVE about him it the spot. Greg
  20. G'day Dan Thank you for giving us this great log and for showing us this wonderful model. The person who will get this model is such a lucky son of a b###h. Well done and please don't forget to post your link on this log for your next masterpiece. Havagooday Greg
  21. G'day Robert Amazzzzzzzzing stunning work. My word vocalisations isn't good enough to truly express my my amazement. Just courrious, what amount of hour that was envolved in the main mask Platform? Hope that you are keeping a record of times, it would be very interesting. Havagooday and keep posting PLEASE. Greg
  22. G'day Patrick A bloody marverous job! Looks a lot better and I love the doors. There must have been doors there or how else could you go in to see the beautiful floor! Havagooday Greg
  23. G'day Keith Great job to say the least! I'm glad that you have decided to make the columns, it will look much better. I'm sorry mate if I was a pain in the rectum with all of my messages lol.
  24. G'day Danny You aren't slack mate, I am! It's been a quite a time since I've looked at your post and I'm so sorry about that. Well mate, like you usual standards in construction and your great log-a-lesson, I'm not disappointed when I have looked over your updates. She's a beauty and your eye for details are there to teach us the "mortals". Havagooday Greg
  25. G'day Ulisus My congratulations are there also with all the others A great milestone which I'm sure, you are pleased that is behind you now. Can't wait to see the photos. Havagooday Greg
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