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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Keith WELCOME BACK I think it is far for me to say, on the behalf of MSW, that we all miss you. Your approach to the transom is simply brilliant, but it looks so bloody hard to do. Well done my mate. Keep up your log now that you have started it again. Havagooday mate Greg
  2. G'day Steve Just wondering where can I get those cutters? They seem great Havagooday Greg
  3. G'day Dave You havta change your name from SawdustDave to CleanupDave until you make more mess!! Havagooday Greg
  4. G'day Vince There's something wrong in the last photo on 30th December and the other phots above. I can't put my finger to it.......... now I know it's your desk! It's too clean! It's nothing like mine
  5. G'day Dave Thank you for letting us know about the diet of a cocktail! I'll be giving my birds carrots from now on. Havagooday Greg Ps sorry Dave, was typing the message onmy phone and I couldn't see properly. Greg
  6. Amen to that Toni. There should be a incredible button or similar! That would be used all the tim in this log. Greg
  7. G'day Dave I'm so sorry to hear about your lovely cocktail's passing. They are a great little bird as I've got two of them myself. Each of them has their own personality and they are just like little children! If they are quite, you know they are being naughty. All the best Greg
  8. Amazzzzzzzzing Patrick! 1mm wide that is what I call a blind man maker, take it easy mate. Goodonyamate Greg
  9. G'day Patrick You are being so polite. We all lnow our admiral ARE THE BOSS and we have to listen to her. Your build is going along great guns! What did you used for the timber floor? It looks so great and so so so tiny. Did you plank straw together? Havagoodone mate Greg
  10. G'day Remco If you look back in your log, just as I have just done, one year is bloody fast if you ask me, to make that piece of art. I have said it before, you're a true master, and I for one is so proud to be a witness to this. Havagooday Greg
  11. G'day Patrick Did you say that you want a challenge? It would be easier to climb the south side of Mt Everest than to attempt your build! I know that you are up to it mate, but please keep the photos coming. Havagooday Greg
  12. G'day Patrick As we say in Oz......bloody marvelous. The supet structure is a piece of art and the way you worked out how to show each floor is just brilliant my friend. Now, I'm putting on my daddy's hat. Don't forget to sand outside or use a mask! Havagoodnuyear Greg
  13. G'day Denis I had a similar problem a few years back, i lied, 20 years ago. Well you can doo all the work in photoshop and print it on a good quality architecture tracing paper. Then sandwich the tracing paper in a document heat protector. You might have to pass it through a few times. But you should get a very clear ridget window glass. Havahappynuyear from down under Greg
  14. G'day Mark and Janet Happy new year and don't worry about the black marks between the planks: they just like corking! Leave it that way. Is your DEATH STAR working better now, I'm very curious! Again havahappynuyear from down under. Greg
  15. G'day Dimitris I'll be there front and centre watching this log with eagerness. Havagooday mate Greg
  16. Bob, my thoughts exactly. It's looks good enough to purr when the starter button is pressed! Havagooday Ben and merry Christmas to you and your family Greg
  17. Can't agree more! But I'll give you pressure, looking forward to see what you'll do next mate. Havagooday to rest after Christmas yesterday, and then onto your build again.. Cheers Greg
  18. As George said, a blessing in disguise! I've found that our Lord Jesus works in funny ways, maybe if you drove that distance, you may never arrived. Havagooday Dave and hope that your admiral is ok now! All the best for the seasons Greg
  19. Alexandria I'm going to change your name to NEIL ARMSTRONG. ..one small step for man, one huge step for modellers! Again brilliant work my friend. Love the display case! Merry Christmas to you, your family and all our family on MSW. Greg
  20. You're going great guns Patrick! Can't wait for the real deal. On an another matter, my admiral and I wish you and your family and all of your loyal readers a very merry Christmas and a wonderful 2016. Havagooday mate. Greg
  21. George has beaten me to the punch line Vince. Great job. My admiral and I wish you and your family all the best for Chrissy and a wonderful 2016. Havagoodone mate Greg
  22. I'm intrigued as well.A good soldier knows when to surrender or to fight! Greg
  23. I sort of agree with Michael, but it doesn't look great: it looks outstanding! Great idea about the windows mate. I'll be putting that into my memory vault for my next build. Havagooday mate Greg
  24. G'day Patrick Thinking in 2D and working in 3D is very difficult. Your rough mock up will be a great assistance to you. Keep posting mate. Havagooday Greg
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