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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Denis I did and is amazing detail in the fur and I love that dog. Sorry for not getting back to you, my father is in hospital and our time is limited. Hope you understand. Greg
  2. G'day Denis When I was on the Endeavour replica, I measured the belay pins and they were 24 inches-600mm. That correspond to 6.5mm at 1:72 scale. I hope this helps. I know it's different ships and not exactly the same time. Havagooday anyway Greg
  3. Ditto Great job on a very difficult stage. Your time and effort are paying off. Goodonyamate Greg
  4. Hi all In actual fact, I buy house water based sample pots from my hardware store. They can match any colour and a 500mL tub cost $6-$7 Australian. I water them down and do coats after coats and when it's ok, I used matt varnish. This works for me! Greg
  5. Make sense to me! Again great idea. Thank you for answering my dumb question. Greg
  6. Patrick took the words from my mouth. He's a one in the million! Goodonyamate Greg
  7. Lextin That's a very good idea. How do you put the paint in the tin? Spray it in would caused a lot of mess I would imagine. Havagooday Greg
  8. Denis That's bloody marvelous! Great idea about the flour and pva. That one has gone in my memory bank for future use. Havagooday mate Greg
  9. You are right about how much time to make the deck guns. You have 34 to make. I'm assuming that you are doing a 'Henry Ford' to make them.... (a production line LOL), it would be quicker! Greg
  10. G'day Dan I've started to read your log and I've found it very very interesting. Great progress, can't wait for you to add more detailed entries. Goodonyamate Greg
  11. My research of the SOS tells me the the cannon's were plain bronze with dark dark oak stain on the trucks. Hope this helps Greg
  12. G'day Toni What you're doing is very logical to me (anyway, I'm no where advance at you and a lot of other members). Keep on keeping on mate. Greg
  13. Absolutely incredible work! Thank you so much for sharing. Greg
  14. You are sooooooo right! Be there, done that on numerous occasions. I've told myself "this is the last time." It's a bummer when I don't listen to myself. Greg
  15. G'day Denis I pressed like only because I feel for you. It's a bummer when you have to do that, but at least it's done and fixed now. Well done mate. Havagooday Greg
  16. G'day Dave Like everyone else my wife and I are pleased you are out of the hospital. Listen to the doctors and TAKE THEIR THEIR ADVICE. Take care And Havagooday Greg
  17. G'day Alexandru Again amazing details in your ship. I sound like a repeater​ with my post to you, but I can't think of anything else to say. Just wondering, "is ebony hard to work with?" I believe that, it's a very brittle wood. Havagooday mate Greg
  18. G'day Dave Good luck on your op, hope you're right handed. It's a bummer if you are a lefty! All the best mate Haveasafeopmate Greg
  19. G'day Izzy Good point, I've been thinking about that as well. You said you're loaf short at a picnic, after your very good point, I have to change it to a sandwich short at a picnic! LOL
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