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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. Moxis You can find all the instructions here:- http://www.machinistblog.com/bogstandards-paddleduck-engine-plans/
  2. Moxis - I dont think you need to be as good as 1/100 mm. Half that is fine 1/1000 inch in my way of working. Bores can be finished with a reamer which easily gives this accuracy. Here is one I did earlier:-
  3. The table has an accurately aligned table and fence but the front fence locking thumb wheel must always be tightened first and without any side pressure on the fence
  4. Moxis. The difficulty really depends on the type of machinery you have available and what experience you have of using it. Do you have access to a metal working lathe and milling machine and the tooling that goes with them? Rather than go straight to the expense and complexity of a kit compound engine I would suggest you try something simpler like a wobbler first to build up your skills. You can find designs on the web. Alternatively you can try something a bit more complex like a "paddle duck". Good designs and build instructions are also available on the internet.
  5. Thanks Grant, your improvements make a lot of sense. I find I get a lot of use out of mine, I even used it for machining out the tennons on some table legs a couple of weeks ago.
  6. And so back to rigging. I had to give a bit of thought to the sequence of rigging the stays. I wanted to make sure that I didn't lock in any unwanted distortions due to rigging tension before all stays were in place. I started by rigging the boom stay. This had a few elements to it which gave interest. Having braced the boom I then used fishing line thread to put temporary stays in place to brace the fore and main masts. I then checked the that the masts were parallel using the previously made gauge stick. I taped this in place while I rigged the triatic and spring stay. The triatic fixing to the fore mast is to my mind a bit odd as it passes through a block before attaching a few inches lower. I don't really see what this achieves other than to obstruct the lower attachment points. I suspect someone will know why its designed like this???? The bracing shroud in front of the main mast was installed next. This passes through the front of the "A" frame which supports the radar and terminates at a turnbuckle at the base of the mast. Finally a close of the strops for the lower main mast back stays. About 1.250 inches long. The shackles are about 1/8" high Despite my block production of the previous day I hadn't made up the smallest blocks, and of course today this was the only size I needed - for the triatic block.
  7. Seren, It looks like an interesting and challenging model. Welcome aboard and good luck with the build.
  8. Al, another option is to try the following:- The fence has a slight taper from middle to back to allow the cut plank to move slightly away from the saw. When using slitting blades on some woods I find this isn't enough so I increase it by attaching a thin 6" rule to the fence with double sided tape. The end of the rule nearest the blade overlaps the front edge of the blade by about 1/2"
  9. JD sorry my mistake - reference should have been to Page 21 - 6th August. Page 11 is an earlier version which was a bit over complicated, particularly for the smaller blocks. Richard - thank you - I have thought about an alternative method which I might try at some time. Per - thanks for the feedback
  10. Today I started a production run on blocks. Large size doubles and medium size doubles and singles. The method was much the same as explained on page 19 so I won't go through that again. I will however explain a few of my learning points, techniques and tools. I found it important when laminating up the sandwich to apply plenty of PVA glue. It was very easy to get areas which were not bonded and some blocks fell apart when they were cut down to finished size. Having crated the sandwich the "block strips" were sliced off using the table saw and a .031" slitting saw blade 3" diameter 108 teeth. The length of the strips was just long enough to be able to drill along the length (from both ends) using my longest .062" twist drill. The hole was first bored using a .040 micro drill before being extended and opened out with the twist drill. This method helped the hole run true. All the drilling for each size of pulley was done on one setting (drilling head relative to vice). Rare earth magnets were used to create a positive end stop for locating the block strips. Drilling from both ends worked better than I had expected with the alignment being good as witnessed by the rod passed through the hole. I did however get 2 that drifted unacceptably off from the centre. 2nd and 3rd from the right. Holes for the block eyes were drilled while the blocks were still in the strip. A .031" micro drill was used. These are great for accuracy and cleanness of cut but very fragile. One was attracted by the rare earth magnet which applied enough force to break it. For double blocks I needed to drill through the web of the block. The occasional mis location here caused the drill to break out from the web and inevitably this caused it to break. 3 broke in total. Shaping of the blocks into ovals then followed. I had previously made a concave sanding block which is good for repeatably shaping the blocks. I compromised on the sheaves. Making the shaft small and installing sheaves proved very fiddly even on the largest blocks. I decided to make the shaft larger and dispense with the sheaves, when the rope is in you can't see them anyway. The blocks were then parted from the strips using the bench saw and .031" slitting saw blade. Supporting the back of the strip with a sacrificial piece of wood was essential to stop splintering of the blocks. The sharp edges on the cut blocks were softened by hand sanding with 120 grit paper followed by 400 grit wet and dry. I found that putting the brass shaft through the block eased handling during the sanding operation. The shaft was glued in with CA and then the shaft was parted off using a piercing saw and cleaned up with the wet and dry. The 3 blocks types are in the following picture. Large double, medium double and single. Large is .280" high and medium is .240" high. It took 6 hours to make the following:-
  11. I seem to be in one of those phases where lots of stuff is getting in the way of ship building. I did however find a bit of time today to rig the shrouds on the main mast. The piece of dowel between the masts is spacer holding the masts parallel while I do the rigging. The next job is the running back stays bur for these I need blocks. I previously made the "stock" for the smallest blocks. To proceed furthrer I needed to progress to medium and large blocks. Accurate slitting on the saw took a while.
  12. Nils, in the past I always used a hand held jig saw but I recently bought a scroll saw. I'm sort of hoping it makes cutting out frames easier.
  13. Hello Kees, it will be good to see how this one turns out. Hope you are keeping well and the job hunting is on track.
  14. Mitbok, it would be interesting to know how you made the turnbuckle?
  15. Hi Nils. Interesting model and a good start. Some of the frames are quite thinly cut, what did you use to cut them?
  16. Mark - nice to see the shipyard open and in full swing. She is looking good.
  17. A little progress (yesterday and today) with the rigging. Altair standing rigging makes use of a lot of steel cable terminated with fittings. Fortunately no need (or desire) for many hours serving lines. But first I had to mount the radar / horns "A" frame on the main mast. I glued it in place and then did the bindings to reflect the detail on the real thing. The "A" frame, radar and horns were made some time ago and reported in an earlier post. And then on to the standing rigging for the fore mast - the shrouds are in place but I have now run out of braided beading wire - ebay to the rescue.
  18. Bedford Its always good to get a friendly reminder, no need to be sorry. Derek Thank you for your comment.
  19. Kevin - you can see more detail of my type 22 here - you may have to join to see it. http://modelwarshipsuk.informe.com/forum/post41038.html?hilit=hms cornwall#p41038 Modelwarshipuk is a pretty good site for Royal Navy warships.
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