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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. The watch out is that if you are turning small parts you will find the jaws get in the way of the tool post. Extending the workpiece out beyond the jaws will make it too flexible (if the workpiece stock diameter is small). It will also be more dangerous particularly if you want to get a file in to take the edges off. If you are getting a 4 jaw chuck you will need to consider buying a dial indicator and a holder to facilitate centring of the bar stock.
  2. Eric - the connecting arms do look quite dark (probably black) but they also seem to be round. The slot where they come out of the deck structure has semi circles top and bottom which I think reflects the shape of the connecting arm. Not that this maters a lot because the model looks fine. She will be joining your fleet shortly. Your hurricane generally arrives here as a storm about 4 of 5 days after it departs American shores. Fun to come!
  3. John - have you thought of contacting "The Repair Shop". Restoration for your Mother's 75th Birthday is the sort of project they seem to specialise in. They don't charge for their work as presumably they make a mint out of the TV programme. Welcome to MSW.
  4. Sat in my wooly jumper, being nagged by wife and daughter to put the heating on - 17c in the workshop. Plenty of room to hide here.
  5. Thank you. I don't visit my Germania build very often so thanks for reminding me.
  6. John - sorry should have been clearer. I was wondering whether you were moddeling only the lower mast or whether you intended reproducing the full rig with topmast and topgallant mast?
  7. I am happy to report that after several unusually hot summers British weather has returned to its predictable best. It has rained every day for the past few days and this is due to continue until Thursday. It is also quite cool and my wife is threatening to switch the heating on. Global warming is having a year off. I think I need a trip to Missouri! Peerless is looking good - nice progress.
  8. A lovely looking little ship and thank you for the tip re the aluminium foil.
  9. Keith - As they say "there is many a good tune played on an old fiddle" your rigging skills are exemplary.
  10. Nils - As others have said the boats look really good - the rope looks excellent.
  11. Ras - I actually think it looks good with all that nice shiny brass. Your 2 steamers look very authentic.
  12. Ras - for jobs like this I like to create a dowel joint by turning a spigot on the arm and a hole in the attachment piece. This makes soldering much easier and the joint is stronger. Your first shot of the bow with the winch and boiler looks great. I guess you are not planning to lag the pipework?
  13. That is looking good. You seem to be making quite good progress despite distractions. I assume you are going for the cut down rig rather than reproduction of the full rig? Now that would be a challenge!
  14. I am an uneducated drinker - I will drink any brand if it's free. If I have to buy it I tend to buy Bombay Sapphire Gin.
  15. Gin, I am afraid Andy. I started drinking Gin in my sailing days. We had a rule (oft broken) that the first gin of the day couldn't be had before 11am. The rule was formulated without being specific about time zone. I remember quite clearly the day someone suggested that it was always after 11am somewhere in the world. We never looked back after that. Steve, one of the crew (now dearly departed) even started using gin on his tooth brush instead of boat water. Steve, Pat, Druxey, Glen, Rick - thank you all for your comments and thanks to everyone for the likes.
  16. Not a great deal of progress over the last week. I found some rot in a couple of external window frames and so amused myself by cutting it out and replacing it with seasoned oak. Hopefully the repair will see me out. As I get nearer the keel the light at the end of the tunnel is coming into view. Just a pin prick at the moment but hopefully over the course of the next week it will start to dazzle. I seemed to develop a bit of unwanted dip (on both sides) at the position noted by the white arrow. It wasn't very significant and I did consider leaving it to be sorted out on the garboard plank. In the end I chickened out and sorted it before progressing. As per a previous post I aligned a plank along a run that looked about right with a short plank section acting as a spacer. I then cut wedges to fill in the triangles. Obviously 4 required - 2 per side. This corrected the dip and set me up with a fairly simple job of planking toward the keel with minimal tapering. I then moved on to sorting out the mahogany block int he area of the skeg. The rough carving was done with a 3/8" chisel. I needed some round sanding sticks to sort out the concave areas. I improvised these by sticking some small Dremel type sanding drums on to a piece of dowel and a pencil. In the next Photo I am progressing with the shaping. The planks at the bow are also starting to encroach on the bottom of the keel. I am not expecting any significant issues with planking in this area (famous last words). The next shot show the skeg slot fairing into the prop tube. Still a lot of fine shaping required in this area. I then started to build up the planking above the prop tube. The garboard plank is becoming a tangible objective. But first more work around the prop tube. The mild steel plug in the prop tube is a temporary sanding guide. Once again that's all for the moment folks.
  17. Enjoy you holidays, I look forward to more eye candy when you return.
  18. She is quite lovely isn't she. I think I like the exterior version with all the arrows, much more interesting with all those extra bits.
  19. Brian - you seem to have stopped. Has your light sabre blown a gasket?
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