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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. The sips wheel is very interesting - does anyone know what the secondary small wheel did? The small chain hanging from the sprocket on its shaft doesn't seem connected? Possibly the two wheels separately control the rudders pre and post the paddle wheel????
  2. Very clever ratting process Keith - thank you for taking the time to share.
  3. I wear the old, grey, wrinkled and weather beaten look. And that is on a good day!
  4. They worked out pretty well Eric - very precise reproductions.
  5. Not sure about the Cumbrian Ale. Is it brewed near Windscale. Perhaps it glows in the dark. I know a thing or two about Brewing and Reprocessing!😬 There are a lot of Keith's and Black's on this thread. A convention would be very confusing.😕 /
  6. Maybe! I am still looking for the shackle. There is a shackle on deck near the bob stay attachment bracket but it is the wrong shape. I think it is off the anchor.
  7. Thank you very much Rick. I would have made it round but from the photos is looks to have a sharp edge front and rear and is longer than it is wide. I think in a previous post it was suggested that the half pipe in front of it is some sort of baffle. Yes I agree, if you look at some of the previous photos you provided you can see the bobstay attachment bracket laying on the deck in the area of the foot of the bowsprit.
  8. Nice to see the boiler room staff getting a little deck time. All very precise. Excellent work.
  9. The hull planking is actually pretty good for a first attempt.
  10. Exactly so Louie. Two nations united by a common language.
  11. Mollusc - I guess you are going to paint the hull. If this is the case just fill the area with wood filler and sand back to the required shape.
  12. Those aren't buscuits Chris as previously stated they are scones (sometimes pronounced scons) . Two nations devided by a common language!
  13. Hi from a fellow Yorkshireman - currently living in exile in West Sussex. You will find a lot of friendly help here. Some may even help solve irreverible errors.
  14. Those ratlines are truly magnificent Keith. The shot with them mounted shows how perfect they are. Clearly your skills are in no way diminished. Keep up the good work.
  15. All very interesting and complex. I am glad I build floating boats!
  16. Hello Hakan. Just catching up with your beautifully precise work. I see you haven't posted for a while, I hope this is due to summer fun getting in the way.
  17. A wheely good start on that paddle Eric. It does seem like quite a tedious job.
  18. Nice to hear from you Michael, I was beginning to wonder what had befallen you. I hope you are keeping well? Thank you Rick, John and Valeriy for your kind comments. Also thanks to everyone for all the other likes.
  19. Steve, Glen, Tom - thank you for your feedback. More plankers progress:- Not a lot to tell this time. In the majority this update is pictorial. Finishing off the last update - here is the clamping arrangement for glueing on the stern piece. Aren't those elastic bands a great invention. The stern piece makes terminating the planks much easier as they just tuck up under it. And so planking continued. With morę planks installed it is clearer how the stern piece aids the neat termination of the planks. And so ever onwards:- Being now quite close to the keel I started checking the side to side symmetry of the plank runs with a set of callipers. The maximum error across the entire length of the hull was a maximum of 1/3 of a plank which was quite pleasing. This I adjusted out over the next 2 plank runs by inserting slightly narrower planks on one side. The callipers are defying gravity in the next photo. Onward again. I was now getting close to the area of the prop shaft so I had to start thinking about filling in that area. I did some shaping of a thicker plank by machining a curve where the plank meets the prop shaft. I glued this in place and accepted that some heavy duty sanding would be needed in this area to smooth the external surfaces of the planks. That's all folk's. Thankfully the end of the plankers progress is in sight.
  20. Mark - may be a short update but she is very sweet.
  21. Yes I was hoping you had plenty of time to complete your various projects, pass on your knowledge and generally enjoy life. Great progress she is coming along well, how is meteor doing?
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