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Everything posted by KeithAug

  1. It looks like a wonderful Trip Mark. Not sure why you are worried about southerlies and south easterlies - they were the best winds in the Outer Hebrides.🙂
  2. I am very anti 3d printing, basically because I'm too lazy to learn how to use it. If I can get over this hurdle I am going to become its number 1 advocate.🙂
  3. I always think that a good bathroom is well with the effort. Are you planning on having a crew to use it?
  4. I'm sorry the i missed this log until now. Great technical approach to the planking and fine result. Well done.
  5. I agree - I draw X and Y scales on the item to be printed. I then scan and print the sheet, measure the result and correct the print scale accordingly. Seems to work.
  6. Excellent woodwork Hakan. Your workshop views convince me that I need a bigger space - and perhaps some heating!🙂
  7. Great progress Phil and the stem looks wonderful. I too have abandoned the pencil attached to a sick method, the laser level makes it so much easier. Unlike you I have ditched the pencil altogether. I now lay the masking tape directly to the laser line. I find it works very well.
  8. Well worth the effort Greg - they look amazing. Great progress and attention to detail.
  9. All very beautifully done Gary. Well up to your usual high standard. You need a teleporter. I have one and it works brilliantly on this type of problem.🙂
  10. Yeh! I feel for you - and the whole world seems to be going to hell in a hand cart. Maybe we should just hibernate until 2026.
  11. Snap - and it is still cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in my workshop!🙂. Thank you for the catch up - great work.
  12. Thank you for the feedback Eberhard, Andy, Tom, Rick and Gary. I seem to have a lot of distractions at the moment and I apologise sincerely for neglecting all your wonderful builds. This week is catch up week so be prepared. In so far as Cangarda is concerned it has been slow progress. In real life she has been shipped off to Turkey to be a part of some rich kids museum and occasional private transport / play thing. Good that she has found a new home but what a pity she had to travel so far from home to find it. The combination of other commitments, the lack of heating in the worksop together with post Christmas lethargy have all transpired to make progress rather limited. My biggest mistake has been to attempt painting the hull in deep mid winter. Each coat has been taking an age to dry. I have tried to distract myself by doing some little jobs so what follows is a combination of those plus the never ending paintwork. I decided to drill the holes to take the stabilisers. I started by making out the position with the aid of the laser level. I decided that needed a simple jig to set the angles for the drill so I created the following. It takes its location from a slot that fits over the keel. Then more coats of wipe on poly. This was coat 8. Then came coats 9 and 10. With the workshop at 5 deg C the poly was staying tacky for 3 to 4 days. Coats 11 and 12 then went on. By coat 12 I was starting to write myself messages on the white board. But then I'd find a little blemish and on would go another coat. By coat 14 I decided that I had developed a bad case of Compulsive Painting Disorder. But I then drew a line and resolved to apply no more coats. I left the hull for 5 days and then knocked back the surface with some very fine wire wool. Best regards to you all. I will be catching up with your progress over the next week.
  13. Good to see we are approaching the wood cutting stage. This seems to be quite challenging but I'm sure you will pull it off.
  14. George - Nice progress on Discovery and thank you for the insights into Cunard. Not as good as it once was seems to be the conclusion.
  15. Nice work on all those hull penetrations Phil. It's very nice when the junk box gives up its treasures, somehow it makes all the years of hoarding worthwhile.
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