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Everything posted by vossy

  1. I'm in on this one Dave after your magnificent build of the Grand Banks. Great idea to upgrade to the wooden lifeboat to I reckon. Chris
  2. some more progress. have finally finished and fitted the starboard side louvre shutters to the windows. this whole structure has now been glued into place. have made a start on the second deck balustrades as well as the passenger ladders leading up to the next deck. also have planked the next deck level and made a start on the underside stiffening boards. here this is just dry fitted to try to get the correct alignment. next step, hopefully in the next few days, will be to glue this deck into place, position the access ladders for both the passengers and aft crew ladders. chris
  3. looking really great. they really start to come together once a few of the decks go on and they start to rise up don't they. chris
  4. continuing on with the very tedious louvre shutters for the starboard side windows. they come on the fret as a dual piece that must first be cut in half. once cut the frames measure 40mm x 10mm once cut and edges sanded I glue a tiny backing board to the frame. this board is 5mm x 0.3mm pieces of very thin, 3mm x 0.3mm plank are then glued together in a step like fashion. I use another backing board, slightly smaller than the area of the interior framework to glue these on. it makes them stronger and far easier to sand prior to fitting. hopefully once all is glued, sanded and fitted, I end up with something like this to attach to the windows in the structure. chris
  5. this really coming along nicely vinnie. I have the amati bounty I want to get back to after I move along a bit further with my current riverboat. chris
  6. hello mate, you have some really nice builds there. I am sure you will find this site invaluable. good luck on your Supply, looking forward to watching her grow. Chris
  7. Hoping to get this build and log going again in the next few days to run in conjunction with my build of the Mississippi Riverboat. Stay tuned..... Chris
  8. Congratulations on your finished build Dave. A truly beautiful boat. You did a superb job on her. Ok, what's next! lol Chris
  9. thanks dave. really think I will just leave them as is at this stage. there is still a lot of stuff to put on that area, plus I have a few ideas to busy it up even more than the stock standard model calls for. chris
  10. also made the lower main staircase. still undecided as to whether or not put down carpet stair runners as per the box art. if I do it certainly wont be the red sticker that comes with the kit! Chris
  11. So, after what seems like an eternity, I have got the shutters on the Port side windows. Each shitter contains about 35 individual pieces They tend to show up a bit dodgy in the pics, but in real life I am really happy with them. again at this point this structure is just sitting there as its way easier to glue the shutters on beforehand.. also the next deck is just sitting there as well. Chris
  12. Sorry, don't know about transport in your neck of the woods, but your father really produced a beautiful model there! any chance we can see more pics of Victory and the other one? Chris
  13. looks like an extremely well made kit parts wise. or perhaps you are just doing a really great job of it. chris
  14. really great looking paint work dave after your fix ups. spray paint tends to just sit on top of a surface. it doesn't penetrate unless you physically push it in. its the reason house painters back roll over sprayed area's. I actually liked the light blue in the original kit pics, but now after seeing your royal blue I reckon it works even better. gives the vessel a more regal appearance which it deserves. chris
  15. no, I wanted to use black knobs on the lower working deck and white/ivory knobs on the upper class decks. I am thinking red and white polkadot curtains for the next level windows and doors as well, but first have to make a start on all these louvre shutters for these windows. that will take an age! chris
  16. so, I have completed one side of the interior windows and main doors to the second deck structure. I decided to go with yellow curtains as it is quite dark inside, especially when the next deck goes on as you can see where I have placed it on top to get an idea of how much visibility is inside. again, the whole structure is just dry fitted as I still need to make up and position exterior louvre window shutters on each side of the windows. this should also clean up and square off the window framing nicely. I hope! chris
  17. looks really beautiful. I ummed and arred about painting my riverboat hull I must say. I really like the natural timber color, but decided to paint as most of them were painted I believe, plus I have heaps of natural wood on the decks and as mine is a massive size I think the white hull breaks it up nicely. anyway back to yours, as I said, it looks fantastic. are her deck structures going to be painted, or left natural like the hull? also, for what its worth, with your trial naming decals, I actually like the bottom one the best; yes, even the dice. chris
  18. Holy!!! that boat is worth double my house! lol Can you post a close up of your glue sometime so I can maybe get a similar version down here? chris
  19. hey, really cool. yes I would have definitely don't the keel first as well. so, above and below the current planking strips; does this get planked or covered as well? what sort of glue are you using to attach the wooden planks to the fibreglass hull? really looking super dave! chris
  20. hey pop, all the window/door openings have to be framed then the windows and doors are placed in place. on the kit instructions the openings here are supposed to be doors with handles on each one. on my boat however they are going to be windows with small curtains. here you can see 3 examples of the windows dry fitted for you to get the general idea. the openings here have only been framed in the vertical plane atm. on the outside of each frame there are louvre shutters either side which I am yet to make up. at the front of the structure is the main doorway to the entrance of the structure. once all the windows and doors have been glued into place I will be able to see just how much of the interior of this space is visible once the deck is fitted on top of the structure. if it is too dark and one cant really see inside I will leave it as is. if, however it is still fairly visible, I will put in a false floor (easy to do), and try to create a scene inside the compartment. chris
  21. hey cool, that ready made to fit planking is a bonus (assuming it fits like the stock photo)??? this appears to be an extremely well constructed kit however so I'd imagine you should have no problems. are you going to run the same color scheme as the stock pic? I must say I really like the blue. I will definitely get this kit one day! I reckon it looks fantastic does it have a name plate on the stern area? could you maybe give it one if it doesn't? this is really coming along a treat dave! cheers chris
  22. dave, this is currently my favorite build on here! love the lighting in the main cabin. it really shows up the fantastic detail. are you coming toward the end of the build now? chris
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