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Everything posted by vossy

  1. Hey Steven, sadly I cant see this weekend as being one of those rare occasions when we get to experience those glorious 10 minute good weather periods! Cheers Chris
  2. Hey Carl, thanks. If it ever stops raining and blowing a gale here I will try to get some outdoor pics. Another problem though is she is a big girl to move around. Well over a metre in length atm! Cheers Chris
  3. Quick update on progress. More railings on Port side. Pictures don't really do it justice, as I reckon it looks heaps better irl. But then again, I might be biased, a bad cameraman, or both? Anyway, here are some pics. Any criticism, good or bad, greatly appreciated. Cheers Chris
  4. If you can do that on those figures you can certainly complete even an intermediate kit I reckon. Fantastic work on those. Congratulations. Cheers Chris Oh, can you please tell us your name?
  5. More railings and steps leading into accommodation area. Cheers Chris
  6. Hey Carl, I refer to the railings. Very repetitious and there are a lot of them! I am really wanting to get onto the stacks and busy up the bow section a bit. Cheers Chris
  7. Hey Brian, thanks for your kind words. You are right, the kit is large and although the initial cost may be prohibitive to some, I tend to try and break down and justify the cost by the amount of time a kit takes to build. I have been on this one for just over 12 months now, but that is by no means working on her everyday. I think if you put in a solid 2 or 3 hours everyday you could probably finish this in a few months. It is also a great kit to add on to. The horse bay area for instance was just bland if you followed the kit to the letter of the law. I added pretty much all the detail there. As for scale, I don't really get too fussed with it. This is really a fantasy boat as such and so if something looks ok I go with it. If it looks odd I will rectify it. As you can see, I live in Australia. I got this kit delivered to my door 4 days after I clicked buy on the Cornwall Model Boats site in the UK. It cost me, with postage, about $650 AUD. Exact same kit here in NSW would have cost me $1300 AUD. Go figure? I am in no way affiliated with CMB but I would recommend them to anyone in a heartbeat. I have the Chaperon waiting for me when I finish this lady. After that I would like to tackle the Occre one you are currently doing. Good luck with your build, I will follow along with it like many others. Cheers Chris
  8. More railings Port side. Pretty boring update really! These suckers are tedious to say the least! Cheers Chris
  9. Hey mate, welcome. My advice would be pick something you like and then you can pass on your knowledge to your son. I was also in the Navy (Australian), and realise that this is perhaps a tricky hobby to get into whilst you are still serving. Having said that, I know a few guys who still completed models whilst in service. But it maybe a stretch to undertake a large scale Victory etc. But, pick something you are interested in and then both you and your young lad can learn and enjoy the hobby together. Best of luck. Cheers Chris
  10. So some minor progress, beginning the balustrades and railings Port side pics aren't too flash but steps into rear entry upper accommodation deck view down Port side Thank goodness for high def digi cams! I didn't realise that one of the brass balls was on its side until I took this pic. Lucky it was an easy fix that has now been rectified. Its the second one from the right. Pretty hard (for me at least) to see with the naked eye. Cheers Chris
  11. Hi all, just wanted to report in. Life got in the way for a few weeks here, hence no updates of late. Can report that work has now continued and I look forward to sharing some updates with you all in the next few days. Cheers Chris
  12. To me the number 1 golden rule is: build a subject you are interested in. Doesn't matter the kit level difficulty. If you are inspired, and invested in your particular vessel you will turn out a fine model. You will study her more, learn more techniques to complete unknown processes, and most importantly, she wont be an abandoned project. My first model was Amati Santa Maria. I was, and still remain, a Columbus freak. I had zero idea of building a wooden ship, but I was in never any doubt that once I got that kit I was never going to let my hero down by ditching her mid build. Sure, my version isn't the best build of her going around, however, I did finish her, and along the way picked up many, ok 1000's, of tips that have since helped me produce other more complex models. Had I not chosen a vessel I was so emotionally invested in I doubt I would have completed her, and hence any builds since. So, for me, its 100% about a subject you are passionate about. Who cares if you buy Caldercraft Victory and it takes you 20 years to finish her? If you love her you will. And that should be the aim of anyone who begins this journey. Cheers Chris
  13. Hello Richmond. I am in Victoria but get all my wooden kits from Cornwall Model Boats in England. The last kit I ordered from there was $400 cheaper, with currency conversion than advertised here in Australia from a local site, and it arrived at my door 4 days after I ordered it. Their service is impeccable and I cant recommend them highly enough. I use PayPal with them and have never had a problem. This is their website. https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/ Take a look. I am sure you will find a kit to your liking. Nice to have you aboard. Cheers Chris
  14. this exact modified soldering iron and associated wooden bending form have been around for years. well at least I have been using one for about 15 years. are you associated with the company who make this version? cheers chris
  15. Looks like you have been working on this for a while. Really nice progress. I will follow along. I love these boats! Cheers Chris
  16. Do a Riverboat. Right time frame. I bet you fall in love! Cheers Chris
  17. Happy Birthday Pat. Hope you have a great day.





    1. BANYAN


      Thanks Vossy, appreciate the thoughts - a couple of 'frothies' suitably enjoyed :)





  18. I will soon. want to finish my riverboat first. am thinking maybe I might try a diorama of Kursk alongside. given there's not a great deal of detail on these guys I figure maybe I can add access ramps, tethering ropes etc to a dock. also I like the idea of trying to use fake water. but as I say, riverboat comes first. cheers chris
  19. Really interesting thread and build OC. I have a 1:350 Kursk in my stash that I am keen to make a start on soon. Thank you for the entertainment! cheers chris
  20. you have a far more elaborate and technical build than I have david its more than fine my friend its stunning! cheers chris
  21. your best bet, if you haven't looked there already, might be https://www.facebook.com/navalhsa/ I spent most of my time on the DE's hence my avatar of HMAS Torrens which was home for a few years. cheers chris
  22. seriously, have you guys thought about opening a private chat log for all this banter? having to wade through 10 pages of "hanging from the rafters", "pulling up a pew", etc, and other non related comments to the build is a bit much I reckon. having served on the now gone DE's, I was really looking forward to following this build of one of our countries great vessels. but I fear it has now just passed into a more social chit/chat type log. anyway, more build/pics, less mindless banter I, and many others, say. of course I will probably be shot down in flames by certain admins for posting this, but, its supposed to be a build log, not a review of the days coffee cup get together. cheers chris
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