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Everything posted by amateur

  1. You don't know either, of course, but I still wonder why some drawings place doors in the lookout-post for the helmsman.... Nice pump, by the way! Jan
  2. ON your model one turn will be enough. Jan
  3. NOt an answer but a question in return: Do you have belaying pins in your kit? Jan
  4. But part(s) of them were destroyed
  5. Two or three names? Jan
  6. OK, narrowing down: Tribal class? Jan
  7. I very much doubt whether Doris uses material that has to be ironed on.... I thought she uses self-adhesive materials. Jan
  8. She's a destroyer, but I guess that's not enough for you Jan
  9. Nice model of a nice ship. One question: why do you refer to her as a flyboat? I thought these ships were called yachts.? Jan
  10. Found it on the internet a couple of years ago. Has been my desktop-background ever since. The pic was taken one of the times Batavia was out on the Markermeer to do some sail-trials. Hence the somewhat strange sailsettings (Mains set without the topsails, normal practice was the other way round) Jan
  11. Perhaps you could be somewhat more specific? Is it the (non)metric-problem, the Italian (or lack of english), reading the plans as such, or a kit-specific problem? Jan
  12. No, I did some picture-searching in my luch-break, and Batavia has the braces belayed inside the gallion, on both sides (at least on th epic I use as my screensaver, klick for full screen, it's a really large picture) Jan
  13. Why do these guys never tell you how many part are coming? I thought under European law they had to give full information on total costs over the full package.... Jan
  14. Yes Remco, We know you would go for six-sided bolts on the flanges It looks to me as the difficulty of this scale: what details do you incorporate and wich not: even the smaller details seem to be (or actually are) feasible, but were does to much detail destroy the overall effect..... So far: can't have enough of the detail Jan
  15. Flower-corvette for sure, but why this one should be easy is not clear to me..... Ja
  16. ON the yard, there should be an end of rope with a single block. After 'returning to the shrould, the rrope is belayed on the gallion (or sometimes shown: a block on the bowsprit, and then on the railing of the forecatle. I'll check my pic;s of Batavia. Unfortunatedly, I don't have pics that show where exactly the braces are belayed in the gallion... Jan
  17. OK, I'll change my initial reaction: I don't see hints, even when they are there for everyone to see Still not a clue. A number of helpless caualties, in a cargo ship, but not a torpedo-victim. Rapid sinking of an evacuee-ship? Jan
  18. SS Norlandia, perhaps (although, she had a rather 'normal' war-ending, due to a torpedo..... and not too much casulaties) Jan
  19. Sorry, but you seem to see hints where there are none Jan
  20. Sure looks good. btw: your workbench shows a wide area of interests Jan
  21. I presume it's not: too many related words on the old continent look very much alike this famous four letter word. Jan
  22. which suggest a WWI torpedo victim..... Jan
  23. It looks a bit like "SS Regel Carol I" (apart form the fact that it has two in stead of one funnels....) Should we look around the Donau?? Jan
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