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Everything posted by amateur

  1. I don't know how your ship looks like, but in mine all braces are attached to the stays, and part of the lifts are belayed on the shrouds. No way to get the running rigging before the standing rigging. Jan
  2. Thanks. Jan
  3. I first thought of SS Maheno, but that's not her... Jan
  4. Hi Doreltomin, Since you apear to have a book on the subject ( ) can you enlighten me with respect to the question: what made the French decide for ships with such an extreme tumble-home? Jan
  5. Hi Michiel, Is the full track visible for those not registered on the other forum? Jan
  6. Nope, this is pretty much how it was done 'in real'. (apart from the fact that in reality, the block was stropped in a separate strop, with two eys (one on top, one on the bottom). Too small to reproduce at this scale. Jan
  7. Actually, the Billings kit (although not a very good kit by itself) is making a fairly good model of the Wasa. Hull dimiensions seem to be better than eg. the Corel and Sergal-versions. Jan
  8. It's not british, so French would be an option. btw: what was the reason the French went for these extreme ships? Large tumblehome on many of them, in this case a very low freeboard, combined with a very high superstructure. Jan
  9. I don't know how the Corel is for the Wasa, but for a contemporaneous ship (Prins Willem) they are sometimes completely off.... Quite a few modern (English) rigging solutions, in stead of 17th century rigging. Jan
  10. The whole anchor on one knot..... I don't think that will hold in a rough sea.... Jan
  11. It looks very much like an Cyclops-class coastal defence iron-clad... Jan
  12. i was surprises to. See a ship so deep below thesurface. quite uncommon inour parts of THE world And yes, my pic isoneof Waker <(ex Solo, ex SmitHouston)) jan Ps i dontliketingonanipad.......
  13. Again slightly too early (before confirmation of my answer), the next one. She had three names over her life, all with their own, very distinctive colourscheme Jan
  14. oops: Arabia Jan
  15. When I realised it was an excavation of a sidewheel steamer, it turned out to be relatively easy. Even without a google-pic search Jan
  16. I guess because he's otherwise loosing track of were he has been spraying his top-coat. (resultingin an uneven finish, because of the colour difference between the base coat and the top-coat.) But that's a mere guess, I'm also not a paint person..... Jan
  17. Wreck between the mountains? Noah's ark would be too obvious I think ..... Jan
  18. I'm going to give this one to Werik: Actually it is HrMs Heimdall, one of the steam powered gun boats of the Dutch navy. She looks a bit like an accomaodatioship, as she was refitted as mine-sweeping vessel. (were the gun used to be, a kind of 'shed-like' accomodation was erected.) With gun they looked like this: Jan
  19. Nope, but again, correct class. Jan
  20. Close, very, very close.... She's not an accomodation ship. Jan
  21. Just before I was to turn of my PC. Something completely different. Jan
  22. Giving her build-date and builder is as good as tellin gshe was named SS Namdo Wrecked by a seamine in 1944 Jan
  23. 1910-1920 tramper? Quite a lot to choose fomr, so give us some time Jan
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