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Everything posted by amateur

  1. At least, there is one book less to be bought this year.... http://www.conwaypublishing.com/?p=7177 Jan
  2. Congratulations,( again ) Do you have pics of Montanes? Jan
  3. You're getting predictable btw is that an ill fitting seam, on the quarter gallery? Jan
  4. Did you already made the little clamps to prevent the woolings to slide down the bowspeit? Jan
  5. Most of the lines for the spritsail were guided towards the more reacheable parts of the ship. Most of the times there was a line fromthe top to the forestay, as a kind of railing. Btw furling the mainsail high above the deckwasn't funeither, I guess... Jan
  6. No, he does not laminat ethe frames. He glues two pieces of wood together to fabricate a double frame. Jan
  7. Sorry, I meant that he uses not one single piece of wood for the larger frames, but three smaller strips, so that the direction of the grain is parallel to the futtocks. Jan
  8. second thought: is that perhaps the reason that Reed uses compound blanks for hislarger frames? (he claims that it is for minimizing on the amount of wood needed, but.....) Jan
  9. That I don't know. I only know the theory as shown by Reed, never tried it myself. Jan
  10. McNarry is stacking thin slices of boxwood to each other to a sloid hull. Next he carves the hull from the block. Soon as the hull is 'perfect' the slices are taken apart, there inside is removed, and parts of it are removed in total, to get the timbers/futtocks-effect. The same method (with a small twist) is used by Reed. He remarkes that it depends on the quality of your wood to get crisp results. Boxwood is the way to go he writes..... Jan
  11. I guess you were pretty pleased with yourself yesterday Jan.
  12. Loking good! However, looking at the rendered version, i wonder whether the bands along the hull are correct. As far as i know the pictures, these are just rubbing strakes, or simple doublings of the hull. Going by the shadows visible in your modelthey are to large. Jan
  13. Again a question: you used thread for the rigging. Did you glue the ratlines,, sewed them, or did you use proper knots? Jan
  14. Somehow it looks very familiar. She's not a random trawler in disrepair. It looks a bit navy but with a civilian remake... Jan
  15. Always messing that up with the r's in red and green.... knowing which side is which doesn't help you with the colours... Jan
  16. Ah, that one again. This thing is around for some time..... Jan
  17. I haven't been here for some time. I see I have to do some catching up... Jan
  18. I'm not quite sure what you mean: when you build at twice the size, everything should be multiplied by two. Or did I not quite get your question?? Jan
  19. Yeah, you're a snob, but we don't mind As a 13 year aged kid I did a couple of small-scale solid hull models. I wasn't too impressed by the result, mainly because it proved quite hard to get the hull in good shape (the kitmaker in his wisdom made the hull slightly over-size, but did not provide a full set of lines to use as a template). And unless you set youself the goal to show the ship as it was actually build, no-one will ever bother whether there are bulkeads or a solid block of wood behind the planking. Jan
  20. Hi Piet, It's a fantastic model. The railing adds to the realistic appearance, especially whuile you took no shortcuts in the top ends of the stanchions. You disappointed us (well, some of us, and only a little) by just simulating turnbuckles. Jan
  21. Real beauty is on the outside Jan
  22. Again two questions: Q. Are the carvings carved from wood, or made of something else Q2 is it all gold that is shining? Jan
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