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Everything posted by amateur

  1. What is the white stuff between the mdf-layers? Second question are you going to simulate hull-plating? I like your choice of model. Not many models of these ships around. Jan
  2. I would be very happy if my version 3.0 turned out like this. Can't wait seeing your version 3.0 Jan
  3. hmmm...given the type of men aboard I wonder whether that would be a wise thing to put on your cupboard ... But then, the alternative might shock the mods Jan
  4. 6 cm, that s really small to do it as a real pof-model I would have gonefor the plug-method, or even total fake Btw it's great to hear your major medical problem has gone! Jan
  5. LOL I guess there should be antoher one on the sheet: "to be used only under close adult supervision" Jan
  6. You;re right, compared to the tictac, the stove is exceptionally large. I'm still wondering: if this thing is a furnace, that means (almost open) fire. Therefore, you expect it to be secured to the deck. However, securing it, implies that it is no longer mobile.... Although, you could use the three fire-man to get the thing to the next deck Jan
  7. Don't blame us for not noticing, you've "only" showed pics of ugly bacteriae since then Jan
  8. Hi Daniel, In your last pic, there is something on the right side (slightly out of focus). It escaped my attention till now. It looks like a small furnace. What is it? Jan
  9. So are we. I was looking for a chair in the front row, but I see I'm already on the second row. (as long as there is no popcorn machine in front of me ) Jan
  10. Sure she will turn out as beautiful as this one! Jan
  11. I think it differed quite a lot. Many ships were not build with a crows-nest, and were fitted out with one during WWI, to spot for U-boats. I guess all versions were used. I also saw pictures of a metal crowsnest with a hath in the bottom (and a ladder fixed to the foremast) -ofcourse: google will not reprocduce my search-results... Jan
  12. Hi Michael, No you can't glue anything onto line-seed oil.You have to remove the oil wehre you want to glue. It depends a little bit on the type of wood you have. Linseed oil does not always pentrate deep into the wood. In that case first scraping off the oil, second giving it a sanding with sandpaper, and third step rubbing the spot with metyl alcohol should remove enough of the oil to make it possible to glue the decorations. Jan
  13. In Dutch shipbuilding, the answer usually tends towards: 'we always did it this way'. Alternatively: 'we know the other alternative is better, but this is cheaper.' btw. I don't know whether or not the dinghy was wooden build. It could have been steel. Jan
  14. In that case, we will look forward to your tictacs Jan
  15. On msw1 we also had a guy called martanek (also czech, i think) he did these large card models of battleships. Absolutely stunningdetail. He is still somewhere around in the internet, but unfortunatedly, not amongst us.... Jan
  16. What was wrong with the staining? In the pics it looks OK... Jan
  17. It took me a few moments to realize that your new signature-picture is not the original..... Jan
  18. No you can't give likes to yourslef, you need us to do so. Jan
  19. next will presumably be destruction, of some part hitherto unknown Give him a decade or so, and his lower deck will be better than the original. Jan
  20. The rigging of the stay with two deadeyes is like the Dutch way of rigging a (secondary) stay on smaller ships. (pic of the reconstructed statenjacht Utrecht)
  21. Yes and no: I had my ratlines at -on average - 4 mm apart (at 1:100) scale. I changed it to 3.5 mm (again, on average), just because it looked better. Your eye picks up tenth's of milimeters, especially in the case of ratlines, as larger spacing results in fewer ratlines. So the question between 11" and 15" is not just an academic question. Jan
  22. Oh wait, of course not: you have to add all the gunport tackles before going to the next level Jan
  23. I see. Sounds reasonable. What's you planning? More destruction on the lower deck, or fixing the beams, and start working at a higher level? (btw, the diners: will they get some colour?) Jan
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