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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. Hello Mark, The cabin cruiser on the lower level is this one I was warned about not starting another project until I had finished some that are still being worked on. But you know how that works 😀 Michael
  2. Thank you all for the wonderful support. Today I finished the pivoting cradle supports for the bow, it seemed like a lot of time to just make a few studs, bolts, and the pads. I used a thinner foam pad for the bow pads I just need to add a couple of chocks each side of the keel now to lock it in place from moving side to side. Michael PS it is snowing again!!!
  3. Well now I have a bit more room Kingfisher is back to center stage at last. Today I will finish off the bolts in the proper cradle, I had to lower the topmast because the long table that Albertic was occupying is about 5 inches higher, but that is OK for the moment. And I fixed my chiming mantle clock, I had missed it's sweet sound. Michael
  4. The journey for me is now over on this project, here is my last few pictures. In the crate now and cleated down ready for the final close. All ready to be picked up by the client. The shop seemed a bit lost for a few hours. The end Michael
  5. Thanks for putting the penny into the last set of pictures Ed, it is so easy to forget how small all this yard work is especially given all the very fine details that you show. Michael
  6. A small update, I have started to reinforce the opening in the deck for the new removable companionway and skylight section. and while waiting for the glue to dry I made a few more studs for the cradle structure these are 2x56 threads and steel nuts with brass studs. Michael
  7. Clever solution on the double blocks Mark. The winches do look very nice. Michael
  8. Thanks to all who have helped me with questions that I had during this restoration, and for the support and encouragement along the way. Denis I have built the crate and am waiting for the movers. Michael
  9. Today the clients made their inspection, the Appraiser who came along with them informed them that they got a steal so the next task is to move the model to the crate, after the company that is temporarily housing the clients artifacts sees the model before they take it to their storage facility awaiting its final display. I am really looking forward to gaining the space in the model shop. so that Kingfisher the pilot cutter can take centre stage again. I have been busy preparing the garage ready to house Maria while that rebuild happens. Michael
  10. Congratulation Dan, I concur that the dark colour of the base works better than the light colour. A superb model and display case all round. Michael
  11. Oh Brian you have outed me, I have known this all along and the personal name for this cutter in all my files is Kingfisher The Model Maker plans also call this boat Kingfisher There are a few other pictures of CK482 which I have in my files but I am unable to share them because I do not have the source. There is another model on this forum with this name so I did not want to put up this name, also I only used the basic bulkhead lines from the MM plans and then developed my own, and drew upon the general fleet for other details. I have copies of the Stone plans that are available for download on the "smackdock" here is another one that would make a great model it is called "pioneer" and another one from the register "Maria" I really like these boats. I am glad that there is a resurgence in restoring and preserving these vessels. Michael
  12. Back to the build. Thanks for all the fine comments. I have done a little more work on the companionway adding the slide track and rough fitted the solid roof section. Once the companionway is basically assembled, only three more dorade vents to form. The next step will be to cut the openings in the removable deck section then it will be ready for the structure and decking. Michael
  13. GL This looks like a very interesting project, I shall be sitting alongside all the way. Michael
  14. Thank you all for your support and counsel while I undertook this restoration. Your collective encouragement and valuable comments helped immeasurably. I am now looking forward to the final inspection by the client and then it can leave the modelshop freeing up valuable space for the next occupant of the workbench. I am going to enjoy having the extra room to work on the cutter over the next little while. Michael
  15. Hi Russ I knew it was a joke that's why I used the winked icon. I hear you about those activities, I wake up each day nowadays with a ache or pain somewhere, and the arthritis is a royal annoyance. I used to run and now walking sometimes is a pain. It's too cold up here for swatting flies on the porch. 4degrees Celsius right now Cheers Michael
  16. Perhaps "making a life while living" wouldn't have been wasted😉 Michael
  17. Hi Bedford, now that is truly a vessel of refined beauty congratulations on the launch she looks in her element just parked by the bank ready for a sunny afternoon trip across river, lake or inlet. I am also seriously envious. Michael
  18. No Carl I have put the model away for now I am determined to finish the cutter first. Thanks Denis yes the model is in good shape. (the rest of this post ought to go into What have you done today but I'm beat) I finished gluing up the main side panels of the companionway deck house last evening. I have been tidying up the garage for the last two days sorting too much stuff I moved in from the country. because I need to be able to get Maria in as well as Judy's car. Oh yes I'v been reading "The Organized Mind" by Daniel J Levitin. A great book in my view. Michael
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