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Everything posted by Ferit

  1. I think the time of carving all ornaments would take more than 10 times to build the entire ship... Yes, I admire and envy you the skill you show Nigel... If only I have it...
  2. She is taking shape... Shrouds look great and strict... in addition, fuzz free ropes change many things... And when the ratlines are knitted, so nice and beautiful she will be...
  3. After seeing the results, I can easily understand your prowess... Skill, determination and endurance...
  4. Hi Ulises, It's so good, so pleasant to receive such heartening opinions, such cheerful thoughts ... Many thanks...
  5. Though my interest, I can not follow your build through your photos. I don't know why they aren't opened...
  6. Hi Ulises, Nice work... Admirable... The blocks, are they kit supply? They look perfect. And I prefer models with sails, I liked your choice, if there is no plan about sails rigging, here are the sails off...
  7. Hi Nigel, Carving is an another dimension and you are walking there, on your shoes of perfection... Are you thinking to make all your own carvings of your SoS?
  8. Peace, quietude and reliance are going along in my country... There will always be some marginal drifts in all countries... Media is talking according to its interests and benefits... "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." Mark Twain. And we hope and want the peace comes in all region... Painful is the birth...
  9. Your famous red again... Glorified build as usual...
  10. Now, the time is about coming for Robbyn... 95th page...
  11. We are just about seeing sprint finish!... And I give up...
  12. Hi Matthew, I had been thinking that you had made a long pause on your build... Now I can see that your pause had been about posting pictures of your progress... There is no problem about your speed ... We would nearly see the pictures in the section of finished builds... Very nice, a lot of details... Clean wood and fine rigging works...
  13. I quite agree with Buck... A mini whip in one hand and a mini chair in the other, handling by force, grumbling spiders, on the verge of contumacy... Who could find the way to escape, run voluntary to the sanctuary of the spider whisperer® !... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! On the way...
  14. I use thinner CA to indurate the wood, I make the wood absorb it... Then it becomes much resistant and solid...
  15. Yes, I'm sorry , if Augie is OK with it...
  16. " I agree they are like a signature for her." You had begun to autograph your Wasa, very nice progress...
  17. Could you begin your next build and probable builds in this same Log, after adding the new one (by moderators) on the title to keep up the Log open? We should count up for thousandth page!... ... ... We don't want it will be ended...
  18. Yes, I decided to use your registered trademark from now as spider whispererR...
  19. Thanks a lot again Keith and Buck for the comment and the suggestion... And Mark for the guide... Buck, have I to pay for the usage of your registered trademark " spider whispererR "? I have used the laundry starch, but I haven't obtained ideal outcome. I should try 50-50 diluted white glue... Oh, Morope, where are you?!
  20. Hi Keith, Thank you for your gentle thoughts... Your kind comments are much appreciated. The problem about sags is the twists of the rope, it seems to me as if the ratlines don't sag in natural manner, the gravity doesn't work correctly ... Thank you very much ZyXuz, your words sound very good... Will that day come?! Who knows? Penelope's weaving... from Odyssey... Thank you Matti much appreciated. I decided that I love the wood rather than the rope... Hello Nils, Thank you a lot for following and for your nice thoughts, I am grateful... Your faith in me as usual... Many thanks Randy... I try my best... Me too, I have faith in you. I know you can do it more good than it must be... It's good to hear that from spider whisperer (I liked this definition that had come from Buck; Salty Sea Dog and it's my second use for you Augie but it's possible that there will be much more...Sorry...) Your kind comments as always, Michael... As I had said, the naturalness of your build affects me all the time. Sure your ratlines also will be natural and beautiful...
  21. The nightmare... Ratlines... Which ratlines are loose will be redone...
  22. She looks great Andy, sharp and clean as usual... It's obvious that it had been pretty worked on her... May I ask: What is the material of the pegasus figure and are the ornaments of the headrails kit supplies?
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