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Everything posted by Ferit

  1. Already are fine your ratlines... It seems that it works very well Grant's suggestion... I'm afraid of that after seeing the progression in quality, you will want to redo the port side...
  2. Yes, family is one of the most important events in the world... We are the scratch builds of them... Happy you must be to visit your dad having same tastes with you... Happy travel, happy visit, happy modelling...
  3. Oh!... No... No... I don't want my ears grow longer!...
  4. Thank you very much Michael for your bona fides...
  5. Thank you Sjors and Buck, it's very fine to hear your optimistic thoughts... Don't tell please anybody else... But I have a few mini rhinos working under my authority...
  6. You are right Randy, H2O is the life... The blue is tranquility, the waves are motion... deepness, horizon, no boundaries, wind, sun, behind is the green... yes you are right... The wildness is something for running away occasionally, often or rarely... BTW I'm a fan of the NatGeo Channel... And thank you Randy, for your gentle thought...
  7. The base of the mizzenmast... And the bitt...
  8. You could draw a sea scene in which there was your C.W. Morgan Whaleboat in which there was a knife on which there was a sea scene again in which there was your C.W. Morgan Whaleboat again in which...
  9. Thank you Keith, for your kindness... But I begin to like to follow and to contemplate others builds here rather than to build my Berlin...
  10. BTW, your ratlines look great, the nightmare was over... Here come the day dreams...
  11. E x t r a o r d i n a r y ! . . . Are you decisive to participate in a competition?!... My vote is clear by now!...
  12. May I ask a question about Patriots? Which is the main emblem? Your avatar or this?
  13. Thank you Mathewp for your usual nice comments...
  14. Thank you Randy... But it should be preferable the naturalness and the wildness, the untouched beauties along Lamar Valley...
  15. Maybe Buck will go up... From mini to medium details... And he will build the Whaleship Charles W. Morgan!... Who knows?!... But it's within probability that Buck can add minuscule scratches even on a ship...
  16. Who I see is a lapidary!... And these are masterpieces, jewelery... Doris, let me say that your works are unbelievable not because of the quantity but of the quality... Quantity is about perseverance but quality is another thing... Yes, you are a master lapidary...
  17. What you had done is really wonderful!... It looks absolutely accurate... The scale of the hook is good for me and it's not as important as the scale of a block I think... and it can be easily assimilated in all other details... Victorious you are!... I take Randy's suggestion seriously... It's a good advice to have the opportunity to buy some blocks at this scale...
  18. Hi Schawn, In which country was this kit fabricated? This seems a very interesting kit to me...
  19. Wow!... Unbelievable!... So many ships!... Did you begin to make your models just from your birth?! I know mothers have your baby listen to classical music during the gravidity... You might have listened your mother voice, reading you books of ship modelling?!...
  20. Sorry Theo but I think it should be more meaningful to know something is wrong at the begining rather than to realize that after all things have been done, at the point there is no chance to return (for me at least)... BTW I am not a knowledgeable man, it was only my thought about scale, I have only imagined... I don't really know which are the correct dimensions of a block. It's good to be received nicely by you while putting into words my intervention, because I see your build is too difficult and very detailed, wants a skill of high degree and you Theo, you are making really an impressive build, clear and clean, shapely and fluent...
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