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Everything posted by Ferit

  1. Salute, In fact, I have been following MSW and observing what the modellers have been building before I have became a member. I have hesitated too much to open a Log. Here, there are a lot of talented people I respect heavily. I am shy and touched because of your kindness and generosity. Now, I am really suprised when I receive such compliments and encouragements from artisans I am inspired very much; as yourself and the others... Thank you...
  2. Salute, She improves in tranquility and elegance...
  3. Thank you Thomas, for the information. Each time I observed the Syren, I was trying to understand the aim of this construction...
  4. Thank you Sjors, Your kind words and encouragement as always...
  5. Salute, @ Yambo, I am very thankful of your kind comments... And the answer is in your post... In any need I am here... @ Blue Ensign, İt is very pleasing to hear such words pepping me up from such an artisan as you are...
  6. Salute Thomas, She looks very impressive, the details are so clear and clean... Congratulations... I apologize for my ignorance, may I ask a question about the windows at the quarter deck? At every Syren I have looked, I noticed that behind the windows, there are the deck, the cannons, the handle of the rudder, the upper side of the hull planked with wood... İf the windows have not been built for the captain's room, are they only for ornamentation of the ship?
  7. Salute Michael, You are very talented persona but also modest although your skill... I am very honoured by your kind words about my log even I don't deserve them... In my Corel kit, from time to time I am confused about which Berlin I am building. Wood and ornaments quality are good but the accuracy is doubtful. The picture at the face of the box of the kit and the ship after the plans don't match every time. Then I decided to follow my imagination and my acceptance in case of hesitation because I was not able to find enough information about Berlin. But you, you can about Vasa. That is not good for anyone who is not skillful enough, comparing always with the original he can feel disappointed. But talented as you are, that is very pleasing and satisfying. I can really congratulate you on making very artistic build of such a complex ship... The hidges were provided by the Corel's kit. I answered you in your Log, how I has formed the hidges...
  8. Salute Michael, The hidges have been provided by Corel's kit. They were copper made. Their shape and the stages of building are like the illustration that I try to draw with Paint software and to explain how I have acted...
  9. Salute Michael, You are very talented persona but also modest although your skill... I am very honoured by your kind words about my log even I don't deserve them... In my Corel kit, from time to time I am confused about which Berlin I am building. Wood and ornaments quality are good but the accuracy is doubtful. The picture at the face of the box of the kit and the ship after the plans don't match every time. Then I decided to follow my imagination and my acceptance in case of hesitation because I was not able to find enough information about Berlin. But you, you can about Vasa. That is not good for anyone who is not skillful enough, comparing always with the original he can feel disappointed. But talented as you are, that is very pleasing and satisfying. I can really congratulate you on making very artistic build of such a complex ship...
  10. Salute, She looks impressive... Natural and artistic...
  11. Salute, JPett, (Pic. No 1): I have bended the head rails (2x4 mm) with the electric plank bender tool. First, from the narrow side (2 mm) -it's more troublesome-, I have soaked the strip in hot water, then shaped it with the tool so that even it got dry, soaked again, then shaped... 7-8 times... After that, same steps with the large face (4 mm) of the strip. When I have got the simmetry for both side, I have glued them. (Pic. No 2): For cross beams, from a block of wallnut wood I carved three rings, these are not bended strips...
  12. Thank you Matti, It is very pleasant to hear such comments... Then I read your log. It is fascinating to build Vasa, magnific ship, it is really important to build a ship for which you have enthousiasm...
  13. Matti, Vasa is the one of my favorite ships (between four). She is magnific but unfortunate as well... Fortunate you are!... It is very important that you are building a ship for which you have enthousiasm... Every step, every stage will be emotional and feverish... Yes, that is enviable. Congratulations...
  14. Head rails continue to take shape... I have curved the cross bended strips from wallnut wood.
  15. Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien... (Voltaire) The better is the enemy of the good... By me, she is very well done. The absolute perfection is not possible... And excuse me because of meddling to your conversation.
  16. Working for the cranes of anchor and continuation to built head rails... I don't like mahogany wood (the single one at the right) managed with wallnut wood. I made the supports of cranes with wallnut...
  17. Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. The better is the ennemy of the good... Congratulations...
  18. Very impressive work, skilfully done...
  19. I am glad of your comment, I am honoured... Teşekkürler
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