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Everything posted by Ferit

  1. Hi Slog, The transom looks already impressive. My thought is that the transom is the most characteristic part of a ship and yours is being very well done. By the way thank you very much for your comments about my Berlin. I would be following the stages of your build...
  2. Salute John, As if she can't wait to be afloat... to offer a beautiful and inspiring voyage to Mark Twain...
  3. Salute Slog, Your build is very clean, sharp and net... Really beautiful... Could you share some photos of the full front view of the transom?
  4. Salute Jason, What I saw in your log is that your construction is very clean and straight at every stage and looks really great... Congratulations...
  5. ...It looks very accurate even though that's first planking. She would be exactly the same of the original...
  6. An another, maybe unnecessary detail from the past... At that time I have not had a saw machine to cut strips of 3mm thickness. I have planked the deck in this way. Now I got it but the deck has been finished long before...
  7. Salute John, Probably they try to extend the time of your build to delay you finishing her, so to provide you the maximum joy... Once it's finished, the taste you feel doesn't remain as before...
  8. Salute John, I admire always your faithful encouragements...
  9. A little maybe... Thanks Matti... But I always emulate you in your enthusiasm for your Wasa...
  10. Very nice job!... Like the form of the nine supports holding up the top circle ( I don't know the exact name ). And that's precious because it's you who have made them yourself and really made very well. ( I saw the stages )...
  11. Salute Robbyn, It is very pleasant to hear such beautiful comments. That makes me try to work heavily to deserve them...
  12. Michael, Thank you for your boosting my horsepower ... I don't know about other manufacturers but with Corel I feel that I have to do something additional to be satisfied... In fact that makes me happy, to try to improve the details when I put to it to match the build to the plans of the kit... as yourself...
  13. Salute Randy, I dropped in your log and watched your build. I saw one of the most beautiful constructions of San Francisco... I am glad that I decided to have to follow your build from now...
  14. Salute harlequin, Sorry to put you to trouble... Even though it's not indispensable, it will not be seen anymore, the view of glazed windows is great...
  15. Get well soon... escaped from with little...
  16. Thanks a lot, Randy, for your comment... Very appreciated...
  17. Sorry that I am not familiar to Bellona ... Thank you harlequin for the knowledge ...
  18. Salute, I decided to go to the past. The reason is that maybe, one day this will be helpful to anyone who wants to build this ship. I wanted to share a correction, maybe modification that I have made before. Unfortunately, as I have had no idea to become a member at that time I have not taken photos step by step. But now I try to explain how I have acted. The kit provides the transom part by plywood. As I have followed the plans, first I have built the transom with 5x5 mm walnut strips as the same dimensions of the kit plan. The transom had to run over the edges of the hull a little. But the metal curtain decoration did not macht with the dimensions of the transom. It was more smaller. I have extended the lenght of the curtain with wood. Then I painted it. I have rebuilt with the wooden strips to provide symmetry of the top decoration. Then I painted it as well.
  19. Hi, Sorry, it is not an intervention, just curiosity... I wanted to mean the two parts in the circles...
  20. Salute harlequin, I examined those photo etched cabin bulkhead parts. May I ask a question? Do the two parts joined to the hull of the starboard and port sides, have windows? If so, will you prefer another color for windows?
  21. Thank you, B.E. I am trying to be skillful as yourself, but I am either at the beginning or out of... Maybe one day... maybe not in a lifetime...
  22. Salute lamarvalley, Thank you for dropping in and for your kind words... Very appreciated...
  23. Salute Sjors, I just noticed by your words that my log seems simultaneous. But as I have said at the beginning I reached at some stage and am sharing the way... In fact I am as slow as a turtle... But still, I will be waiting your encouragement and kindness as always...
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