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Everything posted by CDW

  1. I would like a 1:200 scale Yamato as well. But I am hesitant to shell out $500+ for the antiquated Nichimo kit that will require another large investment in aftermarket to do it right. I keep hoping that Trumpeter or someone will come out with a newly tooled 1:200 Yamato. Seems to me there would be a market for it.
  2. Without seeing these launchers built here, would have never guessed they contained so much detail. Infini goes above and beyond.
  3. Glad to have you on board, OC. With this Mikasa model, I am hoping to tune up for the next big project coming up. I need to decide between these...cast a vote if you wish: 1:250 Woody Joe Akagi 1:250 Woody Joe Yamato 1:250 Arri Yamato with Very Fire update set 1:200 Trumpeter Iowa with two huge Pontos Update sets. One is the detail up update set with the teak deck, and the guns update set. 1:200 Trumpeter Bismarck with full update sets. All these big models are sitting in my closet, waiting to be built.
  4. It's been almost a year since I last worked on the Mikasa. Decided it was maybe time to pick back up where I left off and hopefully, finish this model this time around. Need to study the plans a while before starting back up. Lots and lots of details and it would be easy to get out of sequence.
  5. On the top left hand side of my camera (looking at it from the back of the camera) there is a wheel with a mark of "WB" on it, along with other marks. Is that the mark that should be set to WB? It was set on a different mark.
  6. I don't know what kind of Jedi mind tricks my camera is playing on me today. Apparently it doesn't like the settings for outdoor pictures, but I have no idea what settings to change unless I read the owner's manual. I guess I better start reading the manual, but no time for that now. Got to go to a birthday party.
  7. By the way, that's a great video on these LCS's, Lou. Impressive ships. I really like the two additional gun pods mounted on the Freedom. In time, will likely build that model, too.
  8. Looking at the above picture from the angle it's taken, the ship has a strange looking dark tint to it. I wonder if the hull is coated with some kind of radar avoidance coating?
  9. I am impressed with your tenacity, Grandpa Phil. Your Victory is really shaping up nicely. I must shamefully admit that once I got to the "coppering" of the hull, I backed off and have never picked back up on construction of my HMS Victory. Following your build thread may give me the encouragement needed to start mine back up.
  10. Well, it's our designated "Littoral Combat Ship." Until now, I guess mostly Coast Guard Cutters would have fit that role. So in that respect, I think this design is the new normal - for this specialty, littoral combat. Not many combat ships I know of can operate in 12 feet of water.
  11. If someone told us 50 years ago we were going to have warships like this in our navy fleet, we would have thought they were nuts. But here in 2018, this is the norm. Welcome to the 21st century. 😮
  12. Thanks for stopping by Carl. I believe you are 100% correct about Vallejo paints. In spite of what is said elsewhere about model air paints being airbrush ready, they need 30 - 50% reducer for them to work properly. I have such a large collection of Vallejo paints, it would be too expensive to just give them up. However, I am beginning to experiment with other brands gradually. Problem is, many are not available locally and have to be ordered through the mail.
  13. Wow, what an impressive model. I am so glad you are sharing this build. Always wanted to see one of these Amati kits built. It will certainly be an influence for me to buy one.
  14. This is day 8 of this build. Tomorrow I have to attend a birthday party, so not sure if I can finish it then on day 9. But I am reasonably certain I can finish this little project by day 10. And that's about all the time I wanted to spend on this little model.
  15. Another day, a little closer to the finish line. Must add decals, railing, misc. photo etch. a few odd and end parts, some detail painting/weathering, and a flag to call this finished.
  16. I always use the manufacturer's reducer with their own paints, Vallejo reducer in this case. But this bottle could be as much as 2 years old, not really sure when I bought it.
  17. This is the paint work done on the Independence today. More to follow tomorrow if everything goes well, landing deck and anti-foul hull paint. After that, the details can be added.
  18. It's the worst I ever had this Vallejo paint come out of the bottle. Don't know why. Most people I talk to say they use Vallejo Model Air paint straight from the bottle into their airbrush without any reducer. It doesn't work that way for me through my H&S airbrush. If I use it straight from the bottle, it will clog my airbrush every time...and I have even tried it with a larger needle and seat with the same results. Clogs, spitting, and sputtering. It's hard as heck to find a reduced mix ratio that will spray smoothly out of my airbrush. I have some AK Interactive paints on order as they are not available locally, but I was too impatient for them to arrive.
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