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Everything posted by mikiek

  1. Darrell - come on down. Yup it's all HobbyZone. Joel - you could do something like that. The modules have small but super strong magnets in the top, bottom & sides. So rearranging for tasks would be possible. Move what you want and they snap into place. I'm not that sophisticated yet. Right now it's more like files in one drawer, tweezers in another, measuring stuff in another, etc.
  2. I like the label idea Joel. I just didn't want to write on the drawers. They're faced with vinyl so even something like a mailing label would do. Maybe your color coding as well. At the moment I am trying to identify the stuff I use everyday vs once a week or once a month. That's what I want to get within reach. Sadly I'm already seeing that I probably will not be able to completely eliminate the big tackle boxes that I used before.
  3. Looks like you have it. When you flip the boat right side up does the deck go to the top edge of the transom? A rail?
  4. Julie - I'd be embarrassed to show a picture of it today. Already a mess. The nice thing was that I worked on 3 different builds today - 2 at the same time - and was able to just move things down or move myself between builds. Bob - the heap is growing already
  5. You're right Bob. It is very well made. There were no bad cuts, all the pieces fit exactly as described. The first 2 modules I pieced together in a dry run first, expecting to have to make 'adjustments'. Those went together nicely and after that I had enough confidence to start right in with the glue. After working with it for a few days, my only regret is I should have bought less 3 drawer modules and more 2 drawer. The usable height of the 3 drawer is slightly over an inch. There were a number of tools that would not fit in those. And I really wasn't joking, at the moment I am lost trying to find anything. Probably several reorgs over the next few weeks.
  6. The new boatyard. It even makes Niagara look a little small. The HobbyZone setup is well made. Took about a day to assemble it all. Now I can't find anything Was trying to get started with rigging some shrouds - just something to get motivated. I ended up noticing that the mast tops were still needing quite a few blocks. Better to do that now while I can still take the spars out. It didn't help my attitude though - 2 hours to strop 8 blocks
  7. Glad to have you along Darrell. That goes for for the rest of you too.
  8. Man I must have really misread the plans. So there is an upper crosspiece that sits on top of the two posts and then another crosspiece 'hinged' between the posts below that?
  9. Great description! Thank you. I'm going to try twisting a plank one more time and if not successful I may have to follow your footsteps.
  10. Don't know this for a fact but kit supplied dowels are notorious for not being straight. The grain can run any which way, so even if they appear straight now down the road could be different. I had a jig to file the octagons. It would even do them on a tapered stick. Made it very easy. It's somewhere in my log.
  11. Wow Joel - sounds interesting. Scratch build I presume? Wondering how you make mast quarters? Take a square stick and round off a corner? The single mast sounds good too. That's one reason, in the back of my mind, I have been thinking about starting my Occre Cazador or Amati Arrow kit. The lateen rig is much simpler. Or finish my ME Pinnace - no mast at all
  12. You guys are both right. And I apologize to you for my whining in your log.
  13. Thank you Darrell - it's too bad we can't get our builds to float. Might be an incentive to add sails. The company that makes my kit does have one they call a schooner. Not sure if they terminology is correct but it is interesting.
  14. Not a lot of progress lately. I have been working on 2 other projects. Both RC models. One is finished (took it out today) it was pretty much ready to run out of the box. The other is a kit and will take some time. Interestingly, I am having to deck this one and it is quite similar to what we do. The big difference is the strips are a veneer rather than what we know as planks. I have found that my build experience and tools have been a big help. The designer is very big into using marine epoxy to glue everything. The instructions and video are quite detailed in the usage so that's a valuable bit of knowledge to pick up. Really I think I am procrastinating. Putting off the rigging that I know is coming. Here's a few pix of my distractions: This guy is quite manuverable! Hull is 37" and it will stand about 5' tall with mast. Niagara takes it out with a broadside.
  15. One more reason. I will get around to it. I was just tired and whiny last night.
  16. I admire your dedication Darrell. I may still leave my build in a 'Admiralty' state. I just don't have any interest in doing the rigging. Keep it up!
  17. Elijah - are you using the Syren deadeyes? If so, my hat is off to you. I glued them together then put them in a tumbler and about half of them broke. Most of the remaining ones needed to be drilled out as the glue had plugged up the wholes. The ones in the kit are not too bad, I just hope there is enough
  18. Pat - the pieces are so thin I doused them with the runny CA in hopes of strengthening them. My problem is I have been using one of those foam stands so that I can easiliy roll the hull to one side. Of course that is almost instant death for the steps. I have an Amati stand I need to start using again. That should make for less opportunity to beat up the steps.
  19. Your secret is safe. Styrene - sheets, tubes and bars - have saved me on more than one occasion. I wish my wood working skills were better. Sad but true, I have a good lathe and mill. But I learn best by watching someone and there ain't no one in the neighborhood. I do get tickled with your WD40 idea - sounds like me. Any odd piece of anything I find, i usually toss it in a bin. You just never know.
  20. Joel - I was asking because there is a really good UTube (one of many) on seizing. The result looks solid but the whole process seems too much. Instead, I take the seizing rope around the rope to be seized then put a half hitch and a dot of CA. Then i wind for as much as I need, add another half hitch and a dot of CA. Of course the long term viability of CA is debatable, but that is the route I am taking. In many cases it allows me to seize in place if the need arises. So I was curious to know how Darrell was doing his seizing.
  21. I'd have to agree with you Mike. Nice for the coffee table but that's about it. I needed (and still do) more basics. Sadly, I still haven't found it.
  22. Good steady progress Darrell. It's coming together nicely. On your seizing, are you doing the thing where you make a loop with the seizing rope, wrap that, then stick the other end thru the loop and pull the loop tight? (Excuse the poor description). I've found that this is too much for my taste. I'm just half hitching one end, wrapping for as far as I need then CAing the end.
  23. FYI - the plans call them "sea steps". Google searching for any of the names mentioned here did not turn up much. Not sure, but the tape sounds like a reasonable idea. Should help with them all being parallel and evenly spaced. I've already done the starboard by eye. It came out pretty good. Will try tape on the port. Speaking of tape. After gluing a few to the hull, I realized that these things will be begging to get knocked off. Particularly in the stage of the build I am in. I'm hoping if I put some tape over them they will survive.
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