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Everything posted by EJ_L

  1. A few more updates. Finished up the planking on the starboard side and have started planking the interior. I am delaying some on the wale thru bolts as I have a couple of ideas for materials but I need to make a trip to the hobby store and have not had the time to go this weekend. I'm gonna try to get down there this weekend as I would like to have them ready for my 4 day holiday weekend coming up. I have also started to build the canon carriages as those will need to install before to much longer so the decks can continue upward. I have also started the process of figuring out how to close in the stern. I'm hoping to still be able to use the laser cut window frames though I know that I will still have to make some from scratch as the kit only provided enough for the 5 window layout and I am switching to a 6. Havn't done much on this yet, mostly just looking at example pictures and taking measurements but it is in the works. As always, thanks for looking in!
  2. Well done! Like you said, a few tweaks to the wales and you will be good to go. The tiny discrepancies won't be noticeable anyway once the stem and knees are in place not to mention the bowsprit rigging. Looks like your modifications are going to work out great!
  3. Welcome! Looks like you have made an impressive models so far! I think I too will stick around and see how she goes. Would like to see some more pictures of her as well as you post them.
  4. Thanks Don! I'm real happy with the way it has come out. I may try to get some pictures of her outside this weekend if the sun can be bother to come out from behind the cloud cover we have been having. She looks better in the natural light!
  5. Welcome to MSW William! Great to have you with us! You will soon see that many of the builds on here are measured in years so no worries about being slow. Good luck to you and I look forward to seeing your progress!
  6. Welcome to MSW! You are not the first person to end up in this situation and as you will soon see from what I bet will be a long list of both welcomes and suggestions there really is no one "beginner" kit. There actually are a few threads on here that go into great length about many of the kits though. I will agree with the statement that it is possible to start Victory on your first run. You are definitely in the right place for all the help and advice you could ever want. Also, it sounds like you are not inexperienced. The pile of loose parts and materials is daunting to be sure but take it in small pieces and you will be okay. However, if you want to take the much more advisable path, look for something simple in scope and design. A one masted ship, minimal cannons and rigging, small hull, and limited decorations. Just something to get your feet wet with practice of learning the techniques needed in planking and rigging. Whichever path you choose, start a build log on here and keep it updated with progress pics. Ask questions, even if they feel dumb. This is a great group of modelers who are more than happy to teach and share knowledge and tips. Also be sure to look at other build logs of the same model (and others) as they are great ways of seeing some of the issues you may have yourself and with some luck, avoid some of those problems. I wish you the best of luck on your new build and I look forward in sharing in that journey and seeing your work!
  7. Well there she is. Finished up the planking on the port side tonight. Now her side profile can finally be completely seen and it feels good to have it done! Still have to match up the starboard side and then I'm thinking about tackling the thru bolts for the wales. Might have a drink or two before those bolts though....
  8. I have a heat gun with an adjustable temperature dial that I use for those situations. I've had it for well over 10 years now and has been worth the money. I caution the flame approach as I used it myself for a long time before buying the heat gun. The problem comes in not being able to control the heat very well and also the flame can easily burn the plastic.
  9. I'm running out of ways to say how awesome she is looking! Also, I don't think there can ever be too many pictures of an area so no worries there. As always great job! Your willingness to go slow and check, double check, undo, redo, scrap and rebuild it again has paid off in dividends. Regardless of historical accuracy when (if) Vasa II ever graces us with it's presence, you have made a truly impressive model.
  10. Those tree nails will be a long and tedious venture but it looks like it will be well worth the effort. Looking good!!
  11. Ratlines are almost everyone's least favorite part of rigging. They are simply a pain no matter how experienced you are. They are also exhausting due to the sheer number of them. What kind of knot are you using to tie them? If you are not already doing so, a clove hitch knot is great to use for ratlines. They allow for easy adjustments when needed and are really quick to tie once you get the hang of it. The other advantage is that they tend to do a better job of keeping the lines straight instead of pulling upward. Regardless of how you are doing it, it looks like you are getting the hang of them. Just keep pushing through and I promise they will end! In fact, finishing ratline is one of the biggest sighs of relief that you will feel! Good job, keep it up!
  12. Michael, I do plan on attempting sails on this one. You build has inspired me to just go for it. I've never done cloth sails before so it will be a huge learning experience but, I need to start sometime! I will be referring back to your build a lot I'm sure and not only for the sails.
  13. Welcome to MSW! Best of luck on round 2 with your Victory!
  14. Completed one side of the first blue band tonight. It sure feels good to be making forward progress again!
  15. Thanks everyone for looking in and the nice compliments and likes! John, there is no stain. That is the natural color of the mahogany and walnut with a clear satin urethane finish.
  16. I'm back and healthy(ish) again! Better still, I have updates on the build! I managed to get the hull sanded and coated with a satin urethane. I also spent some time painting the planks that will be used on the upper bulwarks. While I know there will still be touch up paint needed after they are installed, this will eliminate a lot of the painting needed later which will decrease the risk of getting paint where I do not want it. Now I can continue onward and upward with the hull construction. Once all the bulwarks are topped out, I will give the entire hull another coat or two of finish to complete it. Enjoy!
  17. I was curious about that same detail that Marc mentioned. Given the size of and space limits, I was curious if this was a texture added before the carving of the leaves or how it was done. Beautifully done!
  18. Hi Morgan! I'm a little late but you have not gotten too far ahead yet. Off to a great start on your build! I too am building Soliel Royal but not by DeAgostini. Always fun and educational to see the many variations of similar models that get built. Even when you are just starting out and following the instructions, every builder is unique and therefore every model is as well. Plus you never know who may give you that inspiration for something you have never thought of doing. Plus you are lucky to have Martyn building just ahead of you on his model. It is turning out to be a beautiful build and you will have some great guidance to help you on yours. Good luck and I'm looking forward to an enjoyable build!
  19. Hey Robin! I was wondering if you were gonna have any time between builds but I guess not! I never do either. I've got my chair pulled up and am ready to watch and enjoy. Good luck!
  20. Well, I may be finally out of the woods so to speak health wise. Doctors said I had a type of pneumonia but as of this morning things are looking up and hopefully I am on my way to recovery. With some luck I may even get in some shipyard time later this week. So so thanks for all the well wishes! I am looking forward to having some actual ship updates again!
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