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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi Aydin. The kit one is the correct scale size. The motor set one is the best proformance size. Use both....Not at the same time In a show fit the scale ones. When on water use the proformance ones. Very nice progress. Regards Antony.
  2. Hi Aydin. Very nice work. Yes to the wetting of the planks. But watch the shrinkage. That's why I use a hot soldering iron with a purpose made adapter on. Nice easy build log to follow with some really good hints and help. Regards Antony.
  3. Hi. Thanks for all the likes. Thank you so much. I like the last photo looking into the Bow door and up a bit. The curves were easy. Made a jig for the cutting and another for the joint angles. Roof planking started today. Planks are tapered and beveled to fit.Cannons and planking on on the books for tomorrow. Regards Antony.
  4. Hi. Sorry for the lack of updates.. Lots of progress . The jig for making the oars. 16 in total . the angle is quite important. My method of getting the angles spot on all the time. Helps with finishing the small bits. Making the roof. The plywood is only there for positioning the 2 main beams Roof beams now glued to second floor and bow and stern bulkheads. Roof timbering in place. Ready to sand to profile. Plenty of weeds growing...no time for gardening... Ship building has priority. Another view from stern. Close up of roof timbers. Bow area. i have made the second deck and roof removal.. will make it easer to view the interior of the model. Took a little planning but the results are very good. Another angle. One of the 8 top hatches ready for fitting. These are the gun ports for the second deck. there was guns on the second deck so where should the ports go ?? In the rood at the lower edge. Hand rails fitted. View into the stern doors. View into the Bow doors. View into the bow doors looking up a little. Next task will be to plank the roof leaving a large area not planked. this will enable people to look inside the model. I will be Turning the cannons from Acetel(Black) with blackened copper wire for the handles. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi Aydin. Very nice progress. The seats really do look the part in this boat. Turning out to be a very nice kit. And you are turning it into a very nice model. PS I like the days and hours you have worked on the kit at the start of the posts. Regards Antony
  6. Hi Aydin. WOW you are moving on so fast... I missed a day somewhere. Turning out to be a very nice kit. Nice build log with lots of details and hints. Well done. Regards Antony.
  7. Hi Mark. Yes you are correct the any masts is way to long for the lathe. I own a lathe but prefer to shape it by hand. Planning first . Then sanding in a pillar drill. (Modified with hole in baseplate and through bench.) I find that a long thin mast flexes in a lathe even the stock centrepoint being used and with very sharp tooling. The wood plane is a 14 inch so has little or no level problems. First square the masts. To the right tapper Then octagon 8 sides. Then Hexadecagon 16 sides. This leaves very little sanding. That's my method. I know it's a lot of work but results are great. Regards Antony.
  8. Hi. I agree Bob . But saying that most of the builds on MSW are unique as people add little bits to the ships that make them special. I have a change of plan... as so to speak. Instead of having a cutaway my sons has convinced me it would be better to have the roof and the second deck lift off. This will be easy because there are four pillars at each corner of the ship. Location of the roof and second deck will be easy. Not sure on how the masts will cope with this... make have them fixed to the roof and second deck. We will have to work that out as the build continues. Have put the base on temporary to allow the oars and other objects to be placed on the ship. Started working on the roof supports. Have cut then out but made them longer to allow bispoke fitting. No photos on this post as posting on my tablet. Will post them next time ime on the PC. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi Aydin. A excellent start to your build. I have to agree with Keith statement regarding the none flush reinforcing bits. Looks to be a super kit. And nice use of your new building jig/board. Keep the photos and comments coming. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi Aydin. I do like Finland. I was in the North west neer Munnikurkkio (I think that's what's it's called) a few years back Interesting place. You can walk for days and not find a road.. never mind people. Regards Antony.
  11. Hi Aydin. Nice looking kit in a huge box. Will be following you with this one. Regards Antony.
  12. Thanks for the likes. It's easy working from drawings. Pictures are a little more to the imagination and resurch. The fact is no one knows the true details of the ship. Some evidence comes from ship wrecks that have been found. And scriptures that reference the turtle ship. So it's my imagination that provides the rest of the jigsaw. Just done a little resurch into the way they used there oars to propelled and steer the ship. Inresting to note that the oar has a tie-down at the top end of the oar. Will do a mockup of this as it's interesting on how it works. Thanks again. Regards Antony.
  13. Hi Mike. Nice choice. We have made this mini kit and it's quality is good. Link to our build below. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/7782-black-queen-by-alex-s-mini-mamoli-scale-1-135-first-build/?hl=%2Bblack+%2Bqueen It's so nice to do modeling with your son or daughter and to pass on skills and interests. All the best. Regards Antony.
  14. Hi. Lots of work done and only a few photos.. Opps. Ladders in place. working Side doors with bar. Trial fit... Looks good. Bow and Stern doors with working bolt. Mast securing timbers. Temporary mast inserted while work in progress. Funny block on the rudder. Allows the rudder to turn with ease. Walls dry fitted. View from the Stern of the ship. Side walls from the outside. Views from the Bow's Time to clean up and start the fixing and cleaning up. Next job after glueing the side walls in place will be fitting the second deck in place. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi. Thanks for the likes. It's a long way to travel to touch a piece of timber. But I know what you are saying. Have made good progress yesterday with the pillars for the second deck. The second deck lines up perfect with the first deck. Also made the ladders for the hold. Will fit the rudder in position temporarily just to get the angle and fit right. Photos later on in the day or tomorrow. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi. Making a First class job on the planking. Brian has said what I was going to say. I use a piece of softwood timber the same length as the max plank with a shallow saw cut that the plank will sit in on edge. Half a plank width deep. This allows to you to get the correct tapper and the bevelling at the same time. Keep up the excellent work. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi. Thanks for all the likes. Sorry for the brief descriptions on the photos. The main deck is planked with spruce. At this scale the grain looks just right for Pine that would have been used on the real ship. The rudder is not going to be fixed until the model is complete as it protrudes way below the bottom of the ship. I might remake the Anchor winch as the drum does not look right. Needs to be from a core of the tree. The Drum stand was mad then chips cut to give it a bit of texture. The drum skin is shamny leather. The Anchor was a interesting as it has tendons through the shank and the arms. The Bow and Stern ends have working doors. The hole for the gunpoint was milled out on a jig on my proxxon mill. The handrails are made from cherry and need to be put through the sander to finish them. All the ladders have been made. Lots of ladders on this ship. And only 2 decks. The Top deck planking is Tulip wood. Have made this 10 mm wider than nessary as I'm not sure on how it's going to fit. And finally the ship as of yesterday. Turning out to be a large ship model. Have found some Korean soldiers from that time period and at the same scale. I will do the cutaway after the roof is in place. This will leave a 300mm hole in its side. And the edges that have been cut will be painted dull red. The side pillars and the planking are under construction ATM and will take a few more photos as work progresses. Will also take a photo of the jig for making perfect holes in the planks that cannot be drilled without splitting. I have 24 holes to make so time making the jig is well spent. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony
  18. Hi. Updates as per previous post. Main Deck is now planked and needs a fine sanding. Main deck from above. Rudder and tiller. Winch for anchor. Drum Anchor The Bow front panel. Doors are working and I need to add a beam lock to the both ends of the ship. All the hand rails made up . Need finishing before adding to decks. Various ladders made up. also needs finishing. second Deck from above. Second deck from below. Bow and stern ends added to model. That's it for today. Regards Antony.
  19. Hi. Well the kitchen is delayed for a few weeks. Ship back on the work area. Have made a few of the deck fittings. Will take a few photos tomorrow and post them. Regards Antony.
  20. Yet more reading from the 74 gun ship. In the section of fixings. "Riders- these are fastened in exactly the same way as the bends. Bolts driven through from the hull- planking are forelocked to the upper face of the riders, one through each strake of planking, facetted alternately to the forward and after "Slice" of each rider. It should be noted however that the two lowest strikes (the garboard strake and the first bottom-strake), are merely blind-fastend into the floor-riders, since otherwise through-fastenings would interfere with the bolts of the keelson." Regards Antony
  21. Hi Tom. Reading from the Seventy four gun ship volume 1. "The riders look very much like frames, Since they are shaped, worked and assembled in the same way. There are none at all in the after part of the hold; the width and thickness of the riders is the same as for the frames. They are cut away over the keelson and the thick-stuff at the floor-heads, but while they are being worked as much timber as possible is left in the middle to compensate for the amount cut away to accommodate the keelson. Filling-pieces are placed in the air-strakes of the ceiling at the point where the riders run. The riders are assembled in the opposite manner to the frames, in the sense that the floor timbers,which is the after"slice" of the floor-riders. The role of the riders is to counteract the tendency of the frames to sag outwards. In out 74 the futtock-riders finish under the planking of the gundeck." I hope this helps. Regards Antony.
  22. Hi Dave. One of the game designers was asking questions on this forum regarding ship design if I an not mistaken. Do you have a in game name?. I already play Archeage. RPG game. Regards Antony.
  23. Hi Dave. That says it all. And that a real drive to Acheave a better standard. Which explains your excellent work and results. Now back to the model in hand.. That's one excellent method of learning the planking method. The wood shows a much better curve than the tape you were using. And the infill blocks will help no end. Nice photo's by the way. Regards Antony.
  24. Hi. Thanks for all the likes. The model is now packed away until the kitchen is finished. With the builders and kitchen fitters everywhere I would not garnatee it's safety. Will start again @ the end of June. But that will not stop me making the ladders and the roof hexagonal plates. Not sure yet what I will use to make them. Copper sheet or plasticard. I have a punch to make the shapes. The bits I have been reading suggest that they used blades rather than spikes. Not sure which I will go with. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony.
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