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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi E&T. Outstanding support for the build. Laser cutters cut nice and square .. Lots of nice bulkheads. Makes for a nice shape ans accuracy. Regards Antony.
  2. Hi Maturin. Nice start to your build.. I have this kit as yet not started. Just waiting for the right time and space to appear on my work bench. There are a few build logs of the Bounty. They all contain lots of usefull ideas and mods to help the build. Adding the internal details will enhance the model and your enjoyment. Regards Antony.
  3. Hi Kmart. Sorry to here of your loss. The panart kit is a nice one. And yes Jeff is a skilled builder and his cross section is a masterpiece. Will follow you along with this one.. Regards Antony.
  4. Hi Ulises. Just catching up on your build log.. That's one nice ship and you are turning a pile of wood into a masterpiece. Very nice work throughout the build. After reading all the 353 posts I must say that the help and advice is spot on.. Nice to see that people do still care. Looking forward to your next post. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi Michael. Have a look at this build .. They have had the same issues that you are having. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/6360-royal-louis-1780-by-ulises-victoria-mamoli-scale-190-french-vessel-120-cannons-started-in-april-10-2014/?hl=%2Broyal+%2Blouis+%2Bmamoli Please LOOK at post 133 as this is super Important to you at this stage. Regards Antony.
  6. Hi Micharl. Sounds like your keel is twisted from your first statement. .? Sort this out first.. Or you will have a ship that will not go together too well. I had this issue with one of my first kits.. Keel and frames were twisted. My solution was to cut 4 softwood spacers the same width as the gap at the keel on every bulkheade/frame gap. A ship that had 48mm of twist then had less than 1mm.. Worked for me. This also stiffened the hull and made it easer to work with. As far as Faring the frames.. I use a length's of strip wood and pin it to the Bow. Then pin it at the stern. You can then see what angle each bulkhead/frame needs to be. Then I take my Dremmel with a sanding drum on and follow the contours. Checking with a strip of wood that you are still getting the correct angle. There are lots of build logs that show this process. All the best. Antony.
  7. Hi Brett. These are the best Tutorals that I have seen. I have a hard copy of this in my folder I refer to every time I need to do planking. The template I printed onto OHP acetate. Bends nicely and lasts for years and you can see what you are doing. First one is the Tutoral. http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/Lining%20Off%20your%20hull%20for%20planking.pdf Second one is the Template. http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingfan.pdf As fare as the length of the planks.. It makes it harder to use short lengths But the finish will be Soo much nicer. You could always fill between the bulkheads/frames then you can use random lengths as you build as the ends of the planks will have something to support them. Regards Antony.
  8. Hello Lee. Stunning workmanship. You never cease to amaze me. Your skills are outstanding. WOW says it all. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi Bryan. Just catching up on your build.. Wow a fast mover.. You have done soooo much. And very nicely too. All the extra bits you are adding are looking real good and will make the finished model a real masterpiece. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi. Mabe this is close enough to what you want. Most tea clippers were built with the same lines and the hull shape would be simular. http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/mantua_thermopylae.html This is a nice kit that would require a little skill to build. The rigging on this type of ship would be quite a challenge to a beginner. Mabe you could pick one up ready made on the dreaded EBay. lots of the cuttysark on EBay with a little modification it could be turned into the Wynaud. Regards Antony.
  11. Hello. And welcome to MSW. I have never used a commercial building Jig or board. Always used a flat piece of MDF or other sheet timber I have lieing around. Plan the size and make supports for the bow timbers and stern timbers. Keep EVERY THING Square.. Unless your ship has a built in twist.LOL. If you are using the board in the house I would felt the bottom to stop scratching the boss's tables. Some ships do not have a flat keel.. Take this into consideration when building the board or clamp. Hint.. Always replace the boat back into the board .. It stops unessery twist developing. Regards Antony.
  12. Hello Lee. Only one word to describe your skill... Stunning. Every time I look at your ship my jaw sits on my chest. It will be interesting to see how you blacken the brass nail heads. Regards Antony.
  13. Hi Paul. Thank you for your nice comments. I always keep my saw blades sharp and feed the wood into the saw at a slow and constant speed. Also keeping the wood pressed against the guide. If the wood is on show I will pull a sharp edge across the length. This makes it almost planed finish. As far as the grates.. There are some brilliant tutorial on MSW that cover making gratings. Most of what I have done I have learnt from this Forum. And welcome to MSW by the way. Regards Antony.
  14. Hi Brian. You have made a nice start on the build. I have this kit to build but need to compleat other projects first. Will watch as you build.. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi. News.. Here in the UK there is a documentary on this ship. Hunt for the artic ghost ship. On Tuesday 4th Aug C4 @ 9:00 pm. Sorry for spamming your post. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi Ted. Making amazing headway. Nice choice of timber colours. Continuing to watch this build develop and grow. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi Michael. Very nice start. Will grab my chair and copa tea and follow along with this one. Interesting to see you have the bulkheads spaced to the gun ports. Nice one. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi Jonny. Excellent progress with the Build and extras. They used to use old or damaged cannons in harbour walls as ballards as well as timber. Still many around the Cornish and Devon harbours. Photo of example. http://www.edwarddowden.co.uk/sale_paint4.htm Regards Antony.
  19. Hi Jeff. Nice work with the hull plating. Looks very good. Watching you with this build makes me want to go out and purchase this kit.. All the best. Regards Antony.
  20. Hi. Thank you all for the likes. I am looking forward to delivering it on Monday PM. Regards Antony.
  21. As always. OUTSTANDING. They went to the most knowledgeable person on this subject... And that YOU. Congratulations on your acheavments. Going back to the model... Nice work on the rabbet. All of your research and recording of this model is just mind blowing. Nice mug. Do u use it. Have a nice one. Regards Antony.
  22. Hi. Well its the end of this build and its been a nice steady build. Started in September 2013. with a couple of breaks IE summer holidays. Daughters wedding. A few photos are in order.. The Enclosure is made from Fire resting poly-carbonate, as its Health and Safety thing. Top .bottom and back are 12mm plywood. There is also a Mirror at the back of the model..Gives it more depth. Doctor Who cheat. The Red button is a press to make switch. and holds the power on for 30 seconds. Lights that are in the Hold and Orlop deck flicker like oil lamps. The two Dolphins are carved from Boxwood (not by me) . Local shop sells then cheap. I did not put gravel into the hold in order to keep the weight down. The drawings are bits that I had lying around.. They cover the plywood nicely. The tape measure is showing the physical size of the enclosure I really appreciate the help and encouragement you people have given me throughout this build. I would also like to thank my friend Roy for supplying my with the timber for the build. And of course the person who keeps everything running in the house while I have my head buried in the model. Marian. And all the likes... There are soooooo many. Any questions.. Please ask. Regards Antony.
  23. Hi Jeff. Never 2 late to carry on with the build. Looks good from this side of the world. Regards Antony.
  24. Hello Christian. This looks like a nice place to learn a new method of hull construction.. Not seen the method before.. Will follow along of this build if you don't mind. Regards Antony.
  25. Hi. It's a old kit as you know. Google have come up with a few photos.. Not plans. IE http://www.dba.dk/seeadler/id-1015921066/billeder/2/ Don't know if you can get enough information from them. Regards Antony.
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