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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi. Quite a different story for me.. I started at the age of 6 or 8. Never had any money or kits around at that time. Only plastic kits of aircraft were the rage with kids. A local fisherman who made models from wood he found washed up on the beach was his local supplier. This guy had a wicked eye for ships lines and shapes. He would carve the models from the drift wood that had been drying over several years with very little tools and drawings. Nothing is a failure in his eyes as it is art in his style. The first thing I made out of wood was a raft. Very basic with bamboo canes as the timber. The next one was a rowing boat made from a plug that my tutor had made a few years earlier. This one was made using candle wax to release the glue. Two straps of planks a day... After that I started making my own designs. What was pleasing to my eyes was the shape and style. I take breaks from my ship modeling... last time I did any was some 5 months ago. Now summer is over will finish my Korean ship. Many people fail to compleate there model due to very poor instructions. And to poor quality of the kit contents. There are some excellent posts and help on beginners choice of kit here on this forum. What I am trying to say is.. Don't care what other people think of your ship or boat. We all have got to learn to use our hands and head together. For begginers... post it and you Will get the help. Don't compare your work with other people's. ... It's your ship/boat. Ask before you proceed if you don't understand what the instruction are trying to say. Enough of my ranting and trying to put the world to right. Regards Antony.
  2. Hi HKC. Have a look here http://www.billingboatsusa.com/blocks-and-deadeyes/483-bf0222-block-7mm.html I have lots of old blocks that are darker in colour than the ones in your picture and they are 8.4mm long. You are welcome to the blocks that I have. Just message me your shipping address. Regards Antony.
  3. Hi Clare. I am just going to agree with all the posts above. Just one extra word from me STUNNING. Regards Antony.
  4. Hi Frank. Very nice. All the little bits of extra detail is bringing this ship alive. I really like your deck colour. Spot on. Well done. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi Chuck. Have been waiting for this tutorial for some time. Brilliant . Following this one very closely and going to get some knifes and sutable timber. Thank you so much for creating this opportunity for me to learn wood carving. Regards Antony.
  6. Hi Robin. I like the modified parts that you have added. And it will show very nicely when the ship is finished. I know what you are saying about far East tools. Some are just rubbish But some are brilliant. Watching with great interest on this build. Regards Antony.
  7. Hi Mark. That is the best explanations on what a Whale is. Regards Antony.
  8. Hi Steve. Not seen this one on MSW but I could have missed it. Did you do a search for it ?. CMB in the UK have it in stock http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/Corel-King-of-Prussia-SM062.html Looks a nice model. Regards Antony. Also found this http://www.modelerscentral.com/ship-model-kits/corel/king-of-prussia-cornish-smuggler-1780/ And this is some history. http://ednoveanfarm.co.uk/blog/the-smugglers-of-prussia-cove/ of the Area in Cornwall UK.
  9. Hi Robin. Ime going to follow along on this one if you don't mind. Very interesting modifications to the kits. Two kits... I would have built one to the plan and instruction and the other with all the mods.. Have a nice holiday. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi. Well done both of you. What a nice surprise for mum and dad. Give yourself a big pat on the back Greg for sharing your time and knowledge. And you have opened up another part of her mind to skills and modeling. She may become like so many females on this forum. Very skilled modelers. Regards Antony.
  11. Hi Torbogdan. Nice build.. I like your approach to modeling. The Halse is a interesting little ship that has some very nice features. John... perhaps a message to Daniel Dusek might have been more appropriate?.. It's not always easy to make a kit that is 100% correct and some of the other kit manufactures just guess what the ship looked like. Keep up the excellent build and ime following along with this one. Regards Antony.
  12. Hi Grandad. It's so nice to see people's interaction between different age groups. It's extra special for you both as you are working on the project together. Mind You.. it looks like she is doing most of the work. Love the last pic with the Safety googles. It's the only way to start.. All the best Antony.
  13. Hi Frank. Totally stunning. Very nice attention to detail. Regards Antony.
  14. Hi Kevin. Very nice find and thanks for posting. Gotta laugh at the spelling in the text. Mind you mine is not that good. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi Bob. You made a cracking job of the Gun bays. With lots of extra bits and details. Pat yourself on the back for me. What's next ?????? Regards Antony.
  16. Hi Dave. WOW spent just over 90 mins reading through your build log for your SOS. Must say you have the gift. Lowering the gun ports then ripping the sides out.. I would have scraped it.. but you just kept going. Then to be plagued with ear infections and skin grafting. YOU are amazing. Like a lot of people have said... you must be crazy to scratch build the SOS. But you have done it Will follow along with the rest of the build with eyes open wide. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi. Another one here that people are talking about. http://www.modelshipbuildingsecrets.com/model-ship-building-dvd Also look at the link here on MSW http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/5592-model-ship-building-secrets-dvd/ Not used any myself so cannot recommend any. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi Aydin. WOW. Nice very nice. Ideal boat to use the scrappers on. Nice flowing area's The lines on the boat are really showing up now. Only a Italion could design lines like that Regards Antony.
  19. Hi Mike. Nice to have another gun deck under construction. As with most kits there are little tweets to be made. It's also nice having Cobr@ on board. You are off to a good start. It's a good idea not putting that centre beam in at this stage. You will need to get in there and work on the model. Regards Antony.
  20. Hi Aydin. She is coming along very nicely. Problems lead to solutions and knowledge. In saying that you must have learnt a lot by building this kit Nice work through the the build. Regards Antony.
  21. Hi. Thanks Frank. Ime about a 1/8 of the way drilling the 0.4 mm holes for the roof plate pins. And I needed all the likes and nice comments . Will post a few photos of the roof when completed. Back to the Dremel. Thanks for looking in Frank. Regards Antony.
  22. Hi Nils. It's much easer to do on a cross section as you do not have the curves to plate. Not looked at this build since it was finished. Thanks for the likes.. I missed seeing these. Regards Antony.
  23. Hi Brian. Have been following along in the shadows with this one. Time to pop my head out and tell you what a excellent build you have. Nice work and fun build. Regards Antony.
  24. Hi Frank. Off to a good start. Keel looks straight to me. Ime with you on the double planking. There is no horrible buff. Regards Antony.
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