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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi Jonny. Grats on the k9. Major timber chewer if I am not mistaken . She looks adorable as most puppets do. Plenty of walks and puppy training to start with. Followed by more walks. The Sherbourne is looking real good. Some really good mods made and the result is showing in the model quality. Regards Antony.
  2. Hi Shipwrights. Nice progress and she is realy taking shape. Keep the photos coming. Looking forward to the next instalment. Regards Antony.
  3. Hi Don. Making very good progress on the planking .. Very neat and tidy. A question's if I may... How are you holding the planks in place ?. I see no clamp marks or pin holes. Regards Antony.
  4. Hello Isalbert. Making Exelent progress. The finish on you timber is amazing and it shows in your build. I also like the number of photos you post with so many different angles. And nice camera work as well. A truly excellent build. Regards Antony.
  5. Hello Lee. A wonderful job as always. Smart idea of the colouring of the glue. Regards Antony.
  6. Hi Crusoe. Welcome to MSW. You have made a Exelent start to your Bounty. Nice work area you have there.. Please keep posting your updates.. As it helps the people that have built this kit to help you.. Advice.. Check and double check .. Can save a lot of problems later on. Keep everything square that ment to be square.. Post any concerns you come across here.. Some one will know the answer Happy ship building. Regards Antony.
  7. Hi Mij. Wow big deciction to restart the model.. But it's gotta be done if you are not happy with the timber... It will always haunt you. Why not make a forward cross section with your mark 1. All the best. Antony.
  8. Hi Ted. Wow you have started already. Did you manage to find anymore information on the original ship ? Will be following along with this build. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi Jay. Wow looking nice and I like your idea's with producing the Knees ETC. Looking forward to your next build post. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi Bob. This should keep you going for a few weeks Very nice start to the build. Your skill's will overcome the lack of Power tools. Just look back at your past builds... Will be watching this build with interest. Regards Antony.
  11. Hello Bibounde. Congrats on finishing your Lady Nelson. You have done a wonderful job and she is looking very nice. A question... Will you be putting her into a display case ?? Regards Antony.
  12. Hi . You are making Exelent progress on the Bounty. It's your choice on one or two layers of planking. Going to start my build of the Bounty next week. Will be watching your build for a little guidance as you progress. Regards Antony.
  13. Hi Mike. You're are doing a terrific job on the Cromwell and I have learnt a lot from just reading your build log. Paying a lot of attention to detail makes for a excellent model. Super build. Regards Antony.
  14. Hi Jay. You are coming along very nicely with your cross section. I did a little project that covers flickering light to simulate oil or candle lights. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/2806-flickering-lights/?hl=flickering Works well and a couple of others have used it. Sounds hard to do but it's a piece of cake to do.. Even with no electronics knowledge. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi. Will be a interesting build. My young person wants to build this model this year so I will follow your build and learn from you. Is the timber you received... You can sun bleach it if it's too dark. Just lay it in the sun and make sure it does not warp. If it's to light then you can use a wood die.. Dilute it and test it. Let it dry. And compare. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi. Thanks Janos.. I never new that. I learn something new every day.. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi Ian. Workshop heaven stocks all sorts of fine timber. http://www.workshopheaven.com/tools/Boxwood_Squares_20-25mm.html Most of the Boxwood is small in size and not very long. You could contact them ans inquire about larger sizes. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi. Sounds like a bundle of fun. SO... Who is the shipwright ?? I have built a model with my young person and I really enjoyed the build. Great fun. Nice to use a good jig at the start..insurers everything is square and true. Regards Antony.
  19. Hi Don. Nice start I have this kit as yet not started.. Fingers are now itching. I do like the idea of the white on the frames. Got my seat booked for this build. Regards Antony.
  20. Hi E&T. Nice to you back at the tools again. That's some very nice modeling skills you got going there WOW. Wish our library had resources like that... But that's the UK for you. Back to the stone age. I love the way you take photos of the stages you are on.. Looking forward to your next post. Regards Antony.
  21. Hi Karl. I followed your last build with great interest and I shall follow this one with equal interest. Am I correct in thinking that the hull will be fixed and all the decks will slide out ??Is so how will you achieve this ? Regards Antony.
  22. Hello Stergios. Welcome to MSW. You have made a good start on your cross section. Making something and then deciding it is not good enough for you is good . It shows you have a goos standard of what you are trying to acheave. And making mistakes is what we all learn with. I love Pear wood. Makes very nice timber for model ship building. Will be following along with your build. Regards Antony.
  23. Hi Lee. Just catching up on your splendid build.. Lost for words. WOW. Regards Antony.
  24. Hi Jay. Nice to see a forward cross section being built. Your resurch and planning are spot on. Your first frame looks real nice. Regards Antony.
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