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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi Wim. Nice job on the sails. There are so many pictures out there on the net of the Turtle ship.. But none of the ships are the same.. Makes me wonder if any of then are they have any idea on what the turtle ship acutely looked like and just drawn it to notes that have been found. But I must say the young modeler kit seames to be as near it can be to scale and realistic in its size and build styles. Looking forward to getting my kit.. I've had the DVD of the " Roaring Currents" for christmas. Watched it twice now... Not much on the Turtle ship But a very good film portraying Korean history and Korean cultural history. Regards Antony.
  2. Hi LA. Very nice work so far. Your rigging looks spot on. Don't rush it.. I will be watching ... Regards Antony.
  3. Hi. Dan says it all for me.. I don't even like painting my ships..even if they are ment to be painted. I'me a woody person and like the look and texture. Regards Antony.
  4. Hi Wim. Just checking in on your log.. I have just orderd this kit from Korea. They say it can be anything up to 5 weeks delevery to the UK. Fingers are itching to start another build.. Awaiting your next update. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi Danny. I don't know how you done it But you have just Compleated mission impossible. There's no way I would take this mission. Just goes to show your skills as a model maker and restorer. Stunned . I remember the first post.. Thinking to myself ... He will bin this one.. Thers no way that anything can be done. It's a lot harder correcting other's work. Regards Antony.
  6. Hi. From my own expearances the only knot I have seen used for the anchor is a knot called the Anchor bend. Same as the fishermans knot but it goes twice around the ring then finishes with a half turn. And the tail is always lashed. Regards Antony.
  7. Hi Boyd. That's a master piece of deck planking.. With a Exelent discription on how you did it... Was waiting on your next post and it arrives at Christmas ... Nice gift. Totally Exelent modeling skills. Regards Antony.
  8. Hi Danny. Great progress. Love the colour of your timber.. Looking forward to the next stage. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi. Now this is a Quality machine. Father Christmas I want one please..... first used a CNC machine when I was 23 and that was a monster that only had 3 axces and 1 huge cabinet with all the electronics in. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi Bob. Looking very nice. Makes my fingers twitch in anticipation of starting my kit after Christmas. Keep up the postings. Regards Antony.
  11. Hi Clare? As usual I get to miss a interesting build start... Never mind I've cought up now.... I love thease Japanese and korean kits. They are so different from the normal European kit. Have never used Japanese cedar before. Looks like and cuts like the stuff I have used here in the UK. I like your approach on all your builds.. Steady and check and recheck. A late seat is booked. And as Richard states. so true.Following along.. Regards Antony.
  12. Hi Bob. I like the look of tulip wood for my decks as it has a tinge of green in it. But that's my choice.. But boxwood is the best one can get.. BTW were are you getting your boxwood from ?? A question ...Will you be doing a little kit bashing? ( making your own modifications) Regards Antony.
  13. Hi Cobr. Nice to see another Bounty on the go. Very good idea on the slipway. Will make life much easer for you as the model grows in size. I also have this kit lined up to start after Christmas. Have a nice one. Regards Antony.
  14. I Kmart. Very nice. "I am very happy with how it turned out." and so you should be They are not easy to make but you have made and fitted them. As a on and off modeller as you put it... Not bad..not bad at all. Regards Antony
  15. Hi. I have had my saw for some time now.. And it's in use by 3 people ... Local friends that do modeling.. Lots of usage. Still no issues. I also have Jim's sander. I built my own version first.. It was OK. But after I got Jim's sander Wow the difference was sooo noticeable on the finished timber. Yes inport duties are high. But if you want quality timber you need Quality tools. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi Dan. Yea another cross section for me to follow A different ship no less. Nice. Got my sun lounger booked and ready to receive... Regards Antony.
  17. Hi Christian. Still here and awaiting news and progress. Be interesting to see the new developments with the cant frames. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi Michael. That will work just fine. Resist trying to sand too hard.. Take your time. Regards Antony.
  19. Hi Wim. I spent many years in Korea. I loved the place and people. I saw a replica of this ship near Seoul. Always wanted to model this... But could not find any plans/ drawings. You are making excellent progress on this model. Regards Antony.
  20. Hi Phil. Have you looked at the database of artical's in the MSW database.. This one might give you a good idea on where to start. http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingprojectbeginners.pdf I use a sanding block that's 250mm long and 15mm wide for doing my models.( homemade for the job.. Just a block of flat wood with vees cut into the ends and a wedge to jam the sandpaper into place.) Take your time on this part of the build.. Regards Antony.
  21. Hi Jim. Yes they are the locknut and set screws you will need to adjust. Start with the slide in the centre. Then tighten the middle screw and nip the locking nut. BUT NOT TO TIGHT. Test the full travel of the bed. And redo if nessary. Then tighten the outer two screws and nip the lock nuts. Retest the travel on the bed.. As I said this can be time consuming but it's worth the effort as this mill is brill for modeling work and mine has served me well. Regards Antony.
  22. Hi Bluto. I had the same issues as you are having. I adjusted mine by loosening the nuts then tightening the middle set screw very small amounts with the table in the centre position to start with. Then adjust the outer two. Lock up and test.repeat as nessary. I had to do this some dozen times untill I got it just right.then adjust the full length of the bed travel. Takes time to do it correctly ..but it's worth it... Regards Antony.
  23. Hi kmart. Yes any thing that works for you is good.. And yes I use a lot of bands while building my ships. The planking is Exelent .. And NO stealers . You have been reading up on how to plank.. Keep up the good work. Regards Antony.
  24. Hi Nenad. Yes I use Illustrater . Started with solid works but the learning curve was to steep for me and my brain and my time. Yes there are a lot of shortcuts to be used and finding them is not easy ..But it's A very nice CAD drawing tool. You can save your files as a .pdf and then you can post it on MSW. Regards Antony.
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