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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. I have completed the keel and started glueing the bulkheads together, here you can see them sat in place. ben
  2. Thanks David and Rusty, I decided to make up both the AYC and my own Pear/Box knee of the head to look at the difference in color and grain appearance and I have decided to go ahead with my decision to make the framing in Pear. ben
  3. Hi So I'm going to go ahead and start a build log of the Winchelsea, It will based off Chuck's designs with a few modifications of my own. My main reason for building her is because she was once captained by Pellew and I intend in the future to build another of his ships, a 1:48 fully framed model of the 44 gun Razee Indefatigable and it would be great to have both models together in the same scale. I will not be planking in AYC as I have a goodly stock of Castello Boxwood and prefer it on a model of this size, also stem/stern framing and keel will be of Swiss Pear with other wood highlights, maybe I will use the cedar on things that wont be seen easily and use the fruitwood gel stain that Chuck has discovered to blend it with the boxwood to minimize usage. I did purchase the Bulkheads and starter packages from Chuck and will certainly be buying his cast resin set when they are available. The first job I have started while waiting for planking to dry on Pegasus is to make a new build board for this "BIG" ship, it will be approx 38" long without rigging and will need good support while framing, planking and finishing, so I decided to go and buy another 'cheap' 5foot workbench from Harbor Freight for $100 and modify it to suit. First it was put together and lift casters added so that I can quickly move and spin the bench whichever way I need it. Second was to add 4-foot T-tracks and a nice large 1/2" MDF buildboad to the top. Third was to install the keel and bulkhead former holders ready for the backbone. The 4 drawers are great for holding parts/tools and the bottom shelf for materials which keeps an entire build together on one table instead of being spread about my workshop. Here is looking forward to an interesting build and I should start on the bulkheads later this week. ben
  4. Hey Rusty, just catching up and I think I see that your stern framing is still a bit wrong, see doctored picture showing where the upright and the back of the port should go to in yellow and the red shows where the bottom sill of the QG door should slant, this will affect the QG door a bit I think. Maybe you can get away with just filing the correct angle into that existing bottom framing to get it correct. Also I think you have your foremost gunport a little bit too far aft, the plans show its foreward aft edge on the aftside of bulkhead W, yours appears quite a bit further back than that, should be real easy to fix. BR ben
  5. Hi Lyle, TFFM stand for “ The fully framed model” which is a set of 4 books written by David Antscherl and Greg Herbert and they are available from Seawatch books, who are one of the sponsors of Model ship world and you can find a link to their site on the main page. The set of books is an excellent reference for many things in model ship building and in my opinion a must have for any serious model builder looking to move into scratch building. ben
  6. Work continues on upper planking to the sheer strake, this is a “fun” one to make and blend into the other planking. ben
  7. Port side has been marked and started drilling for treenails, have to draw some boxwood down, wow this is tedious work.
  8. Nice progress, I did the same thing when raising the cant frames on Pegasus by taking the frame line off the plans and putting it on the support, really helped dial in the position much better. ben
  9. That is correct as per TFFM, 7/8”. Strakes at this point at 3” thick getting thinner as I go further up to 2” thick.
  10. Work on Pegasus has begun again, the first 4 strakes above the wales have been installed and now I’m treenailing while I can see the framing positions. I’m using boxwood for treenail material drawn down to #18 hole on Byrnes plate, and I’m glad that it’s pretty subtle so far. ben
  11. Wow, Thanks for all the likes and comments. Here are the last pictures of my longboat build with the flag attached. Im really impressed with how this kit from Chuck came out, it was a huge amount of fun to build, quality parts of the highest order, excellent instructions - Overall I think Chuck will sell thousands of these, just hope he can keep up with demand 😎 ben
  12. Rigging was completed with all rope coils etc... Windlass was wrapped and grapnel installed. Not going to install any oars or windlass bars. I tore the tissue flag as I was taking it out of its baggie, hopefully Chuck will be able to supply me with another, otherwise this project is complete and in its case. Thanks again to Chuck for designing and supplying this awesome kit. Back to the Pegasus build and maybe line up something else too. ben
  13. Hey Rusty, looks like Ike we have the same thing in mind, if I build her I will use Pear for the Stem, Knee, Keel, sternpost and rudder, ebony for the false keel, and Cedar for most of the rest - a la my Pegasus build, I love that color combination. look forward to seeing your progress to give me inspiration Ben
  14. No Jeff I didnt, the little time I have I prefer to be building ships rather than cases I buy my cases from here. https://www.casesforcollectibles.com/
  15. Good question Chuck - no easy answer to it though and I'm sure you have more things to worry about, but keep it in mind in case you do see something that catches your eye and you fancy building it.
  16. Just for Chuck, a picture of both of the projects together in their cases, thanks to him for creating these awesome kits and I hope he makes a few more of these larger scale small boats in the future, they sure are fun to build.
  17. Stays have been completed and Bowsprit installed, only the Jib, Jib Halliard, Foresail Halliard and Flag Halliard left to rig. You can see I have left all the stays loose for the moment until I’m ready to do the final tensioning. I ran out of 0.025 light brown rope due to mistakes and had to order more from Chuck, hopefully complete this great little project in a few weeks after vacation. ben
  18. Chris - I would agree with you that decorations were proberbly kept to a minimum when she was cut down to reduce cost and speed up the work, another thing to remember that I found in my research is that Pellew ordered himself that the new poop deck be shortened to before the mizzen mast to reduce Top Hamper as compared to the Razee plans available from NMM that show the poop running further forward, see picture. This is documented in several places so I consider it to be trustworthy information but you may decide otherwise.
  19. Chris - with regard to Indefatigable, I have made a set of POF plans myself in cad 1:48 in her 44 (50) razee guise as that is to be my next scratch fully framed build, I can tell you now that in all my research I could find no information on what figurehead she had even as a 64, I even contacted the Museum at Bucklers hard where she was built and they had nothing. Myself and John from Art of Age of sail ( he built a POF version ) discussed that because she was sister ship of the Agamemnon and they were both built at Bucklers at the same time they may have had similar figureheads but that’s pure speculation and it’s unknown if when she was razeed they even reused the original or went to one of those standard busts as it was after 1794 when they stopped decorating the ships so much. As for her stern decorations, there are several paintings depicting her with stern details shown ( a la vs Droits la homme) to get ideas from. if you do manage to dig up info on her figurehead I would love to hear about it. ben
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