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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Lorne, I will never use them. So you can have these parts. Shipping costs will be your biggest expense Send me a message where you live (or just which country you live). Then I can see what the price will be. You can then decide whether you still want them or not. Groetjes Greetings
  2. Christian, Maybe you can find here more information about "seats of ease" Lots of info and links . Groetjes Greetings
  3. Nice work Christian. "Crowsfeet" Never heard of it before Again another word learned MSW groetjes Greetings
  4. I follow also Good luck with your model. Groetjes Greetings
  5. The making of an early 17th century ship lantern writing English texts is not my best side. I hope that the photographs and the drawings are sufficient. Here's the method of how I made my lantern for my Wasa Billing Boats. A lantern of this type is also found on the Batavia replica. I have attached a pdf with a drawing Dimensions are in mm (1 millimeter = 0.0393700787 inches) schets lantaarn.pdf (Extra small details in plastic strip are applied on the lantern) Painting is gold and gun metal) The base came from lantern From Billing Boats eight volunteers from the 1/72 parts box ready Each question will be answered as good as possible Groetjes Greetings
  6. thanks Michael and Cristian and everyone watching this When the fillerblocks are ready on both sides. I will start with building up the frames. ( It is my intention to make the inside partly visible through open doors and windows) Before I can do this, I first need to determine the final shape I now have plans and images for 4 different Golden Hinds….( Yes 4 ) The final shape will probably look like this Groetjes Greetings
  7. Hello The upper ends of the frames are provided with supports. So that they can be less easily damaged. I started with the filling of the lower space of the frames ( i think "fillerbloks" is the correct word). Wooden pieces are sawn to length. These pieces are then made at approximately the right shape. And glued between the frames A few frames also had to be adjusted. One side is filled up, and can be sanded. One side is sanded I used this machine to sand the rough shape Some test planking is attached (looks ok) The frame of the stern has been modified and should now have better shape (thanks druxey). One side is done and seems to have the proper shape below the waterline One side to go. Ps, I had picture uploade problems, see : http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/15445-images-size-fixed-at-12-px/ Groetjes Greetings
  8. Thanks, I think that this is the replica that now lies in London. The hull is widened Build in 1973 i think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmJRWq5g4o8 Work on the first side is going well And the badly made frame at the stern is almost in correct shape. index see post 1 Groetjes Greetings
  9. Hallo The shipyard is restarted. I have started to fill up the space between the frames. When one side is finished there will be A more detailed update. Index see post 1 Groetjes Greetings
  10. Once I need extra parts for my Wasa. I then bought the Norske lowe extra parts set (for a very cheap price) Do you mean these parts. Groetjes Greetings
  11. A few examples are there in "The art of shipwright" from Matthew baker. http://nautarch.tamu.edu/pdf-files/Myers-MA%201987.pdf Why this is so. Who knows. But Matthew Baker was very respected as a shipbuilder. Groetjes Greetings
  12. Normally I give your posts a "like This" . But your post N° 368 is the first one i should give a "dont like" . Ik zou zeggen kin omhoog borst vooruit en ... nieuwe blokken maken. Rome is ook niet op één dag gebouwd In English : I would say chin up chest forward and ... make new blocks. Rome was also not built in one day. Good luck with the new blocks ps, Actually, I also had to laugh a little first (sorry) Groetjes Greetings
  13. Thanks everyone for the replies So we can safely say that this wood is not suitable for ship modeling. And is dangerous firewood Groetjes Greetings Patrick
  14. Hello One of our trees was blown down during a small storm It is a Laburnum anagyroides or golden chain, golden rain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laburnum_anagyroides. During sawing this beautiful brown wood appeared. Does anybody have experience with this? Would it be useful for modeling ?? Otherwise, it's firewood Greetings Patrick
  15. Gewoon toppie Robin !! This can not be translated into English. It just means : fantastic,great job Robin (in Flemish or Dutch) Groetjes Greetings Patrick
  16. Hallo, First. A replica is build of the Spanish galleon San Juan. Great site and beautiful work http://www.albaola.com/en Now : The orlop deck, planking and hatches Most of this deck will not be visible when the ship is ready. I see this work as an exercise to gain experience in deck planking. And if someone looks through a cannon port or a hatch. This will give a better view. There are little or no archaeological finds of decks from English galleons. Only from one ship wreck. One frame was cut out to low. this was adjusted. A first layer of planks is laid and sanded. In order to obtain an even surface The waterway is been placed. A possible layout of the deck There may be only 12 cannons installed instead of 14 (the helm can possibly be in the way) hatches to the lower cargo space Every time I looked at frame 1. I got a headache .... So frame 1 was improved. Much better now. No more headache The second and final layer of planking is placed and sanded. I was so absorbed in this work that I forgot to take pictures while planking the deck Now to to the dummy frames that will be visible in this deck 1 test assembly of frames and a gun port was made I'll just lay one layer of planks on the hull So The next step is to fill the space between the lower part of the frames. And adjust the frame of the transom But it is too wet and cold outside in my garden to do this And I have no indoor space where I can turn on my sawing machine So back to plastic military modeling. Index : see post 1 Groetjes Greetings Patrick
  17. Kurt, I started building the Golden Hind. In particular, it looks that the shape of the underside of the hull is important. Look at the links on my build log of the Golden Hind. http://www.maritimea... design_web.pdf http://www.maritimea...hesis bates.pdf http://www.wessexarc...2Auer-Firth.pdf http://nautarch.tamu...ers-MA 1987.pdf http://www.patrimoni...logia/18/22.pdf http://www.bricksite...6f37c70ca11.pdf Or, just ask. I try to do my best to reply (But I'm not a specialist ) There will by an update of my buildlog soon . Here's a picture in preview Groetjes Greetings Patrick
  18. Hey Michael Nicely done as always Here you have a picture of the other side Taken in the museum. Take a look at the Wasa plans from Billings. Who also use a "fid" BB490 Wasa_Instruction-2-min.pdf Groetjes Greetings Patrick
  19. Nice work Funny, We use the same tool to cut round circels from styrene sheet. A simple tool which cuts always nice round shapes. Groetjes Greetings Patrick
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