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Everything posted by Baker

  1. A nice first ship model.
  2. After some extra research I discovered that this is not a flame trower tank . But a Russian OT133 flame trower tank served as the basis for this tank. Info found on this website http://www.andreaslarka.net/ps164007/ps164007.html The photos on the website have copyright so I can't show them here. Made new side pannels with vision slits The kits biggest errors are fixed. Now the real assembly can begin.
  3. I know. I follow you with interest. 😉. Found (to late) that the driver hatches are not the same as in the kit. So a demolitian job. The improved version, hatches and others still to be placed Dry test with the turret
  4. My idea, without obligation Glue the platic port on a piece of plywood (or wood or thick plastic). Port and plywood must have the same dimensions You can then drill a hole in it where you can glue the cannon (drill the hole before gluing the port / plywood on the model. a sketch I used almost the same method Result
  5. Be careful making the openings the planking is quite thin. I have an idea for your cannons, but no time today to make a sketch of it.
  6. Looks good. There are several buildlogs of this model I have had great satisfaction with this kit. Will follow with interest. And if you have any questions i will try to answer
  7. Thank you for these nice comments.
  8. Started on the chassis Closing the openings in the hull (inside) Outside
  9. Hooray Hooray The 5th and last one is ready. The build of these models started a long time ago, was stopped and forgotten. They were found again and are finally finished. All 5 ready and tagged like 5 ducks in a row 😉 It was probably great to go for a fun ride in the mud To everyone who followed this for following, comments and likes
  10. Sorry to read this. Building something that you don't enjoy is indeed not good ☹️ Good luck with the Surprise 👍
  11. Next the recoiless 7.5cm M20 Made something that looks like a M20 Ammo "racks" Ready for painting Finnished 4 done and the cable layer is under construction. The finish line is in sight
  12. Most tanks are not made for tall people. But on the T26 the 3 crew members each had their hatch for access. And quite a bit of space compared to some other tank designs. This Finnish version had 4 crew members (an extra member for the flame trower) and this 4th member did not have its own hatch. So in case of emergency ... not so good for him.
  13. Next build is a Russian T26 converted in Finland. This kit has been in my possession for a long time. The idea was to merge this build with the T26 observation tank (top of the picture).. But the build is too different, that's why they come in 2 build logs. The kit and the plan. The basic error with this model is that the turret is on the wrong side of the hull (Not Mirage's habit, usually their kits are flawless) This is also why the build of this kit has always been delayed for so long. And I once had the chance to see this tank during a visit to the Parola tank museum in Finland Where I also was the proud owner of a Stug III (for a short time 😉) a Panzer IV And even a T72 Ps, I was 7 years younger then... And If you have the opportunity to go to Finland. Definitely go to Parola (it's worth the effort) Build is started, pictures in next post.
  14. Thanks for comments ( and likes) much appreciated 👍. Next is the ambulance. I don't think there was a standard version of this. Most seem to be field conversions and no 2 look alike. So a use a photo as an example, with some free style additions. Base vehicle with 2 stretchers Painted and ready And a Ford Fordor de luxe 1942 Thanks for folowing
  15. A newly started Aeropiccola build log. Interested?
  16. Nice start. All this work without a table saw 👍
  17. Thank you. Big moment. The first 2 Weasels are ready. Painting and weathering are done with my usual methods. The M29 The M29c The next one will be the ambulance.
  18. Hello, and welcome to MSW
  19. Welkom vanuit België
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