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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Planking Before further planking can be done, a spiral staircase must first be made. Originally this is made of plywood, so a new one is made of pear The opening is placed more towards the middle, then there is less hindrance with the cannon that is in front of the staircase. Planking, this method is found in the book of the Dutch yacht Utrecht. "Plank bender" Planking is ready for sanding A first sanding with grit 60 has been done And the plywood supports on the deck are removed
  2. So it could have been something like this. Two "stairs" to the first deck, on the outside of the fore castle.
  3. Dont now yet. These stairs come in the deck in front of the fore castle. it is thought that they went further up to the fore castle if i understand the text correctly. i don't understand the english text so well. In this case there are two stairs on the outside of the fore castle
  4. Looks great 👍 I think I should also provide a ladder or stair from the lower deck on my model here.
  5. Galley. On the Dutch forum some (not all) people make this separate from the model. And then it looks like this. Sometimes a bit darker, depending on the stain.
  6. Looks very good. The cardboard test is succeeded
  7. you will get more chance of answer in this topic https://modelshipworld.com/forum/5-nauticalnaval-history/
  8. heads, toilets... yes or no? when I was on a NATO maneuver in West Germany (1983). If you had to... Then you dug a hole, covered it with sand, and that's it. Or there was a forest full of trees.... off topic, but... Much later I had a Polish colleague at work who is the same age as me. I said it was their fault that I had to join the army. because the Warsaw Pact was preparing an invasion of Western Europe. No he said, I had to join the army because NATO was preparing an invasion against the Warsaw Pact. 🤔
  9. Planking First planks were placed on which the large PE parts will later be glued. For the correct position, the height of a cannon was first measured. And this way the position of the first wale can be marked. Once this wale is glued, the excess part of these first planks is removed and further planking can take place. Planking, work in progress
  10. Forecastle update. All frames are placed A temporary support is placed at the top. And there are 2 cannon ports. To place 4 according to the Anthony roll, the fore castle is too small in my opinion. The interior finish is in the same line as the rearcastle. The higher planking is according to the clinker method Thanks for following
  11. indeed. first making a cardboard replica of your forecastle can't hurt. And then you can also check if you have enough space for your standing rigging of the fore mast
  12. Goed begonnen is half gewonnen (Flemish saying) Google translate is a disaster translate this... he who starts well prepared. has already won half the challenge
  13. https://modelshipworld.com/forum/13-discussions-for-ships-plans-and-project-research-general-research-on-specific-vessels-and-ship-types/
  14. I had an extensive discussion with that person (in front of the mirror ). We will provide heads in the fore castle. There is definitely room for 4 Thanks Thank you for bringing up this topic, 👍
  15. good question. I haven't really thought about this. Anyone have any suggestions??
  16. Nice work. I have also the book of Herman Ketting, a great book.
  17. You are on the right track. looks promising 👍
  18. The planking has started. At the bottom, first 3 regular planks and above that, clinker planking will be placed. Stock of deck planking sawn. And the lowest deck is planked. This will be virtually invisible later, so I didn't spend much time on it. And now, placing the frames
  19. planking Corel's idea is to nail extra supports to the deck. I don't think this is very practical. That's why they were removed and this material was used in a different way that gives more support to the planks. The pear planks are very flexible. I don't know anything about a 17th century yacht, so I bought some reading material in advance. There is no hole for the tiller.But the problem was seen in time and solved planking, work in progress. The diagram of the planking on the transom comes from the book.
  20. Very nice work
  21. Great research, All those "hull lines", I've studied them many times. It's still Chinese to me 😓. Et votre connaissance de la langue française 😉
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