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Posts posted by RGL

  1. As I move on with the yards, the blocks are getting smaller, and essentially I'm not very good at stropping blocks. I had a bit of an idea how to do it better. I got a bit of offcut dowel that would suit the radius that I needed. I cut a notch in it. I then hand served about a foot of .25mm cord and wrapped it around, held with a small pair of self closing tweezers, tied it off 3 times (the block is 3.5mm so fiddly). Using a bit of brass wire to hold the block I affixed the served ring with some CA, then tied off the block with cord and a small touch of CA. It worked!









  2. Mate I tossed every fitting, the only part of the original kit are the frames, first layer of planks, the decking (which I should have tossed) and the windlass. Everything else is scratch apart from the wheel, anchors and the photo fret which is from Caldercraft for their endeavour. The blocks are all from Classicmodel and a few of Chucks. It's probably cost me 5 times what I paid for the kit in 2000ad but I would not be satisfied. Nearly 10 years on and I'm finally getting there!

  3. Ok, stirrup time. I used a needle to thread some 1.5mm line around a needle then glued it to form the base of the stirrup, then trimmed it when dry. i then set 15mm of length with CA to set it hard. The using some plastic strip to keep the distances correct at 15mm, slung them underneath the yard and lashed them. i can't actually attach the footropes until I lash the blocks on. A bit of black paint to hide the sins will follow.




  4. Thankyou for the kind words. I've got about 100 blocks to strop with served rope now, so several months just to get that done I think. Then figure out how to attach them to the masts with parrels, then the correct order to sequence them so I can still work the running rigging, then fix the large hole in the hull from the cat, then the final ships boat to be completed and slung off the main and fore yard on tackle. The last step will be the base.

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