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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Lower ratlines Complete after several days of non stop sewing.
  2. I made bulkhead frames of the sheer line plans from the AOTS, then planked them over after waxing the edges so they would not stick. It made it far easier to do clinker planks that way. Once I have finished the masts and standing rigging I'll do the yards with the final boat being slung out with the mast and yard tackle. Then finally the anchors to hide the sins of the uneven foremast deadeyes ;-). Then maybe I'll get around to making a stand. The antique glass shop cabinet the admiral bought me (see previous posts) will be its resting place besides my dust covered Heller Victory which started this madness off.
  3. I was planning to show my Endeavour a few years ago but needless to say I'm taking forever to finish (10 years now). I did join them once and have been to a few shows. Jano's parquetry was spectacular. I seem to be on night shift every year it's on so I keep missing it.
  4. Ratlines! Three days work to get the Starboard side done.
  5. Cool, you've been published! Being landlocked in the ACT we don't get such events.
  6. It took me several years to get to your point in the build, fast work indeed
  7. I quite like the colour, it will look good against the black
  8. Don't be afraid to do another layer. Have a look at the AOTS or Parkin's Endeavor to get your run of the planks
  9. Lower mast stays completed. All of the stays were made on the Model Shipways ropewalk, and I wormed each of them with smaller thread. I made individual mice for each on my little jig. Futtock staves and catharpins added. I think it is time for the pain of ratlines.
  10. Thanks gents, my plan is to have my Endeavor displayed lowering a ships boat and also drawing in one of the anchors using the fish hook Davit running off one of the mast tackles. As far as I can figure it, it will utilise two tackle running off the yards from the main mast and foremast. I think that it will have to use the 2 tackle off the mainmast stay. It just seems that if I use the foremast tackle it would get tangled in the shrouds. I admit I am basing this on Marquardt's book. He has no pendants only blocks off the lower masts. Thus my confusion. Greg
  11. Too much? My wife bought this last night on an online auction for $130. I've been in a quandry for ages about building a glass cabinet, but this kind of solved it!
  12. There are two references I found in Seamanship in th age of sail and one by marquardt. My quandry is that the Endeavour has lower mast tackle, so I am assuming that the two tackle on the main mast stay is used in conjunction with the tackle on the yards.
  13. Can someone give me some guidance on how the Endeavour lowers it's ship's boats? I have numerous references using the yard tackle, but does it also sling off the stays or mast tackle? I'm sure someone here has been on the replica and seen it in action.
  14. A simple solution (unless I'm off track here), is to use a pencil and draw on your 4 rows of Wales. Then run that across the midline. Are you going to paint the bottom of the hull? If so the run of lower planks won't matter. Given the blunt bow you'll have to use stealers etc. happy to PM my progress of photos I kept from the old MSW. It is tricky
  15. It took me a full week to get my tackle even slightly right, incredibly fiddly at 1/60 for my fat fingers. Thankfully I only had 4 to do. If I knew of Chucks product months ago it would have been so much easier AND I cheated using commercial hooks. I reckon you're doing alright.
  16. Model shipways had a 4 masted lumber schooner, bit Bluejacket still have the Notman
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