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Posts posted by MESSIS

  1. hi Nils,


    Yes the wire is a very good method. Clean & dry and 100%  reliable. Still am thinking to try GAC400 on Hermiones sails. I have got the impression (out of discissions with friends here)  that this way maybe I will succeed a more realistic result... more wind into the sails impression.


    I sm planning to make some expiriments.


    wish a pleasant weekend


  2. Bill thank you very much. That was very flattering. You made me think better about my modelling skils. But mostly you made my project more enjoyable. I am on it a year now (since March 17) and believe I have 600 hours work on her (studies, visits , reading, searching etc not included). I enjoy every second. Believe me I do


    thank you again


  3. Bill thank you very much.


    Untill now I was just having a lot of fan with this build. Now, after your comment, that it is Indeed very flattering for me,  the whole attempt became  a happy event. Its a great feeling knowing that all these many working hours are not going wasted. Its my first tallship you know. Untill now I was working only with ancient ships and it was a real challeng to go for it. 


    Anyway,  thanks to you and Mirabell61 -Nils-  and your good words,  you made the whole project for me even more  enjoyable . Thank you again Bill.



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