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Everything posted by leginseel

  1. Absolutely brilliant Jeff. You are an inspiration and through your clear thinking and first rate application I'm sure you'll end up with a much better model. Congratulations.
  2. Really sorry Jeff, happy birthday anyway. Richards advice to take a break may be best but keep your perspective- it's wood and it can be fixed. All the very best and I look forward to seeing it back on stream soon.
  3. That's exactly why I recommended John Mackays book to you. I've had the similar issues with my Constructo Bounty. You have to take a view between authenticity and 'look' and unfortunately make some compromises. It's for this reason that I am creating a Victory fund to buy a Caldercraft kit which I understand is about as good as it gets. Keep your chin up and I'm confident that you'll find a way through it.
  4. It's a really difficult build Jeff and by the look of it your thinking process is correct but as I've found with Constructo kits there are gaps and I'm sure this won't be the last. I had the privilege of visiting the Victory a couple of weeks ago and it humbles you as to how those shipwrights fitted everything in as those gundecks are so crowded!! Keep up the good work as you're doing brilliantly.
  5. Nice work Mustafa, really coming along nicely. Did you get the Ammonia from the Ezane?
  6. Hi Jeff I really feel for you but you've learnt a good lesson and as Dan says you'll be much happier in the long run. Give your self a pat on the back for recovering superbly.
  7. Fantastic work Steve and congratulations on a superb job . It may be finished but it will always my go to point of reference for my own build, thank you.
  8. Tremendous Steve, at this rate you'll be finished by the weekend!! I only landed in UK last night and I'm missing my Bounty already.
  9. Absolutely immaculate work Dave, it's a real pleasure reading your log. Us mere mortals have a lot to learn!!
  10. Hi Guys I'm signing off from posting on the log till September so here are the last couple of photos before I moor her up.
  11. As I'm going to be silent for a few weeks I thought I'd better get some work done! So here is my latest series of Photos for the log. I had some difficulty with the pins but they are all on. I have painted the lower portion white I forgot to take a photo. I put some dowls in the mast hole and laid out all the deck gear (dry) so when I come back in September that will be my job then. The kit called for the brass etched background to be Black but John MacKays book shows red, so red it is. Just started this work and it needs tidying up and I will add a second frame upright to the four frames as per Mr MacKay.
  12. What a great idea for the oars - they say the simple ideas are usually the best.
  13. Superb work and I love the idea to use the small spirit levels, I'll be taking that one on board.
  14. Thank you Mark for your kind words. Sometimes I wonder whether she is too ambitious for a first build but I am making a lot of mistakes and one thing I have learnt in life if that you learn more from them than anything so I'm soldiering on and loving it. However, I might take a different view when I get to the rigging. Welcome on board and thank you for your time.
  15. Too right. Hired a house with an indoor swimming pool for the whole family so in the words of my son I intend to 'smash it', but not the house obviously. Congrats on the big 60.
  16. Thank you for your comments Fernando. I'm pretty happy with how she's coming along but as for the paint I see far more errors every time I take a photo!! I'm off back to England next week for the summer and my son has bought me an airbrush kit and compressor for my 60th birthday so I'm already looking forward to playing with that. The only problem will be convincing the customs people that I don't have a bomb in my suitcase!!
  17. Hi Paul, this site is great and I know others on here use them - Cornwall Model Boats. Here's the link http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/index.html
  18. Looking great Jeff and as Anthony says test fitting (many times) is always a good plan. Take care and look forward to future logs.
  19. Hi All, I've been busy with what seems small but time consuming stuff. The heat here at the moment hasn't helped as we've been up around 44C (111F) for a few days now. Hopefully this is coming down this week but it doesn't make me want to sit over a work bench!! I made the tiller house a little while ago as per the kit instructions I didn't feel that it was good enough so I clad it with Mahogany and stained it Dark Oak and I think that it looks better. These first two are as per the kit Now after Cladding Now after staining. I'll give it a coat of Sanding Sealer before I glue it in place. I've also made a start on the Rudder. I need to tidy it up and fit the 'bolt' Heads and stain/paint as my next job. I'm hoping to have it done and fitted before I go to England in a week or so.
  20. Fabulous work Don, it was a real pleasure to read through your log - a master class in model shipbuilding.
  21. Thanks for the link for the wire. The pumps looked great before but I agree with you that these look better. Great work.
  22. I think I'm going to stop commenting from my iPod as it appears to repeat the whole post again including all the photos. Has anyone any ideas how it can be stopped?? Sorry for clogging you up Steve.
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