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Captain Slog

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Everything posted by Captain Slog

  1. Indeed it is, but this one is quite unique. A clue; it confused German intelligence who didn't know it existed. Slog
  2. Thanks David, I was hoping I didn't have to run through them all. This one could be one of many, but its a bit special and any 1 of 3 names is acceptable. Cheers Slog
  3. HMS Majestic, lead ship of the Majestic Class pre-dreadnoughts. Slog
  4. Is it, HMS Prince George? Cheers Slog
  5. I have to say every time I am reminded of the Flower class ships I think to myself “What on earth were the Royal Navy thinking of, calling machines of war after flowers!?” Nothing must strike as much fear into the enemy knowing they are engaging Buttercup, Tulip, Marigold and Dandelion (okay I made the last one up...I think). Would the enemy refer to a group of Flower class corvettes as a posy instead of fleet? Its not that they can’t come up with decent names when you get Tiger, Lion, Thunderer, Invincible, Indomitable etc. They conjure up notions of strength, power, awesomeness and general bring it on attitudes. I think the RN should have approached the aircraft naming guy who did Spitfire, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tempest, Marauder etc to see if he was willing to do a bit of moonlighting for the RN. Pay him in casks of rum or something. Disclaimer: This was meant to be tongue in cheek and was no way intended to be disrespectful to the brave men who served on these vessels and the important role they played during terrible times...but I do still think “What the...?” Cheers Slog
  6. Hi David, Wow straight in to the next build! Looking forward to this. Cheers Slog
  7. Hi David, Well done, looking great. Can't wait to follow your HMV build of the Maine! Cheers Slog
  8. Hi Mike, Very impressive photo shopping. The two model ones in the choppy sea look great! Cheers Slog
  9. Hi Joe, They also do a photo etch set for the Missouri, if its anything like the Bismarck set then minimal compared to whats available for the plastic kits. You might want to check whats available for them. Good news, just received an e-mail from GPM, apparently the parcel was returned to them as the address written on it wasn't clear. so gave them full address again. Huzzah another 2 weeks wait won't be so bad knowing it wasn't lost for good. Cheers Slog
  10. Hi Ron, Whole thing is looking real nice. The built up rudder looks special. Cheers Slog
  11. Hi Doreltomin, you are so very close. I will give it to you as no point making you go through them. It is the 'Fulminant'. Apparently the ship I posted is of the Tonerre class. I didn't even know it was Tonerre class until I googled it. I was getting worried as I saved the picture ages ago and now can't find the source. Over to you... Cheers Slog
  12. Hi guys, French it is. Slog
  13. Wow, thank you Paul, Chris, Rowan, testazyk for all the nice comments. Bit embarrassing for me all the comments and discussions going with out me realizing as haven't done a thing on the Bismarck since my last post . Been busy doing the card artillery tractor. But thanks again. Hopefully get some progress done soon. Wow David, just checked out Maine from Grants link, that is one very detailed kit. Should keep you busy for a while! Look forward to following your progress. Thanks for the link. Joe, GPM in Poland sell the guns in brass and aluminium and some Missouri specific photo etch in 1:200 scale. Just type in Missouri in the search bar. http://gpm.pl/en . They also do generic handrails etc for some detail. Unfortunately the postage is a killer. My last order from them has gone missing as past 4 weeks now. I have ordered from them about 4 times previously and they always took 2 weeks exactly to come so guess this one is lost. They do not answer e-mails which is a major pain as tried for other reasons in the past without a single response. Cheers Slog
  14. Hi Jan, Not Cyclops class, which is a bit too early and British. Hi Werik, the Jules Verne reference is quite a nice way to think of these ships. They certainly have a Victorian Steampunk look about them. Cheers Slog
  15. Thanks Werik, Okay here we go, one more of the same, last one I promise. Got it out of my system now. Cheers Slog
  16. Hi Werik, Is it the Nordic Orion first cargo ship to cross the Northwest Passage? Cheers Slog Edit David, thanks for the link. I think it's the ugliness of these things, which makes them more interesting.
  17. Hi Werik, it is indeed Hoche. Its like the design went round a whole load of people individually who without speaking to each other were allowed to stick something of theirs on it without modifying anything. "sacrebleu this ship needs another bay window to mock the peasants from" Slog
  18. Okay here we go again. I would like to present to you an excellent example of post modern urban architecture...oh my mistake it's a ship! This is no doubt a very easy one being so distinctive but I wish these type of juxtaposed ships were available to build as models. Cheers Slog
  19. I think that would be the Netherlands Coast Guard Emergency Towing Vessel; ETV Waker Damaged by fire and scrapped Cheers Slog
  20. Hi Jan, Why don't you just post the name? Thanks to your clue I found it right away but the honor is yours Cheers Slog
  21. Is it Freyr? Cheers Slog
  22. Hi Doreltomin, I think you misunderstand my concerns. I use Google Images to search for mystery ships. For Andy's example I would type in "Side Wheel Paddle Steamer" or a combination of words related to the mystery ship and then search the images to see what it brings up. If I find an image which looks right I will check some other sites until I think I have the answer. This is not what I am talking about as being 'wrong'. What I am talking about is just 'uploading' Andy's image into the 'Search Image' function of Google Images and a few seconds later Google giving me the answer. Where is the fun in that! I could get the correct ship name right 99% of the time doing this. Only way not to 'win' this way is if someone got there 1st. For Spyglass's 'manboat' image, it took less than 2 minutes to download the image to my desktop, rotate the picture 10 degrees clockwise, upload it to the Search images function in Google Images and then for it to give me the website to get the name just to see how easy it can be. I never knew about the 'Search Image' function until very recently but still choose not to use it for 'competition' sake but if I am not playing in the spirit of the game then I apologise to all. I'll get back in my box now. Slog
  23. When you say "I just googled the pic" do you mean you spent ages trying different 'key' words based on the available information searching google images? or Uploaded Andy's picture or URL in to 'Search Images' and let google do the work? I am relatively new to this game but believe there is an unwritten agreement that the 2nd method is generally frowned upon. Unless the picture is from someones own private library it kind of makes the game pointless. my 2 cents worth. Slog
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