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Captain Slog

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Everything posted by Captain Slog

  1. Well done Andy. Quite a history it's had. Your turn. Cheers Slog
  2. Hi Jan, WWII and yes a hospital ship. Operated close to home and also played a part in a famous engagement. Not sure if the photo is artificially coloured or not but the actual colours are correct; "Article 5 of the tenth Hague Convention of 1907 ("Adaptation to Maritime War of the Principles of the Geneva Convention"); white hull with a green band interspersed by three red crosses on each flank of the hull, white superstructure, multiple large red crosses positioned so that the ship's status would be visible from both sea and air, and an identification number." Cheers Slog
  3. Thanks Jason, Sorry David. This, I imagine will be to easy but here goes. Usual flag and markings erased. Cheers Slog
  4. Hi Jan, I believe it is known as Berlin class, 2 ships with an option of a third. But still can't find a name for any of the individual ships. Cheers Slog
  5. Hi, I am pretty sure its the Royal Canadian Navy Joint Support Ship (JSS) but can't find an actual vessel name. Cheers Slog
  6. Hi Jason, you nailed it. Your turn Cheers Slog
  7. okay here it goes. A different change of pace from my usual offerings. Cheers Slog
  8. Okay using only the clues given (I wasn't aware of google picture search until Captain Steve brought it up but didn't use it!) I think its Ben My Chree? Cheers Slog
  9. Hi Eamonn, you are correct, it is indeed the Carnot where every room has an ocean view! You didn't have to wait long LOL Cheers Slog
  10. Thanks Jason, I feel guilty as my last three correct answers were obtained thanks to Jan and David providing clues to point me in the right direction. Apologies gentlemen. I am going to stick with pre-dreadnoughts but I am guessing my next picture is probably one of the easiest in the game so far as it is so distintive but just had to post it. This has to be one of the most incredible looking warships ever! It looks awesome; definitely would be on my bucket list of must builds if it was available. (and 4 others but not the same class )
  11. Thanks to David pointers at country and type of ship, I think I found it. Is it HSWMS Altair? Cheers Slog
  12. Hi Steve, Love the heart and collar, looks great. How are the 2 ends loops secured to each around the mast? Cheers Slog
  13. Hi Jason, Is it HMVS Cerberus? Based on the 'tenuous connection' I have changed my guess to HMS Glatton? As I believe wolverines are also referred to as gluttons Slog
  14. Hi Jason, Stupid guess but is it the 'early' (pre-trafalger or something) HMS Victory? Regardless it is a beautiful model. cheers Slog
  15. Hi Ron, Looking very nice! The colours look great. Slog
  16. You are correct Dave. Your turn. Cheers Slog
  17. Hi Jan, Almost there, yes she is named after a Saint. No need to worry about complicating it with Russian Cyrillic characters etc, as found her on a English speaking site and spelled in English . Cheers Slog
  18. Yes Sorry Sorry again. It is named after its class of pre-dreadnought which there is only one other. Cheers Slog
  19. sorry Wayne. A few clues. It was built between 1903-1910 and fought at the Battle of Cape Sarych. Cheers Slog
  20. Thanks Joe, I purchased some sheets of Balsa, but been to lazy to go out to the shed to do the cutting and shaping and have neglected the build a bit for the card vehicle I am working. Thanks Grant, I agree the hull shapes of these are very nice. Looking forward to your next build David. I think you should try a commercial kit as seeing the nice work you have done with normal printer paper I can only imagine how nice you would turn out a model on thicker 'bristol' paper the commercial models come on. Hi Barry, thanks. I have sent you a PM about the rest of the GPM photo etch I have. I was tempted to get either the Pontos or MK2 set for the Bismarck as they provide so much more photo etch details than the meager GPM stuff but the cost put me off. I was heading more to the Pontos set as even the jack staff for the flags have tiny little swastika's on top of the mast. I never thought of using the wood deck though which if it worked would look nice. Cheers Slog
  21. Sorry, not Japanese Barehook is heading in the right direction...The Oslyabya is slightly too early but can see the resemblance Cheers Slog
  22. Looking good there Rowan, good to see you back. Internet shopping is your friend, have a look at modellers shipyard up in Queensland Cheers Slog
  23. Thanks Wayne, Unfortunately I need to rely on clues from others before I know where to start searching! Right here's my entry picked for no other reason than I love the shape of these things.
  24. Okay, here it goes. Is it the sardine carrier, Jacob Pike? Cheers Slog
  25. Hi John, Are you referring to Caldercrafts Admiralty varnish? I had a similar problem with a 'milky' looking finish when I used their Flat Matt Varnish on top of their Red Ochre paint thinking it would give a protective finish to the paint. I did use it on the bare wood decks of my Endeavour, although can't remember if I used 1 or 2 coats and didn't have any problems but then the decks are pretty light in colour so would't be noticeable if milky. I think the problem is after the first coat or on top of paint it can't penetrate the surface and just lies there. I can't rember but I think I touched up the Red Ochre again but can't check as it is packed away in storage. After that I use minwax wipe on poly (satin) applied with a brush as goes on nice (2 coats also) and highlights the wood. I was disappointed in the Flat Matt Varnish as it didn't change the wood one iota and can't tell it had been varnished. Cheers Slog
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