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Captain Slog

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Everything posted by Captain Slog

  1. Outstanding work Ron, really looks the part. Cheers Slog
  2. Looking very neat indeed Greg. I am always amazed at how much 'rigging' these steel sail-less ships have, especially large battleships. Always seem to be cables, stanchions, derricks, railings etc in the way. I sometimes wonder how they maneuver the main turrets and fire without blowing bits off themselves. Cheers Slog
  3. Hi Dave, your iron horse looks super clean. The brass washers you mention, did for fabricate them or purchased them? They really clean up the ends Cheers Slog
  4. Hi Hof, I can't help with your request but I have been following your log and revisited it to see if I can find the area you are concerned with and couldn't see anything from the photos giving you problems. I know from experience that we can be overly critical of our own work and maybe it isn't as bad as you think especially looking at things in isolation. Remember you have a clear deck and things jump out at you, but as you progress the deck will fill up with furniture and ships boats etc and then the rigging starts getting in the way everywhere and before you know it any issues soon disappear in the general cluttered 'mess' of a sailing ship. Perhaps a couple of photos of the area bugging you will help. I have several areas where I wasn't happy with and after a few goes just used the best I had and now not noticeable anymore. I know it doesn't help you but living with what you have instead of going with an option that may make it worse might be the best solution. Cheers Slog
  5. Incredible work there Greg, most impressive! Cheers Slog
  6. Hi Steve, Really coming along. Ratlines, shrouds, rigging in general is looking superb. Cheers Slog
  7. Glad to see you got your cannons sorted out. The 4 pounders look correct but not as impressive of the previous monsters! Cheers Slog
  8. Yeah same here. I find it keep pulling more and more stuff to the table as I progress and end up with a mess, which drives me nuts. Plus still got a temporary work area so need to keep the mess to a minimum. Cheers Slog
  9. Wow, I can only dream about a set up like that! Thumbs up for the Clanger, that brings back memories of my childhood. Cheers Slog
  10. Looking very good Chris. The final hull sand and finish application is a real milestone event . IMHO the fun stuff starts now Cheers Slog
  11. Hi Dave, What is the metal block that your Dremel appears to be secured in? Cheers Slog
  12. I believe this was discussed here; http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/11229-hms-victory-re-paint/?hl=victory
  13. LOL, that looks awesome Have you had any word on the correct replacement 4 pounders? Cheers Slog
  14. Hi Dave, Love the open doors on the companionway. I wish I spent a bit of time and effort doing the same when I did mine. You forget the little quadrant bracket to hold open the hatch though Cheers Slog
  15. Hi Greg, The structures on post #88 look stunning. The details being put into this is incredible. The drawing hanging up in post #87; Is that the result of your research or is it included in the kit/detail set/or other? Cheers Slog
  16. Hi Dashicat, If part 122 is the anchor fenders (plans are packed away so can't check) which protect the hull from the anchors then unfortunately the part supplied by Caldercraft is the same in everyone's kit so a replacement will be the same. When I came to fit mine, yeah, same problem so looking around there were a couple of others who mentioned it being wrong so made it up from strips. (looks better anyway instead of a slab of ply wood in my opinion) Saying that, as Paul mentions it needs to be formed round the hull and that gave me lots of trouble as I glued up several strips and cut to shape before fitting. So bending and forming lots of strips glued together was a pain and being short lengths didn't want to bend very well. But think I may have done something to cause this but can't remember now as a few years ago now. Cheers Slog
  17. Great job Max, Looks fantastic! Cheers Slog
  18. Hi Chris, Your planking is looking really good. I started my planking from the line of the mid-deck working down to keep the sweep of planks down to and past the wales, but must confess once I got to the 'White Stuff' area I had lost all my planking enthusiasm as it wasn't going to plan. By the time I got to the area you are on they were embarrassing and luckily the white stuff covers a multitude of sins and a planned low profile stand should keep my secret safe. Cheers Slog
  19. Hi Greg, Thats a shame. Do you still have the plastic/resin structures that the photo-etch replaces? Perhaps using a combo/mix and match of both will be a solution. Cheers Slog
  20. Hi Pat, Love the puddening. I tried twice on my anchors, 8 attempts, and was never satisfied with the results. Yours look spot on. Cheers Slog
  21. Hi Tim, Fantastic result. I enjoyed following the progress but notice I haven't put in nearly enough likes! I will have to rectify that. Cheers Slog
  22. Hi Chris, My experience with soaking is in minutes, not days. This is for the walnut supplied with the Caldercraft Endeavour but the wood is really thin and I found using hot water and soaking for 10 to 15 minutes is long enough to penetrate such thin sections. I either just lay them in the bath and weigh them down with shampoo bottles etc and run the hot water until the planks were covered. With shorter sections I dropped them into a large coffee jar and filled it from the kettle. After removing from the water I wiped the surface water off and then bent to shape. With bending first use your fingers and thumb and gently bend them to see if any of the fibres start rising. If they do flip the plank over and try bending again. You'll find one side the fibres rise and the other side the fibres stay down for a tight surface, use this face for out. Depends on the grain with the way the planks were cut but I found 99% of the time it had a good side and a grain rising side. Cheers Slog
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