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Captain Slog

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Everything posted by Captain Slog

  1. Hi Ronald, I bought my Caldercraft Endeavour maybe 4 or 5 years ago and the walnut wood was terrible, also about 40% of the decking planks was even worse. I have read of Caldercraft kits 7 years older than mine commenting on how poor the wood was. Even now still hear stories on here. I used what was supplied as didn't want to go to the extra cost of replacing, just meant more effort making do with what was supplied. Its a pity they have constantly suffered from poor wood as the rest of the kit is superb. They obviously don't think they have an issue, maybe if more people complained. Cheers Slog
  2. Fantastic stuff Greg, love all the little PE details. They really add depth to the structures Cheers Slog
  3. Hi Jeff, Good to see back at the Victory. You copper plating looks very nice. Cheers Slog
  4. Hi Dave, Just catching up on your build and she's looking real good. Cheers Slog
  5. Hi Mike, Dropping by after a while and your progress of the masting and rigging is looking fantastic. Cheers Slog
  6. Looking good Greg, Looking forward to following along. This ship is available as a card model in 1:200 by a couple of publishers. Cheers Slog
  7. Well done Greg, she's looking fantastic, you should be very proud. For the title change, i think you go to the very 1st post and click edit although I might be wrong. Looking forward to what you do next. Cheers Slog
  8. Hi Snoepert, Good to see more progress on your Endeavour, looking good. Nice work on the extras you added. Cheers Slog
  9. The pliers have got Micro Mark written on them. Isn't that the name of a US tool place? Cheers Slog
  10. Wow Steve, very clever (and good looking) mouse! Nice. Cheers Slog
  11. Well done Steve, launch looks fantastic. Looking forward to the Connie build now. Cheers Slog
  12. Hi Dimitris, What a beautiful smooth paint job. The fibre glass and resin was well worth the effort. Do you mind telling us what hull red paint you used? Cheers Slog
  13. Hi Rowan, As others have said a nice clean build. Love the colour combination. They all match the hull colouring nicely. Cheers Slog
  14. Same as Brian, I use almost exclusively PVA. I have used CA to stiffen up small or fragile pieces but this can discolour/darken the print. The brand I use comes in both interior and exterior grades and find the interior better as it has a very slightly different viscosity. I have been trying to find Aleene's tacky glue to try as it appears a lot of U.S. builders use this but haven't found it yet. I can't use the clear stringy UHU glue that the majority of Europeans use. The stringiness drives me nuts. Cheers Slog
  15. Hi Pat, Your Endeavour is coming along and looking great. Love the cover! My Endeavour is stored away until I have a dedicated work space and can keep it out and covered like you have done. Slog
  16. Hi Clare, Your Alert is outstanding! I enjoy doing the small fiddly components best but I know what you mean about fingers and cutting small parts. A few weeks ago I spent 4 hrs cutting out little curves. I made a sheet brass template but needed to press hard down to prevent it sliding on the paper. Once I was finished 2 of my finger tips were numb with pressing hard...3 weeks later and the very tip of one finger is still numb but apparently can be 2 to 3 months before it returns to normal. I have been working on a card vehicle and I can comfortably work with 0.8mm laser cut card nut heads. It calls for even smaller and have 0.6mm but its impossible for me to works with these...just looks like specs of dust but under magnification they are indeed hexagonal. Anyway great work and hope you do progress with it. Cheers Slog
  17. Hi Snoepert, Looks like you are off to a great start, well done. As for the deck I personally wouldn't stain it as the decks are usually light anyway. I just used a matt varnish which didn't change the deck colour at all. You are the captain of your ship so should go with what pleases you. Cheers Slog
  18. Hi, Lextin got it, it's the Fuso. Slog
  19. That's the worst thing about guessing correctly, trying to find something to respond with! Okay here is my submission. Cheers Slog
  20. Thanks to Davids and Menno's pointers is it, Willem Barentsz Cheers Slog
  21. Hi Burnside, This looks an interesting kit and a change from all the warships. Can you list the scale as can't make it out on the box. Cheers Slog
  22. Your welcome. Indeed, I will never live long enough to build all the stuff I want to! Yeah after seeing Clare's Alert I wondered about trying a sailing ship also LOL but I think you have to colour everything yourself with the Shipyard kits which I think is beyond my ability. By the way is your photo the USS Lafayetta (not sure if USS is a correct term for this though)? Cheers Slog
  23. Hi Ken, I see in your signature you have a card model (Alert) in your to do list perhaps you can try your hand at the card version of Nisshin. http://sklep.gpm.pl/en/modelcard/ships/1/200/nisshin I found the link to the build of this model. It’s a German site but if you use google chrome it will translate it automatically to at least an understandable translation. I am not familiar with Answer-Angraf kits but the quality looks to be up there with the other publishers. http://www.konradus.com/forum/read.php?f=1&i=181472&t=181472&filtr=0&page=1 Cheers Slog
  24. Well that lasted all of 38 minutes LOL Ken, you are correct it is the seaplane tender Nisshin From a modelling point of view the different structures on the deck make it quite appealing to me. I have only come across one build log on a different site so don't know much about the kit. Cheers Slog
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