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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Mike, this is a link to Cornwall Model Boats a supplier out of the UK. This will give you a sense of what's available off the shelf. Once again, it's determining what size pin is required. https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/cgi-bin/ss000001.pl?page=search&SS=belay+pin&PR=-1&TB=O&ACTION=Go!
  2. Ian, I look forward to seeing your build log.
  3. Mike, the length of the belaying pins will be determined by the post height. What is that measurement?
  4. These images stink but it's the best I can do, hopefully it helps.
  5. I want to thank everyone for the condolences, the well wishes, and for reaching out to me privately. MSW stands for Model Ship World but for me, MSW also stands for 'my special world' and each of you mean so very much to me. You have helped me get through this, it gets a little easier with each passing day. Eric, my condolences to you and your family for the loss of your son. The pain never goes away, my heart goes out to you and I wish that in time your son's loss becomes bearable. In the last couple of days I've briefly sat at my work table pushing blocks around that need to be stropped, thinking about the sequential steps required to complete the mainmast. I'll be back at it shortly. God bless each of you, thank you for your support.
  6. Fred, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  7. Here is a kit but currently out of stock. https://www.woodenmodelshipkit.com/product/614/ Or eBay. You might get it cheaper with 'Make Offer' https://www.ebay.com/itm/363779249370
  8. Jim, welcome to MSW. You might consider taking a kit with a hull that's close and bash into the Pilar. Modelers here frequently do that.
  9. Mike, see the attached. Were I you this is where I would deviate from the original model. Instead of using the original nails as belaying pins, I'd carefully remove the nails and drill larger holes to accept belaying pins. Don't remove the three nails that hole to rail to the post. From your third image it looks like that would be ten belaying pins? I don't know if there are off the shelf belaying pins available in the size required. I real life pins were normally 16 to 18 inches in length with the handle being a third the overall length.
  10. Magnificent. A work of art for which you should be extremely proud, Glen.
  11. Those look great, Mark. Excellent progress on a field of cannon ready to roll into position.
  12. Brad, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  13. Bolin, beautiful build. The foremast being a bit taller than the mainmast is strange. Did they perhaps shorten the mainmast as well when they were motorized?
  14. Dave, there are two discussions on MSW that are sure to divide the community, CA and Polyurethane. I use both in copious amounts. I use poly thread so I don't see a problem using CA to secure knots. I use Polyurethane to seal wood and painted surfaces. I'll be long dead before I regret having used either. Find what works for you and full speed ahead. The cries from the shore that you'll surly sink can only be heard if you stop sailing long enough to pay attention to them.
  15. I know very little about pond boats/yachts but in what images I've seen I never saw where a ships wheel was employed. Mike, is there a spot on the deck to mark where a ship's wheel would have been? If not there's a good chance there never was a ship's wheel. That doesn't mean one couldn't be added for visual interest.
  16. Rob, in post # 462 you show a "my first gin block" which is a different design than the current gin blocks you're making. I'm trying to understand, are they two different types of gin blocks and if so does each serve a different purpose?
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