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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Sorry to not have responded to you folks till now but time gets away from me so easily these days. Thank you, Brian. Mark, thank you, you're too kind. Thank you, Pat. Lynn, thank you. MCB, thank you and yes, I keep track of every move with the model up on the box. Thank you brother Tom. Gary, thank you for the support and thank you for not looking too close. You're welcome and thank you, Brian. Rigging the deadeyes off model is awkward enough, I can't imagine trying to so with the shrouds attached and done off model as well. Thank you, Mark. I'm pleased I was able to help. Eberhard, thank you for your support. Thank you, Rob. So much credit goes to you and your Great Republic build. Rob, yes I've pretty much a dogs meal on the channels, deadeyes and shrouds. This hasn't been my finest hour. This is my first real attempt at building a model ship. My very first attempt was when I was eight years old and was given a Viking long boat and a bottle of Elmer's white glue and told "have fun". I was so frustrated trying to glue that plastic model with Elmer's glue I never gave modeling a second thought till six years ago. I guess my dear Mother thought if I had been given airplane glue I'd have glued my eyelids together. Four and a half years ago when I attached the channels I didn't have the experience/foresight to know the downstream repercussions by not making the channels wider. If I were building a kit the designer would have taken care of that small detail. Working without plans and solely from photographs, I goofed and goofed badly. I'm not going to redo at this point, it's live with it as is. I'm feeling pressed (a little voice inside my head) to bring closure to this build so its move forward and let the devil take the hindquarter. I've got the ratlines done on both sides and am finishing up the remaining mizen shrouds. I'll post pictures this coming Sunday, hopefully I'll have the mizzen completed, we'll see. I can not thank each of you enough for your kind comments and support. Thank you to all for the likes and for following me along on my journey. God bless each of you.........Keith
  2. Rod, welcome to MSW. Nice to have you aboard.
  3. Keith, I'm envious of how far along you are in rigging the Terror. She's looking so nice.
  4. Good to see activity in the shipwright's shop once again, Pat. I've missed your Victoria updates.
  5. Terry, welcome to MSW. You should introduce yourself in a new member introduction post where we all have a chance to meet you. See the below.
  6. As all the cotton needs to be replaced why not go poly?
  7. Ben, do you only use cotton? What are your feeling about polyester?
  8. I love restoration projects so I'll be following you along on this project. Beautiful model. Are the blocks okay or have they crumbled as well? What is the length of the model and what is the scale?
  9. Barbara, I think that's left up to the modeler to make. See the attached build log post #74.
  10. Eberhard, great update. This model is so well done It doesn't require any imagination to make me believe that I'm looking at the real Wespe.
  11. An amazing little model, crisp, clean work at 1:275 scale. Sticking it in a bottle (light bulb in this case) is the wow factor. Congratulations.
  12. Having one of those myself today, Glen. I've got a tube of CA that no workie and has caused all sorts of problems. Have never had that happen before and it's the original blend, SG. Way to overcome the gotcha's, great recovery. She's really looking good!
  13. Keith, if you wanted to suggest both seating and being able to view the engine you could have a wide board frame inset with a piece of acetate.
  14. Man, it's great to hear from you, Keith. Glad you're doing well and look forward to you being able to provide build updates. I'm sure you're tied up flying for the season, fly safe and don't be a stranger.
  15. Anja, welcome to MSW. You're doing great with what materials came with the "kit".
  16. I keep following you SIB builders I'm gonna do something I'll probably regret.
  17. Dave, you have to make a hook and then rig/tie the hook on the end of the block. As you may know I use wire to strop my blocks so for me it's relatively easy to do so. Glen doesn't use wire but the process is the same except you use line.
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