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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. It's been awhile since I posted. I've been working on the Tennessee, it's just slow going these days. In my last entry I was planning to make the yards next but I decided I first needed to complete all the deck elements, rigging lays many leagues ahead. I started by ripping out the pin rails, I wasn't happy with my first attempt. I'm in the process of correcting those along with adding ladders, deck cleats, fairleads, bollards, lifeboat davits and scores of eyebolts to the deck and bulkhead. Bob found a permanent home on the starboard side of the flying bridge, he's studying a chart of the Pearl River, noting the corals to starboard of the entrance. (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) Oh, bad news regarding the crew, Yellow Fever found it's way onboard and the crew has been quarantined to ship. The laughter of nut brown maidens will not be enjoyed during the Tennessee's time in Hawaiian waters.
  2. Finally, a view of the deck (Keith, thank you!) and all it's many bits. The end of the famous Howard Carter quote comes to mind.... " Can you see anything?' it was all I could do to get out the words, 'Yes, wonderful things.”
  3. At very small scale impressionism becomes absolutely necessary. In some cases a model transcends mere replication and becomes art, Gary's work is one of those cases. The great Impressionist allowed the viewer's eyes and brain to fill in the finer detail that they had intentionally left blank.
  4. Rob, at the end of his build log Alex shows the steps he took building his case.
  5. Many high end prewar cars sported leather covered leaf springs called "gaiters". Looks impressive but the logic escapes me. One wonders if the leather does more damage by not allowing moisture to wick away.
  6. Shocking, simply shocking how gorgeous they turned out. Are you coating the brass pieces to keep them from turning? Keith, would it be possible for you to treat us with a full view photo of the deck and hull?
  7. Rob, approximately how many single blocks will have been used on the GR once completed?
  8. Paul, how's the garage, warmer? It's been almost spring like here with temps in the 50's, the trees are budding. Beautiful work on the Sirius.
  9. The larger of the two used in rigging the bowsprit is fourteen links per inch, the smaller is twenty links per inch. Keith, I've got a bunch of chain with your name on it, if you don't take it off my hands I'll be burdened with it till I kick the bucket. That is the God's honest truth! Thank you Gary for the complement and Happy Holidays to you and yours. And a special thank you to all for the likes. Paul, Amelia said to tell you, Merry Catmas.
  10. Thank you Keith for the compliment......... purchased the chain here in the colonies from a store called Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts, they have an online presence. I would gladly mail some to you, PM me if interested in going that route. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  11. Well, this took much longer than expected! Rigging the bowsprit was by far and away the most difficult thing that I've yet done modeling. There are 137 pieces to the bowsprit and rigging. It really tested my patience, I wish I could say I was totally satisfied with the results but I'm not. I need to redo the rope lines at the top of the dolphin striker. I hope that each of you and your families are enjoying the Holiday Season, peace and joy to my modeling family.
  12. Often times the grates on a model look out of proportion due to the holes being too large. Keith, yours looks spot on and fit wonderfully.
  13. I dated a girl that fits that description. Name was Robin but everybody called her Bob. Not exactly sure what attraction I saw in her, her crooked smile, the glint in her eyes that she got after a couple of drinks, or maybe it was the way she handled herself with a belay pin in one of the many bar fights at the Tall Ship Lounge where I hung out with old salts that sang sea shanties till the wee hours of the morning..........but then I digress
  14. The attached Hatton and Hart photos of the USS Tennessee circa 1870ish, port side mizzen. The belay pins are straight without a "handle" top, very utilitarian in shape. The back two are especially huge beast lacking any beauty of the normally perceived shape. Adding to Bob's point about coils
  15. I love cats but one thing I've learned since taking up ship modeling is, don't pet the cat while rigging!
  16. It seemed logical because of the area you were working in. Really looking forward to seeing those come to life.
  17. Dave I apply poly over acrylic paint without issue. It doesn't seem to matter how dry an acrylic painted surface is, if it hasn't been sealed you'll get some paint removal with a wet Q-tip. Painting is too tedious a job not to lock it in once done. Keith One note. Above I said I applied poly over acrylic paint without issue. That's not exactly correct. When poly is applied over white acrylic, it yellows. I've only ever tried Minwax polyurethane so I have no knowledge about other poly manufactures. Minwax says their product dries crystal clear, it doesn't dry crystal clear. Obviously this isn't a problem with black or a yellow acrylic but I can't help but believe that the same doesn't hold true for all lighter shades of acrylic paint.
  18. Gary I'm humbled by your comments, high praise indeed coming from someone who's work I much admire. I'm glad the subject interest you, I wish more would take on projects from this period. Thank you to everyone for the likes, it helps one keep going when doubts start creeping in. Keith
  19. For whatever reason, work has progressed slowly these past couple of weeks. I've spent a lot of time with very little results to show for it. I will say, I've had to do a lot of looking at the H and H photos and MSW build logs. The jackstaff with the thirty-seven star union jack adds another color other than black and white. Getting all the eyelets in the dolphin striker, bowsprit, and jib boom was a bit fiddly. I'm now ready to add the corresponding attachment fittings to the hull and hopefully in a couple of weeks the bow will be finished and I can go back to making yards.
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