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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Basically what Bob said except "I don't put poly on any painted surfaces or metal surfaces." and I'm wondering why? Because of the sheen? I've had absolutely no issues applying Poly to either acrylic painted surface or metal surface.
  2. mpk73, what type glue did you use? I really don't think it matters because I've looked closely at you work and I don't see and glue smears at the edges of those elements still adhered to the deck. Don't you have something you can do a test on first before making a decision?
  3. Great looking model by the way, nice work. You shouldn't have a patchy look issue as long as you follow the directions on the can. Don't keep working the Poly, put it on quickly and let it dry thoroughly before touching it. Using a piece of lent free cloth as an applicator is a pretty foolproof method of application. Mess around with some scrap pieces of wood first to get a feel for the product and applying.
  4. I'm sorry, I thought the deck elements were still removable, leave the deck elements as is. Try the Poly on a test piece of wood first before commenting yourself. If I were you, I'd try the ultra flat Polycrylic first and follow the directions. I wouldn't spray as I have no experience spraying Ploy. I'd wipe or brush, brushing would allow you to get in and around the deck elements and be more selective in what gets a coat of Poly. If you do use the Polycrylic, please provide pictures.
  5. Keith, there's never a ho-hum entry in your build log and to boot, each new entry is as good or better than the previous. Us mortals may get two in a row or maybe three if we're really on a roll but you sir, you hit it out of the park with every swing.
  6. I believe in using Poly to protect the wood. It doesn't seem to matter what type of Polyurethane you use, satin, semigloss, or gloss, all three seem to have the same sheen. It's not a natural look for a ship model. You can see what I mean by going to my build log. Minwax makes a water based product called Polycrylic that comes in a ultra flat sheen. I have yet to try this product but at some point I am going to buy a can and do a test application of the Polycrylic ultra flat over the Polyurethane. If there are no ill affects I will go over everything with the Polycrylic to a more natural look. I would suggest removing as many as of the deck elements as possible before applying a Poly coat, I think it makes for a more uniform application.
  7. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/1882-vintage-toy-wooden-battleship-46026036 The below gives you a price guide for this type of toy. https://www.ebay.com/itm/ANTIQUE-REED-BLISS-WOODEN-BATTLESHIP-BOAT-COLUMBIA-PULL-TOY-PAPER-LITHO/133275634781?hash=item1f07d8cc5d:g:rhAAAOSwTbFd0Lug:sc:USPSPriority!48836!US!-1
  8. Those streaks are from the misquotes and black flies (no-see-um) mixing in with your paint.
  9. I've always thought this model would look great done up with cycle fenders. I once had this kit and I was going to do cycle fenders and even inquired about buying a set from an eBay supplier who said he had a set. I can't remember the price as that was many years ago.
  10. Keith, amazing as always. Once you have a coat of poly on the benches, could you maybe please provide a photo of the entire deck? I'm struggling with trying to get a mental image of the deck and all the wonderful things you've made since the last deck photo.
  11. Phil, there's nothing more satisfying that salvaging something from the dustbin and turning it into something that can be enjoyed. Very nice work and a job well done.
  12. Nice save, you've made neat work of that tangled mess you came home with.
  13. I gave the previous post a thumbs up but I disagree with the statement "plenty of room for improvement". Keith, you're being humble when you need not be because if there is anyone who strives for perfection, it's you and the amount of times you do get it perfect is amazing. I enjoy folks coming over to the house for a visit but it really twist my knickers if I see them eyeing the furniture for telltale signs of dust.
  14. I don't want to be an alarmist but it's been almost a month since Gary has posted anywhere on MSW. I'm concerned as I sent him a PM on May 1st that has still gone unread. Does anyone know Gary's contact information or membership in another modeling club so that I might check up on him? If so, please PM me, thank you.
  15. Rob, was she sold to an Alaskan salmon cannery to haul cans back to the lower 48 or was she used as salmon processing ship? Do you the name of the cannery? It was probably the Alaska Packers Association but that's a guess. The reason I ask is my wife and I lived in Alaska for nine years and we worked in the salmon canneries in Egegik. Hanging in our kitchen is the end of a very old wooden APA salmon can case. If interested I can send you a pic.
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