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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. I do want it and would gladly pay for it except I didn't see it listed at the NGR store. Guess I'll pm Kurt and he can direct me. Jonathan, thank you again.......Keith
  2. Jonathan Do you have the "Reconstructing USS Kearsarge, 1864" in PDF format and if so would you please provide. I'm working on a model of the USS Tennessee and I'm working from photographs. While the Kearsarge is not exact, it is of the same time period and there should be a lot of crossover information that would be immensely useful, thank you..........Keith Black
  3. The dory is easily a centerstage stand alone model. It's beautiful work especially considering the scale........ it's magic I tell ya, there be wood fairies in the shed!
  4. One wonders how the planking was attached? Maybe screwed and plugged but there is no evidence of plugs, at least none that I can see. A very sweet job of planking to look exactly as the original.
  5. Pretty cat, I hope he/she fits in and becomes a good friend. Nice work on the Sirius, hats off to making the deadeyes.
  6. I'm surprised not to see a rag tied on some part of the hose to lessen a leak that's gotta be there. The shut off valve is inspirational!
  7. They say nothing is perfect...........they were wrong.
  8. Bad skipper, looks like he's spending the boat's share of the catch at the pub. Heck, he won't even fix a simple broken window. I bet he hasn't changed the oil since the start of last season!
  9. Mark, I pray you find something or someone to ease the pain till you heal. You have friends here and each is willing to listen should you need a ear.
  10. Thank you for sharing, Kortes. It was a joy to watch the progression of your build. That's a very nice display case, the icing on the cake! Congratulations and I look forward to your next project.
  11. Thank you Paul and a thank you to those of you who've hit the like button. Keith
  12. Charles I am so sorry, just this afternoon did I see that you replied regarding the book, Anatomy of the Ship Captain Cook's Endeavour by Karl Heinz Marquardt. Thank you so very much for the information.........Keith
  13. Surgery in May kept me out of the shipyard till a couple of weeks ago. For the most part the rigging is finished. The main purpose of taking on this project was to get some rigging experience having never done any before. Did I make mistakes, many. But I learned a lot and the fear of rigging is gone. Do I have a lot yet to learn, much.
  14. Absolutely beautiful, such a rich mixture of colors and exquisite details. With the right background your ship would make for a lovely poster.
  15. One of my favorite pictures of all times is the one of you and the ship, you up to your knees in water with a loving hand on the stern of the Jane Jacobsen with her sails proudly set. Thank you for posting the build log and for sharing that picture celebrating a very special moment.
  16. A great way to ruin a hobby is to make a job out of it.
  17. Both father and son have developed a bad habit of standing around on bits of wood scattered about on the job site, good way to get a nail through one's boot.
  18. We're in a drought here, hasn't rained for two days! All kidding aside, it's been one wet spring. Farmers and shore birds suffering.
  19. I think not Keith. I and I'm sure I speak for everyone else who has been following your build, have anticipated seeing your beautiful hull freed from it's building board, uprighted and taken to wind and wing.
  20. Sad news indeed, my deepest sympathies Paul. They are as much a part of the family as the people are. Our cat Amelia passed on her respects.
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