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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Richard, welcome back. Glad to have you back on onboard with us.
  2. That is so nice, Brian. Such a super sweet job.
  3. If folks want great weather this time of year, Michigan is the place to come for a vacation. It's in the high 50's/low 60's in the AM and low to mid 80's in the afternoon........plus we got lots of water.
  4. Geoff, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing photos of your build. Glad to have you aboard.
  5. Miguel, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  6. Mark, what is the length of each spirketting? Will they be scarfed or butt jointed? You're doing absolutely beautiful work.
  7. Greif, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  8. Due to global warming green matches were/are engineered to be more eco friendly, to burn with less heat than the standard red matches. Hopefully in time more MSW members will use the green match to indicate scale.
  9. Praying your doctors are able to determine the cause of your medical problem and that they are able to correct it. Please take care.....Keith
  10. Maybe set it up on a shelf somewhere and let it rest for awhile. A much better fate would be a gift for your son rather than squishing it.
  11. His woodwork and metalwork skills are every bit as phenomenal as his rigging skills. We're really privileged to have his build log here in MSW.
  12. I wish I was capable of the work this man does, it is absolutely the best and the most amazing rigging I've seen. Start at the end of his build log and work backwards.
  13. Yes, in those cases where a block is attached to a yard, mast, or deck. In those cases where a block is used in a gun tackle lift......... Once the wire tail it twisted but before cutting off the twisted end I apply CA with a sewing needle applicator to the wire at the sides and the base of the twisted end removing excess CA with a Q-tip. This keeps the wire from separating from the block once the twisted end is cut off. After the CA is dry I cut off the twist very carefully allowing just the hint of twist remaining and I then gently file the "nub" to remove any sharp edges made with the side cutters and to achieve a flatter edge. See attached photo.
  14. I love restoration logs so I'm all settled in. It's amazing how well the sails cleaned up.
  15. Bill, if you click on my build log below and go to page 12, post #352, you can see how I strop blocks using wire.....Keith
  16. Jesus, welcome to MSW. That's a beautiful model, glad to have you aboard.
  17. HT, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  18. Paul, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  19. Alain, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
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