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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Johnny, whatever choice you make is the right one. Just remember, you're restoring a model, not building a new one.
  2. Paul, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  3. If not decapitated he'll be spared hearing his wife's nagging.
  4. Welcome to MSW. No plans just the below is all I could find, hope it helps. https://solidwoodmodelyacht.com/en/vintage_rare_jacrim_seaworthy_boats_toy_model_wooden_pond_yacht_flying_cloud.php https://www.ebay.com/itm/275954120557?hash=item404025b76d:g:oVwAAOSwj0NkqGQL&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAABAE05z%2FDj7QON72UtWbRZHbyzE8umdx2sHiuaGgpmCC7sVnTYI%2F5KI6N47Np%2BBX2NXe0bSfVqXvq%2FkNnHfqIota7uqp2%2B%2FJ3jYUysMVk6JlbRae0SURo5aUaz8BG9UlZCmH0jtwoZTK%2FLd%2Bmta8istOZ7wt8WHjDBkkccvgvvPn9xnkEHU%2BHFssFv0mAitCD9oVcQ1DXqQtWMH1GqQx%2BGcCeX2vkYbKJ5ofA%2BEi9dugD%2BmTA7X3cS9HPWg4N0Nh1wyjJfXDKDMvG3vXp3S4LM%2BzJlNNNuykN6A4Vsqs1XhU%2BUwfqGXosQrQLBEuLsG%2BOsReTvWoTEyLKFUOvRFTIkDTc%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8SDz5rXYg
  5. Using hot water as you did I'm surprised the sails didn't shrink but all's well that ends well. Do you plan on ironing the sails to help eliminate some of the puckering? A build log by Burma (see below) on his Cutty Sark, his sails are some of the best I've seen. If I were to ever build a model with sails I'd sure try to copy his techniques.
  6. Keith, MSW has over 40,000 members with many varied interest. I scour MSW at least twice a day and often times more. The biggest change I see is the increase in 3D printing. There's room at the table for all. If you feel you're putting too much effort into posting, why not just take and post photos with bare bones comments? It's summer heading into autumn here and folks are busy getting ready for winter. I dare say in two months time you see an increase in interest.
  7. Nate, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  8. You may want to make sure the sails didn't shrink, they cleaned up nicely.
  9. Fred, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  10. Once the mast and yards were completed I found it much easier to do as much off model rigging of the mast as possible.
  11. George, welcome to MSW. It looks like you're coming along nicely with your model. Glad to have you aboard.
  12. Keith, good to hear from you. I hope you had a successful season.
  13. Giuseppe, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  14. TMJ, I didn't realize you needed post. You'll have to make those yourself. Because you have a lathe it shouldn't be a problem.
  15. https://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/msw/msw353.htm?source=froogle&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuJuS77-ygQMV9fDjBx1TIwYcEAQYAyABEgKikvD_BwE
  16. I know, I know. How bout a longhorn cattle transport ship? Betsy approves.
  17. Bob, personally I don't like copper plating the hull as IMHO the copper plates look out of scale. If I were to ever build a model with a copper plated hull I'd paint it with copper paint and call it done. If you insist on plating I suggest copper tape. From reading several build logs with builders using both, the tape seems to apply easier with a better end result, once again IMHO. Your planking looks great.
  18. You can use white craft wire, sure beats having to paint brass wire. https://www.wirejewelry.com/ultra-white-silver-plated-copper-craft-wire-1.html
  19. Glen, you took a unique idea and completed it too as near perfection as one can achieve in this life. Congratulations on finishing a wonderful and enjoyable build. After every build I think, he can't top this but you always do. I'm so looking forward to your next creation.
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