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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Cristian, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  2. What a talented painter you are, Siggi. Just wonderful.
  3. Welcome back, Andre.
  4. Nice to see a post from you, Valeriy. Beautiful work as always but more importantly is knowing you're safe for the time being.
  5. Welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  6. Johnny, if you get in that pickle again I have a few of the old style flat eyelets and I may have the size you requite. The type of eyelets used on a model help determine the age. The flat eyelets are generally much older than round face eyelets. Eyelet types https://www.iqsdirectory.com/articles/metal-stamping/eyelets.html These kinda look flat.....maybe?? https://www.leffler.com.au/eyelet-shoe-45mm-antique-pkt-of-100-/
  7. Adrian, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  8. Jölle, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  9. Rol, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  10. KG, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  11. Glad you're okay, Bob. My friend, copper away. I look forward to watching your progress.
  12. That's such beautiful work, Bruma. I throughly enjoy each new post.
  13. Charlie, a photo of your build would help a bunch.
  14. Johnny, whatever choice you make is the right one. Just remember, you're restoring a model, not building a new one.
  15. Paul, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  16. If not decapitated he'll be spared hearing his wife's nagging.
  17. Welcome to MSW. No plans just the below is all I could find, hope it helps. https://solidwoodmodelyacht.com/en/vintage_rare_jacrim_seaworthy_boats_toy_model_wooden_pond_yacht_flying_cloud.php https://www.ebay.com/itm/275954120557?hash=item404025b76d:g:oVwAAOSwj0NkqGQL&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAABAE05z%2FDj7QON72UtWbRZHbyzE8umdx2sHiuaGgpmCC7sVnTYI%2F5KI6N47Np%2BBX2NXe0bSfVqXvq%2FkNnHfqIota7uqp2%2B%2FJ3jYUysMVk6JlbRae0SURo5aUaz8BG9UlZCmH0jtwoZTK%2FLd%2Bmta8istOZ7wt8WHjDBkkccvgvvPn9xnkEHU%2BHFssFv0mAitCD9oVcQ1DXqQtWMH1GqQx%2BGcCeX2vkYbKJ5ofA%2BEi9dugD%2BmTA7X3cS9HPWg4N0Nh1wyjJfXDKDMvG3vXp3S4LM%2BzJlNNNuykN6A4Vsqs1XhU%2BUwfqGXosQrQLBEuLsG%2BOsReTvWoTEyLKFUOvRFTIkDTc%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8SDz5rXYg
  18. Using hot water as you did I'm surprised the sails didn't shrink but all's well that ends well. Do you plan on ironing the sails to help eliminate some of the puckering? A build log by Burma (see below) on his Cutty Sark, his sails are some of the best I've seen. If I were to ever build a model with sails I'd sure try to copy his techniques.
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