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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. That was what always astounded me about our drill instructors in basic. They could get in your face and go on for minutes about how you, and your ancestry, were were less capable than the common worm and never once use a swear word.
  2. Take a look at Nirvana (AKA Dr.Per) here on the forum. He is an emissary of Puget Sound Ship Modelers and they have a number of members and meetings down your way. Good luck.
  3. I think that has to possibly be the most busy and detailed out-of-the-box tank I have ever seen and your build is masterfully executed yet again Craig. I was wondering if they still used a barrel clamp and I now see it on the right rear corner. Seems like kind of a strange location rather than on the centerline as normally seems to be the case on other tanks.
  4. Got my hammock and brittle. Where do you want me? Models that bring stories to mind are the best kind. Looking forward to both the build and stories. If it were not for spell checker I would be much better at spelling and would not have to edit quite as often. It seems like I never catch it until I hit the save button.🤔
  5. I am not certain how you set your rudder servo up Brad but if you use two arms in a push-pull arrangement with a tall rudder pin you should be able to get maximum rudder throw with no chance of over drive.
  6. CF-105 Arrow, F-35, Sikorsky H-19, CH-124 Sea King, CF-100 Canuck Looks like you are creating the entire Canadian aircraft arsenal! Well except for the F-35.
  7. I think it is more the modeler than the model. Congratulations
  8. I knew that, I was just trying to make a joke about your primer. Sabre's were day hunters. Yes some of the marking on US night fighters both prop and jet were red but not the national insignia. They still used the white stars and bars THEY stood out like a sore thumb in the dark but I suppose no one wanted to risk having red stars on a US aircraft. Even with then there was at least one occasion where an F3D Skynight made several passes on a Polikarpov PO-2s, (Wood and cloth biplane used at night) without firing as the pilot was worried that any 20mm rounds that missed would hit ground forces. On his third pass I think it was the ground forces opened up on him!
  9. Showing me that I'm not thinking it through again. Told you that I didn't know anything about tanks!🤪
  10. Lucky you didn't put the rocker in Mike. I would have been tempted to grab it up and get a front row seat! Looking very clean and nicely done.
  11. Perhaps you will end up with some spare railing when the build is done and can use that to try a fresh install.
  12. Good to hear that he is well and all is functioning again. I think you will be happy with what you get.
  13. That would make them look like barber shop markers here in the US.
  14. The A-10 firing 50-75 rounds per second can place 80% of them into an area the size of a tank from about 2.5 miles away. (4000 yards) The missiles of course are from much further. Only ballistic bombs would be considered close up and personal depending on what they were going in against. I think we would task something to take out the radar or SAM ability just before a strike if possible if we had a proper deployment of US forces and equipment. The biggest problem facing the Ukraine as far as I see is that they never built a force that was intended to take on an army like the Russians It was intended for internal or possible border issues that would not require nearly the resources.
  15. Yes I was but Jacks movie taught me about the question I didn't ask so I still learned something new. Not too hard as I know almost nothing about tanks. I have seen similar items on tanks like the Abrams but on those barrels they look like some kind of electronic device. I suppose that this is what holds the barrel on target so the tank can fire while still moving as that gizmo is holding the target in the sights.
  16. You hear about the good and even fun times but like Mark says not all of them were so good and fun on the day they happened. Some of them became better later and some will never make that grade. Nothing will ever change the impact of hauling a guy you saw in the chow line that morning or last night and know that you will be hosing his blood out of the cabin as soon as you get time. Sorry for the gloom, but that is the stuff that is better left to read about somewhere than to wish you had experienced personally. Enough said, OUT. Now, answer me if you can, and I suspect you can. What are the lines at the rear of the canopy? They look like range markings of some sort. (Or vertical defroster ribbons like on the back window of my car😁)
  17. I know as one of the proud owners of one of Haze's fantastic ships that it does take him years to build them. It just takes that long mostly on the computer before it is possible to make plastic dust! They not only have incredible accuracy to the prototype but he has gone to considerable engineering effort in designing the attachment points and mounting areas that are needed to make the model. HG The more you get done on this the more I like the ascetics of the ship. The real ship may have had its issues, but it still has a certain flow to it that is pleasing to look at. Kind of like a ship of the line. Slow and cumbersome in real life, but still possessing a grace and majesty and presence beyond the pure functional.
  18. Do you know what weapons they are using on the drones Mark? I thought they were mostly bombs and missiles. I was also under the understanding that at first they were highly effective but as the Russians have increased their air defense and EW presence they are being shot down much more often and losses are compounding. It is my understanding that the newer A-10s have a much better stand off ability.
  19. Amazing work, at least to me, considering source material you are working from. And it is also amazing that you have accompliched so much while undergoing surgery, COVID, and bronchitis/ sleep deprivation. I hope things get a little better health wise and a little easier building wise.
  20. I suspect that may be a bit of an undestatment. I still miss doing a leasurly100kts almost close enough to the trees to grab leaves. And that was 40 years ago! I don't think that is even lift off speed for an F-4. Other than one being somewhat out of focus on my computer the two finishes look pretty much the same to me. Possibly if you place them both vertically in the picture so that they have the same focal length at some point the compairson would be easier or more reliable.
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