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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. I use yellow cedar for my decks as it more closely represents a hollystoned deck. I asked a while back why modelers chose Holly for decking as it was just way to white.
  2. I leave very short tails and then add coils made on a jig later. I have used one on every pin and to tell the truth dependent on scale it can look really crowded. We as modelers always try to make things neat and tidy when the real world is more haphazard and crowded.
  3. I would most definetly buy the Pegasus kit. It would be great if it came in two wood selection lists (1) bargin requires painting/stain to finish and (2) quality high end wood that requires only poly but has contrast. The Pegasus really interest me while the others two don’t, just not a fishing/trade craft guy.
  4. John it is a great model and you’ll enjoy it.
  5. HMS Fly! WOW you are jumping right in. Enjoy and welcome aboard
  6. There is a link in KenW Rattlesnake Build to a 30 page article on how to make and rig furled sails. I have a copy but can’t figure out how to post it. I used "William Blackmore" <robo612@earthlink.net> To make my sails. Did a great job at reasonable price.
  7. That is a little scary. Watched some You Tube video and the Q-tip started smoking when CA was added, a lot of CA. There was also a video of a Chemist using a Temperature probe that showed not all CA does this as some have an inhibitor in the formula .
  8. Music and Modeling go hand in hand. I am more of an old school rock and roll vintage equipment guy. I like the lines on your build.
  9. Well if you are going to have a problem that is the one to have. I have to finish my Syren then the Essex then the Barge so I got time.
  10. Hawse Pipe. I found it easier just to purchase the copper gudgeons from MS.
  11. I hated the shiny copper look myself. I thought about painting but went with the patina. Yours looks great.
  12. That is a very nice jig. Does a great job. How did you make it?
  13. The term goat locker takes its origins from wooden ship sailing times, when goats were kept aboard ship. The goat was used for its ability to consume nearly all forms of refuse, and produce milk for the crew. The quarters for the goat were traditionally in the chief petty officer mess, which inherited the moniker "goat locker". In modern times, 'goat locker' represents any gathering place, on- or off-ship, where chief petty officers hold private functions.
  14. Floyd have you thought about using a CNC machine to cut the Quarter Badges out of wood? Copy them, clean them up and cut them out of some nice Maple, Teak or Sapele. Now that would be a big improvement over what is supplied in the kit. Every time I blacken something it just comes off during handling. Look forward to seeing you.
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