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Jim Rogers

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Ehhhhhhhh, Welcome to the happy world of Ship modeling.
  2. What Grant said. And while you are at it get Chuck’s blocks. There is no comparasion between kit blocks and Chuck’s blocks.
  3. What’s the native language of the manufacturer? Probably abbreviations in the Native language. But that is just a guess.
  4. Like your gundeck jig idea. How do you plan on using it? Planking is looking great.
  5. On the left is a Floss threader, in the middle a 3mm(1/8) Syren Block, on the right a needle threader.
  6. Small blocks are a pain. I hold them with needle nose pliers, turn on my lighted magnifier and drill the little buggers out. Probably ruin 1 in 10. Then stiffen with CA and viola done. I have had very little luck using a needle threader on such small blocks. If you can’t get a single line through how can you get a doubled line and doubled metal of the threader through? I have ruined many a threader this way as they will pull apart. Also upgrade to a quality block. The holes are much more uniform and makes drilling and rigging much easier.
  7. Look for this thread : Miniature Russian carving tools
  8. Antony I really like the look of the deck and railings. Great job!
  9. Most highly recommend Syren Ship Company for rope and blocks. He also carries great deadeyes BUT you need to assemble them your self and I would wait on that. Age of sails has the remainder of the fittings you will need. All that being said you should think about getting the Phantom starter kit from Modelexpo as it comes with the required tools and a reference book. Good luck and enjoy. The above parts recommendation can be used for any kit you get as after market fittings are usually ten times better than what is in the box. What some of these companies refer to as blocks is downright freaking laughable and the Syren blocks are the best on the market.
  10. Make sure you stiffen the notches in the bulkheads with super glue as this is also a problem area. I used styrene strips and these worked as I believe your laminated balsa strips will also.
  11. Wefalck you are so correct when it comes to so called “professional movers”.Being in the Navy for 25 years and moving several times your statement is 100% spot on. In most cases like this you are better off with a road trip yourself.
  12. Welcome Richard. What I do for threading blocks is drill them out a little and then stiffen the end of the thread with CA, aka Superglue, and use it as a needle. You will become and expert in a short time.
  13. I could not find them either so I just made them. Basically just a straight piece of wood cut to length Glad the coppering jig worked out for you.
  14. Make a transport foam hull hugging cushion with sufficient space to secure in back seat so none of the masts hit anything.
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