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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Like Svien I basically build a solid hull. This does a couple of things IMO it makes fairing easier as you are sanding a solid hull AND it provides a completely solid base for deck planking allowing a good spacing pattern.
  2. Tom I agree that MS hull yellow looks more like a wood tan. I think I would tone down the testers a tad and use it. Your build is looking great by the way.
  3. Most frustrating kit in the world.....burned four of them and called “ No Mas” on the basswood. Here is the secret....dump the basswood and get syrene plastic strips the same size. Bends easy.
  4. Numbered Collectors Series with Authenticity papers signed by Chuck. And the price of poker just went up. Just kidding.
  5. I am assuming one end is chocked up in the drill and they other end is free in the air and there in lies the problem WOBBLE. As you move out towards the thin end your yard is bending and a wobble is developing to the point the yard shatters. You need to design a jig which holds the drill on one end and centers and holds your stock at the other end. You could use a wood screw that you could tighten your stock and Inwould have the drill on some kind of rail system that could accomadate different lengths. Should solve your issue.
  6. She is looking real good Tom. I love her lines and your build has inspired me to add this to my ever growing pile. Keep up the good work
  7. I sometimes also get a funky start. What I do is start with an over hand knot and run about 1/8 of CA, then serve. At the end I run an 1/8 of CA. I remove and cut off the overhand knot. Also screw mine down to my bench because the clamps annoyed me. Love my machine.
  8. And working on my 1/8 and 3/32 Blocks......right😎🤗😇
  9. Welcome aboard Jorge. Hull planking looks great.
  10. I use my Shopsmith but I know that lathes designed for pen turning are small enough.
  11. From their website: “Historically accurate colors that have been specially formulated for wooden models! High quality acrylic based paints can be thinned with water, thinner or alcohol. They clean up easily with water, making them ideal for airbrush use. Brushed or sprayed, paints dry flat with good grain structure and smooth finish.” so I am thinking water.
  12. I feel your pain. I have been waiting for 1/8 and 3/32 blocks for well over a month. I am also getting a Anchor Kit in a smaller scale.
  13. Welcome aboard. I believe there are a couple of build logs on the site for the King of the Mississippi that should be quite helpful.
  14. I used a spot of CA and glued the flat end down on the carronades so you have a flat area to mount to the sleds. I see absolutely no reason to worry about the hole. I guess you could put some 28 gauge wire through but why? You would never see it. How do you like those deadeyes?
  15. Very nice Chuck. As soon as you market this I am getting one.
  16. I would not as the proper way to apply is to dab it on with a cloth in a circular motion. This is where the term French Polish comes from.
  17. Just a fancy name for shellac. A pale “French Polish” is a Blonde Shellac. Love using it on Furniture. The thing about shellac is you can add coats and the finish gets a deeper look. It also dries quickly and it can be removed with alcohol.
  18. My benchmark for how my ships look is simple... If the Admiral likes it it is all good.
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